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"Mar you look amazing!",I gasped happily

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"Mar you look amazing!",I gasped happily.
"Thank you!",she smiled and hugged me tightly.
"I feel so much better and more confident!I really needed this thank you Gravity!"
"You're welcome Mar I'm happy that you finally feel comfortable in your own body.",I grinned.
After the long shopping day we separated our ways and went home,I was really exhausted and needed rest,so I took a quick shower before heading to bed.


The next day I changed into some clothes and repeated my morning routine,which consisted of brushing my teeth,eating and well getting ready for school.

The next day I changed into some clothes and repeated my morning routine,which consisted of brushing my teeth,eating and well getting ready for school

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I put my hair into two space buns before walking out of my house.
As I arrived at school I saw Mar walking out of her car, a big smile on her face.
People were looking at her,eyes wide while whispering who this new girl might be.
If they would know that this was Marina they would completely freak out.
I walked up to her and hugged her.

"Girl you look stunning!",I smiled

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"Girl you look stunning!",I smiled.
"You too!",she winked as we laughed.
"They can't stop talking about who you are.",I giggled.
"I can't wait to finally see Pricilla's face.",she grinned.
"You have to show me who that girl is.",I told her.

"A bitch,you can not unsee her to be honest.",she mumbled as I laughed loudly.
"She's wearing a little amount of clothes,very revealing and almost 24/7 with Harvey or her minions.",she explained while we walked into the school.
I nodded.

"Jamie heyyy!",I yelled,he was at his locker stuffing his books in his bag but my yelling startled him a little so his books almost fell down on the ground.
Mar quickly went up to him to help him out since he was struggling with the books while I chuckled.
"Thanks.",Jamie said as he looked up,his eyes went wide and he started stuttering.


Someone has a crush.

"Mar?",Jamie asked baffled.
"Yes that's me.",she giggled.
"Wow.You look, wow, I mean it's not like you didn't look wow before but wow you are-holy shit-",Jamie stuttered while Mar started blushing.

You two are so into each other damn.

"I think you want to say that Mar looks very beautiful even though she looked pretty before am I right my friend?",I asked him,he only nodded unable to say anything else.
"Thank you.",Mar's face resembled a tomato.


I went to my locker while the two love birds kept talking at Jamie's locker.
I was truly happy for Mar,she deserved it.
"You're a really good friend princess you know that right?",cocky boy put his arm around me causing a groan to escape my lips.
"Can you leave me alone!",I snapped.

"Why princess, do I make you nervous?",he smirked getting even closer.
"No you make me wanna puke to be honest.",I crossed my arms and arched an eyebrow.

"Why are you trying so hard to hate me?",his smirk never leaving.
"One day you'll be mine and you'll be begging on your knees for me to kiss you.",he whispered in my ear,shivers running down my spine.

"One day you'll be on your knees begging me to love you.",I whispered back,my finger was tracing down his jaw,down to his neck,he was tense.

"I'm gonna break you pretty boy,just like you did with all these girls.",I winked at him as I walked to class confident as ever.

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