sesenta y siete

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"Why are we going to another party?The last time was horrible!",I groaned searching through my closet.

"Because I do not want to let the boys be on their own!They are good looking boys and I'm sure some chick is going to steal my man from me if I don't barge in!",Mar yelled through the phone.

"Well aren't you an overprotective girlfriend.",I mumbled but she heard it anyways.

"Shut up.Are you like not worrying at all?",Mar asked confused.

"No I trust Harvey and I'm sure there are going to be chicks who will even with me by his side still flirt.They do not care if he has a girlfriend or not, they just want that one thing.",I rolled my eyes disgusted by these type of people.

"Well you aren't helping at all.",she sighed.

"Calm down Mar, Jamie loves you and I know him.He wouldn't do such thing to you.",I told her with pure honesty in my voice.

"Yeah but you just said yourself that the girls are the problem and not the boys!",she was yelling by now.

"Oh my god calm down Mar.Breathe.Yeah but if a girl flirts with Jamie you'll be there to stop her and at the end you wouldn't be mad at Jamie right?",I asked sighing.

"I wouldn't be mad at him no, I mean if he doesn't do anything why would I be mad.",she said quietly.

"Exactly.Now get changed, I need to take a shower.I'll see you later, don't worry hun.",I ended the call and went to the bathroom.

Mar was worrying too much and she almost made me as nervous as she was.That's why a shower was the perfect solution, it would take all the stress and calm me a little down.


I was finally ready, I took my purse and walked downstairs

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I was finally ready, I took my purse and walked downstairs.Harvey wanted to pick me up, he told me he wouldn't drink tonight.I wasn't so sure if he was going to drink or not but either way the party wasn't far away so we could walk in the worst case.


"Hey princess.",Harvey stood in front of my door with a big smile on his face.
He looked extremely good, he walked closer to me so I thought he wanted to walk in but he chuckled and put his hands on my waist.

His face inched closer, I could feel his hot breath on my lips making me all tingly inside.His soft lips collided with mine, making me instantly forget about everything that's been going on.It was a heated make out session that no one really planned, it felt special.

"You look hot princess.",he looked into my eyes, adoration written all over his beautiful face.

"Thank you!You do not look bad yourself cocky boy.",I gave him a wink as he groaned.

"Let's go before I change my mind.",he took my hand in his and intertwined them together.

I closed the door and smirked:
"Change your mind on what?To not go to the party because I'm just so irresistible or to not be by my side because I just called you cocky boy?"

"I'm tempted to stay with you at your house but your nickname for me is making me go insane.",he shook his head opening the car door for me.

"Don't be upset love, you know I adore messing with you!",I kissed his cheek before entering his car.
He seemed content with my answer because after he also entered his car, a big smile was visible on his face.


"I bet you 5 bucks that Colbain will make out with a girl when we arrive.",Harvey said out of nowhere.

"Oh my god no way!He is super sweet, but I feel like it's so hard for him to get a girl.Not because he's ugly or anything, he's super attractive-",I spoke as Harvey glanced at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Babe- I'm getting jealous so I'd advise you to stop talking about other boys like that, especially my best friends!",I chuckled.
"I meant that he's sometimes a little slow that's all I wanted to say.And girls do not like boys who are well...slow.",I tried to rephrase it but I couldn't.

I loved Colbain as a friend really, but sometimes he gave the stupidest answers out of all of us.
And the girls that I know do not love stupid boys, he's a really sweet guy and I'm sure he'll find his real love soon but he needs to finish his education first.

I don't wanna sound rude in any way but it was the truth, Harvey knows it, I know it and our entire group knows it too.

"I know what you mean but believe me when I say that he can actually be really smart when he wants to.It doesn't happen often but if he wants to attract a girl he has his ways.",he wiggled his eyebrows making me scrunch up my nose in disgust.

"Let's not talk about this subject anymore, thank you.And yeah let's bet, I'm in.",we intertwined our pinky's, our heads leaned in closer and closer until we kissed.

It was like a pact between us two, personal and romantic.


[a/n: finally another chapter I'm super sorry I was really busy these last few days but the party is gonna be a night to remember I promise you that!Please vote and comment if you liked the chapter!💛I get so excited reading all your comments🌻]

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