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To say that my life changed after reading the letter would be a lie but also the truth at the same time.

I was utterly heartbroken after reading it, I knew that he would let go of us that easily.

I knew it.

He was just waiting for me to break up with him so he wouldn't hurt me but it was too late.I was already hurt, so hurt I didn't know what to believe after reading the damn paper.

I wasn't the only one who received a message from Harvey, our entire group did.
Mar was sad because she had no clue he'd leave, I mean she told me that he was there a few days ago and he had the nerve to keep the big news all to himself.

Colbain was really down since it was one of his best friends that left without really saying goodbye and Seth and Jamie were the most heartbroken of them all.
Seth knew that there was something off and he blames himself that he left even though he didn't do anything wrong.He believes if he pressured him enough he would've told him everything but after all it was never his fault.
It was Harvey's own decision and we have to deal with it.

Jamie on the other hand was completely devastated that his best friend left to another country leaving him without really saying goodbye or explaining his intentions.

We were all angry besides Jamie who tried to reason Harvey's decision.He was his best friend after all, I understand why he's still on his side but I'm not gonna change my opinion anytime soon.I thought it was a stupid decision and it made him seem like a scared wimp.I'm happy that he's fulfilling his dreams but he could've at least explained it to us face to face.

We all graduated, our prom night was good, I just knew that he was missing and it annoyed the hell out of me.Seth and Colbain were my 'dates' they were super cute to me and even though they felt obligated to stay by my side 24/7 I assured them that they could dance with other people too.

Colbain wanted to invite Lotus but her prom night was on the same day so he stayed with us dancing every now and then.It was a fun night but we all couldn't enjoy it as much as we wanted to.Harvey didn't text any of us, I believe he changed his number because Jamie told us that he tried calling and texting but he never picked up and one day the number wasn't available at all.

Jamie suffered a lot but Mar was an amazing girlfriend helping him out and staying by his side.
They were really cute together at prom, I wish I had the same with him but it was too late now.

Mom was already three months pregnant and I was helping out in the house a lot, I cooked for us, cleaned the house and helped my mom to relax every now and then.

Today was the day we were saying our goodbyes to two of our best friends, Jamie and Seth.

Jamie was going to an university in Canada and Seth was going to an university in New York which was absolutely crazy if you ask me but they got accepted and I'm happy for them.It's really far and I'm scared because I'm not sure if Mar can take such a big distance.But Jamie was determined to go there since the beginning, he was in love with Canada and I mean if you get an opportunity I would take it too....just like Harvey did.

Colbain, Mar, Lo and I were going to an university that was close to our city, it's pretty cool because I still have my friends with me.Some of them were leaving, yes but the other handful of them was going to spend their time with me together in university and I was really happy about that.

"I will miss you goofball!",I cried in Jamie's chest, he was hugging me tightly a sad smile on his face.

"I will miss you too drama queen.",he laughed hugging me even tighter than before.
"Promise me you will take good care of my precious girlfriend over there.",he cracked a smile looking at Mar who was a complete mess.

"Promise you will call me and please don't forget me.Don't push me away like he did.",I whispered the last part, tears escaping my eyes.

"I will never forget your crazy ass.",he tried to make me smile, in which he succeeded.

"I love you dumbass.",I told him pulling away.
"Love you too Gravity.",his sad eyes gave him away.
It was Mar's turn, so I quickly turned to Seth to say my goodbyes so they would have some privacy.

"Hey you.",I smiled.
"Hey pretty lady.",he used my old nickname, it triggered something causing tears to fall down like a waterfall.
"Oh my god.", he laughed lightly giving me a bear hug.
"I will miss you the most.",he whispered in my ear.
"Hey I heard that!",Colbain yelled causing a chuckle to escape my lips.

"I will miss you too!I mean we always talked about everything and now you're going to New York, if you become a millionaire I swear to god Seth I want a dog for Christmas.",I joked around.

He laughed and looked me in the eyes.
"I'll get you ten I promise!", I was only joking while Seth was completely serious and sincere but I didn't know that during that time.

"I love you, please come and visit us.",I told him smiling lightly.

"I love you!And I will, I'll call you when I arrive.",he replied making me nod satisfied with his answer.

It's funny how just a few months ago I started a new life, a new me, a better me, I'm finally myself and confident as ever and I'm happy I got to go through this new beginning with my old and my new family.
My parents were getting another child, I was getting a sibling!!!!
And I had a little new family of my own, our group was the new family.I trusted them with my entire heart and I was happy to have every single one of them by my side.I'm happy I got to meet Harvey even though he's gone now but I will never forget those beautiful memories.

Every single one of them will stay in my heart, doesn't matter if I'll ever see them again or not I love them and they were the first people who liked me for who I am and not for something I'm not.

I love Harvey and maybe to him I was just a song, some lyrics that made him realize what his future was but to me he was much more.

He was my angel that helped me in my new life and lifted me up, he was the person that made me laugh when no one could and he was the guy I'd call cocky just because I loved playing with him.He wasn't cocky at all, at the beginning maybe...but after seeing him for months I finally realized that he was the sweetest, kindest and purest human I've ever met.

God I love him so fucking much it hurts me he's gone but I believe you gotta let the people you love go, and maybe one day they're gonna come back to you.

Who knows maybe he'll come back one day?


[This is actually it I'm crying this is the end of this beautiful book, my little baby.I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I did writing it!
I am happy to announce that this isn't the complete end of the book because well yes you guessed right there will be a sequel!!!!
And lemme tell you some of you might not be happy about the changes I've done but it's a part of the book and I hope you'll embrace it kindly.
Thank you so so much for every single reader, every single vote and all of your beautiful comments!!!!! I read them all!They made me the happiest, I honestly love reading your comments they make me so fucking happy I kid you not!
Till next time, follow me if you wanna stay updated, don't worry I'll post the new release on here too, i love you💛🌻]

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