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Colbain was standing in front of me trying to hold in his laughter an innocent look in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry Gravity but I had to do it!",he laughed.

Jamie had still a shocked expression on his face.
"How could you do this?",Jamie asked me wiping the bread off his face.

"What do you mean how could I do this?Colbain scared the shit out of me and I reacted the same way you'd react too!I threw the bread in your face because I was scared and now that I'm finally able to breathe again I'll do this.",I told them and kicked Colbain in his right leg.

"Ouch Gravity!What the hell?!",he yelled in pain.

"Don't scare me ever like this again.",I warned him.
"You owe me my breakfast.",I told him turning around sitting back next to Seth.

What surprised me was that Colbain actually apologized and bought me a slice of pizza as an apology.I quickly forgave him and ate my beautiful breakfast.

Harvey seemed off today, he was staring at me a lot of times, saying nothing.
He barely talked and zoned off.

After school I said my goodbyes to Colbain, Seth, Mar and Jamie and went out.As I was walking, my eyes spotted Harvey in the back.I quickly ran towards him yelling his name, he turned around his eyebrows furrowed.He halted as I approached him.

"Hey you!",I smiled.
"Hey.",he mumbled nonchalantly.
"What's up with you?",I asked him worried.
"Nothing I'm fine.",he replied.

"nOtHiNg i'M fInE.",I mimicked rolling my eyes at him, a small smile crept on his face making me grin.

"Tell me.",I told him, taking his hand and dragging him towards a bench that was close to us.
We sat down and he was surprisingly still holding my hand in his, I was about to say something but he opened his mouth making me immediately silent.

"I can't forget what you told me in the car.And well maybe you're right.Maybe we should start and change the stereotypes.But it's hard for a badboy to do that Gravity.",he played with my hand making me nervous inside.

"I don't get it Harvey, you told me that you don't care yesterday and now you're scared that you're gonna lose your reputation.",I shook my head taking my hand out of his.He looked hurt for a second but it quickly changed to his cocky self.
"Well my reputation is important.",he smirked.
I was confused as to how he was always able to change from his nice self to the cocky boy I hate in a small matter of time.

"Why?Because fucking hoes is more important than helping people who have depression?!",I was now yelling, I stood up and left angrily.
I couldn't bare to be in his presence right now.

"Gravity!Wait!",he called but I ignored him.

"Don't talk to me.",I replied talking my phone out of my bag and putting my headphones in my ears.

He didn't bother to run up to me and I was glad he didn't because I wanted to be alone right now.

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