treinta y uno

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We were actually really good, Colbain did his best and helped out really well!Jamie was shocked due to me actually being somewhat good.During our game, Mar arrived and sat beside Seth, he explained everything to her while she watched our game intensely.

Colbain had the basketball in his hands and I tried to get space, so he could pass me the ball but Harvey was making it hard for me.Suddenly he held my waist firmly pulling me towards him.

"Hey!",I yelled annoyed.

He started kissing my neck, I was shocked.
He tried to distract me!

"Harvey you're not playing fair!",I screamed trying to get out of his tight grip but it was useless.

I started giggling.
"You guys suck!",I laughed loudly.

"No we're just smart.",Harvey winked.

So you wanna play?
Alrighty let's play my way.

Harvey took my arm but I yanked it away and fell on the ground screaming loudly.

Bitch you think you're smart?
I'm smarter.

"Ouch!Harvey what the hell?Why did you push me!",I cried, small tears were falling down my face.

"Bro what the fuck?!I told you to hold her not hurt her!"Jamie yelled.
"Ha!There you just admitted it!You guys loose!We win!",Colbain yelled excitedly.
I stand up and high five him while Jamie and Harvey look dumbfounded.

"That was acting what you just saw.We are smarter, better and winners.",I told them smirking widely.

"That was not real?",Jamie asked perplexed as I shook my head.

"Nope all fake.",I giggled as we walked towards Seth and Mar who were grinning at us.

"Good Job girl!",Mar gave me a high five.

"I can't believe you played me like this.",Jamie went to Mar hugging her tightly almost close to tears.

"It's okay hun it'll get better.",Mar giggled hugging him.


"What are you guys doing today?",I asked munching on my bread.It was finally Friday and we were eating in the cafeteria, just a few more hours and then we're free!

"Mar and I are going on a date.",Jamie smiled while Mar blushed.

"Wanna meet at my place again?",Seth asked as we all nodded.
Pricilla suddenly came to our table, her minions behind her.She walked up to Harvey who was eating a Pizza and sat down on his lap.His eyes widened, he started coughing while Pricilla kept touching him.

"Pricilla stop.",Harvey said nicely trying to push her off his lap but she didn't budge an inch.

"It's okay baby I missed you too!",she giggled making me almost puke on my food.

She started kissing him on the cheek and almost on the lips but he pushed her off his lap and she fell on her butt.
Colbain and I looked at each other, he snorted which turned into fits of giggles.We were almost crying of laughter,I could barely breathe.

"Ugh!I will get you Bitch I promise!",Pricilla threatened but I just shrugged.

"I don't care.Now leave.",I told her, she groaned and left with her minions waddling behind.

We also stood up because lunch was over and we had classes again.I took my bag and was about to leave when Harvey took me by my waist preventing me from going anywhere.

"Hey whats up?",I smiled a little impatient because I didn't want to be late."

"Gravity I promise Pricilla and me didn't have anything after that one time you know.I didn't talk to her after our date, because I really like you.",he took my hands into his looking directly into my eyes.

It was hard for me to believe him, I didn't know what to say.

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