cuarenta y nueve

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"Hey Gravity do you wanna hang out today at my house?We can play with Ted and watch movies.",he asked, his beautiful smile making it hard for me to think.

"Sure you know that I love Teddy!",I giggled.

"Perfect, does 3pm sound good?",he asked me as we walked down the halls of our school.

"Yes!Alrighty see you later then Harvey!",I waved and we parted our ways.

I ate my moms lasagna from yesterday and did my homework before taking a quick shower and changing into new clothes.

I closed the door and took the bus to Harvey's street, I was a little nervous because of everything that happened and I didn't know how to behave in front of him

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I closed the door and took the bus to Harvey's street, I was a little nervous because of everything that happened and I didn't know how to behave in front of him.


"Hey princess!",he grinned hugging me tightly.
"Hey Harvey!",I smiled hugging him back.

Oh my god he smells so good!

Ted ran up to me, waving his tail happily causing a laugh to escape my lips.

"Teddy hi how are you my little one!",I said excitedly, grinning widely.

I patted his head taking him with me.
"I honestly love your dog so much.",I spoke on the verge of tears.
"Are you crying?",he asked amused as we sat down on his couch.

"No.",I denied while he chuckled.
"You're unbelievable."
"I just love dogs that's all.",I watched Ted as he walked to Harvey barking happily.

This dog was pure happiness.
I couldn't stop smiling.

"I can see that.",he mumbled but I heard him anyways.

"Alright so I thought we could watch a movie first and later go out for a walk with Ted if you want.",he explained as I nodded.

Suddenly the door bell rung causing Harvey to get nervous.I was confused as to why he would be nervous but I didn't think much of it I just kept playing with Teddy.

"I'll be right back.",he answered and ran towards the door.

I heard voices, lots of familiar voices and then it hit me.
My eyes widened as Jamie,Seth,Colbain and Marina stood in front of me.I stood up abruptly, my heart was beating uncontrollably fast and tears were welling up in my eyes.

"Gravity.",Marina whispered.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't know you guys would be here.",I stuttered.
"I think- I think I should go.",I panicked and packed my bag heading towards the door but Harvey stopped me mid way.

"No you two will talk it out right now.You love each other and you care for each other so stop being so stubborn and talk!",Harvey yelled taking Marinas and my hand pulling us towards his kitchen.

"I will let you guys out when you're done but until then have fun.",he smiled and closed the kitchen door locking it instantly.

"Hi.",I said quietly slowly looking into her eyes.

"Hey.",she fiddled with her fingers.

"Look I'm truly sorry for my behavior.It was wrong from me and I understand why you're mad at me but I need to explain it to you before you decide to hate me forever.As you know I moved here and before moving to LA I was in Arizona.And I didn't just move because of my parents but also because of my past.My past was tough and I can't forget it.It was horrible and that's why we moved.My parents moved because of me and not the other way around.It's not that I never trusted you or anything but I have trust issues and I do not like to share my past at all.My past is something I want to forget but can't if it follows me everywhere.I will probably tell you one day when I'm ready and fully trusting you but you have to understand that it's really hard for me and I'm trying my best to be a good friend that's why I'm truly sorry for being such a bad one these days.",I ranted.

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