cuarenta y ocho

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"Where are we going Harvey?",I asked as he walked through the halls.

"You've a free period right?",he asked instead of answering my question.
"Yeah why are you asking?",I was confused.

His hand was holding mine firmly in his and suddenly the destination didn't seem to matter to me at all.

"I wanna show you something come on or I'll be late.",he smiled.

Late?Late for what?

He opened a door, a teacher was sitting in the front writing something on a paper.She seemed concentrated, there were a few students sitting on their seat while Harvey dragged me to the teacher.
She looked up and smiled widely.
"Harvey hello who is your lovely friend?",she asked happily.

"Hello Mrs. Lennington this is Gravity, I was hoping she could join today's lesson so I could show her what we're doing here.",he asked hopefully.

"Of course everyone is welcome to join, sit down we're gonna start soon.",she smiled as he nodded.
I've never seen him talk to a teacher this nicely, he was always either rude or made funny remarks about them because they couldn't bear him and he didn't like them either.

We sat down and he took a small book out of his bag.
"I didn't know you could be actually nice to your teachers.",I whispered slightly grinning afterwards.

"Mrs. Lennington is my favorite teacher, she is my music teacher and she's the only one who wants to help me.She believes in me....she's the only teacher I really trust.",he spoke quietly.

My eyes were wide in shock.

I didn't know that but Harvey was right... there was a lot of stuff I didn't know about him.


"So class as you guys know your homework was to work on something for the next weeks contest.If you're lucky enough there'll be highly regarded people from record labels and maybe they'll be interested in you if you take your chance.That is why we're working on this for so long I want you guys to show them how talented you are and what a musical ability you have!Everyone who attends this contest will have a chance to perform, there'll be a winner of the contest which the teachers, me included and a few students will select.Of course you can also invite your parents and friends, everyone is welcome!I believe in you guys, just do your best and you'll be fine.", she smiled at the end.

Wow!Why didn't he tell us?I mean he probably knew this for weeks now and he didn't open his mouth to tell us that there was a contest.

"Harvey tell me did you finish your song?",Mrs. Lennington came up to him while everyone started working on their stuff.

"Yes I actually wrote another one and I think this is really the one.",he smiled as he showed her his book.
I was curious but I didn't budge from my seat because I didn't want to interrupt their talk.

"Harvey this is amazing I love it!",she gushed as he grinned widely.

You could see how much it meant to him, he really loves music.

"Thank you so much I hope the record labels will love it too.",he chuckled.

"I'm sure they will, you are so talented.",she said as she stood up and wandered around to see what the other students have.

"I see why you like her.",I giggled.
"She motivates me a lot.",he told me as I nodded.

"Why didn't you tell us about the contest?",I asked him confused.

"No one knows that I sing but you Gravity.They would probably laugh at me.",he answered.
"Harvey god no!They are your friends!They will support you in no matter what and they will cheer for you.You just have to tell them!They will be happy and proud to see you perform.",I told him smiling slightly.

"I think it's better if I don't tell them.",he said and changed the subject.

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