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I ate at home and changed into something different before once again leaving the house.

I ate at home and changed into something different before once again leaving the house

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"Hey Mar!",I waved excitedly.

She smiled and walked up to me still unsure if she should hug me or not.I hugged her taking her by surprise.
"Alright Mar let's go shopping!",I linked my right arm to her left one and together we walked into different shops talking about everything.


"Tell me Mar why do you think of yourself as a loser?",my eyebrows were furrowed,while she looked through the clothes of forever 21.

"You don't know the school like I do Gravity,it's really tough.I was actually a popular kid but everything changed.I was best friends with Pricilla,she's the cheerleader in our school and obsessed with Harvey's group,well actually with Harvey,but to him she's just a toy he can play with.Two years ago Harvey was trying to get into my pants and Pricilla didn't like that at all so she ended the friendship and made my life a living hell.She spread rumors,telling everyone that I was a whore and that I would sleep with everyone,she did everything to make my life miserable.No one wanted to be friends nor even seen with me and well after a year it cooled off and she left me alone but still no one wants to be friends with me.",she explained her horrific story to me,my eyes were opened wide in shock.

"But now you have me and Jamie!",I nudged her,a smile formed on her face.
"I'm very thankful for you,I still don't understand why you wanted to be friends with me."
"I loved your shirt and a girl who loves the power puff girls is destined to be friends with me.",I grinned.

"Plus you are gorgeous and I wanted to get to know you better!",I said.

"I'm no where gorgeous,look at you Gravity!I would die for a body like yours.",I rolled my eyes as we exited the shop.

"Shut up you are beautiful as you are."
"Just look at me.",she sighed.
"Yes and I see a beautiful girl!",I told her.
"Thank you but you don't have to say that just because we're friends."

"I'm not just saying it because we're friends, now listen to me Marina!",I almost yelled.
"I think you are a very beautiful girl but you're too afraid to show it and that's why you sometimes dress a little less 'sexy'.",I tried to explain it to her.

"Do you want to change Mar?",I asked her.
"What do you mean?"
"Do you want to wear sexier clothes and look sexier?Do you want to do a make over?Because girl you are beautiful and maybe a make over is all that you need for you to change your mind.",I told her.

She thought about it for a minute.
"You don't have to decide right away Mar,do you wanna get something to drink?",I asked her,she nodded thankful.
Together we walked to a cute little smoothie shop at the mall and ordered our drinks.

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