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I was at home, laying on the couch completely bored and annoyed with myself.
I ordered Chinese so I was waiting for my food while watching The Flash.
I just started the first four episodes yesterday so I wasn't really far but I still shipped Barry and Caitlin so much.
They just seemed perfect for each other.
They had the chemistry and they cared for one another.

The doorbell rung so I quickly got off the couch and opened the door with a big smile on my face, expecting the delivery man but in front of me was Harvey with no food in his hands but a cute puppy next to him.

I made a strange noise quickly falling on my knees to pet the dog.

"Well hello there cutie.",I smiled big as I ran my fingers through his fluffy fur.

"So I'm cute now thanks.",the cocky boy I wasn't really fond of spoke.

I rolled my eyes.
"Oh I didn't see you there.",I replied sarcastically.

"Why are you here?",I asked him letting him in.

"Well I was walking with Ted and I thought you weren't home but I went to check anyways and I see that you lied to us because here you are, not at your aunts house.",he smirked, he knew that I lied from the first second I opened my mouth to form an excuse.

"I didn't lie but my parents had to work so we cancelled it.",I lied again.

We sat down on the couch, his dog Ted on my lap.

I love dogs.

They're so precious but I sadly never had one.
"I love your dog.",I changed the subject.
"I can see it.",he chuckled.

"Why did you name him Ted.",I asked him.
"Well his name is actually Teddy but I use Ted a lot.",he shrugged.

"That's a cute name.Can I have him?",I asked all serious but he just laughed.
"I'm serious."

"No.",he simply replied.

"At least I tried.",I mumbled as the doorbell rung once again.

Finally the delivery man came with my food, so I paid him and walked back to Ted and Harvey.
Harvey was petting Ted as he was wagging his tail.
The scene in front of me was really cute.

"I didn't know you would barge in.",I implied to him ringing at my door.
"So I didn't get you anything but you can have some of my food if you want.",I told him.

"Appreciate and take the offer because I don't do this often.",I told him bluntly as he chuckled.

"Alright thank you princess.",he winked.
"Yeah yeah.",I rolled my eyes.

We ate in silence watching The Flash, Harvey and I were sometimes even commenting the scene that was happening on the show and then we would end up arguing but all in all it was actually a nice evening.Ted was the cutest dog on earth and he cuddled with me a lot which made me happy.

Harvey and I got closer in a weird way because we talked about the most random stuff but he thankfully didn't ask me about why I was lying.

But I knew that he wanted something in return so he wouldn't let me off so easily.

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