treinta y ocho

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"Hey princess!",Harvey was about to walk up to me but I stopped him with my hand as I stood up.
He looked confused but when Roven arrived his head shot to his direction making the rose fall down on the table.
"Roven?What are you doing here?",he asked confused but the shock was written all over his face.

"I've a date with Gravity,I guess I won.",he said the last part quietly but I heard him anyways.
"Both of you sit down.",I spoke sternly, pointing to the seat across from me.

Harvey wanted to sit beside me but I denied it.
"Now I want you two to explain why the fuck you think it's alright to make a deal.A deal, where the girl aka me is being used like a freaking puppet.Who the fuck told you that it was okay to use women like that?!You two are sick!I want an explanation now and if you don't give me one I'll make your life a fucking hell believe me I will!",I threatened both, they only nodded.
Roven was bored, he didn't care at all while Harvey seemed to be sad as if he regretted his decision.

Now it's too late Mister.

"Start talking.",I ordered, my eyes were boring themselves into theirs, making both shift uncomfortably in their seats.

"Who started the deal?",I asked after neither of the two opened their mouth.

"Roven and I make these deals often.",Harvey answered.

"So you always use women like that?",I asked angrily while Roven nodded smirking proudly.

"There's nothing to be proud of you fucking prick have some respect.",I snapped, he rolled his eyes about to leave but I beat him to it.

I took him by his shirt and whispered in front of him while glaring holes into his face:
"If you leave now, you'll wish you never met me Roven."

Harvey tugged him towards his seat making him groan loudly.

I swear to god I'm so close to punch him in the eye.

"Roven and I have these deals and when you came to our school both of us were interested in you.So we made the bet,I had three weeks to get you to sleep with me or I'd lose and I never lost before-",Harvey began but I interrupted him mid sentence.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I bet it's super hard for someone like you to lose for the very first time in your life.",I playfully pouted at him but rolled my eyes right afterwards.

"I can't believe you.",I spat.

"I thought we were friends.",I shook my head at him.
"We are!",he almost yelled.
"We were, past tense.",I informed him as he nodded hanging his head low.

"As I started to get to know you better I actually started to like you Gravity.I really do like you and I know it's stupid to say it now but I really like you more than a friend.",he answered.

"You broke my trust Harvey!Trust is very important to me and you played me!You used me!You made me like you just so you could dump me in the trash right after you fucking took what you wanted!You think you can get anything but you're wrong.You're a self centered prick that loves himself and himself only, you only work to satisfy your needs.Gosh what the fuck is wrong with you!",I groaned, close to tears but I held them back.

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