cincuenta y seis

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"Mom when are you deciding to take a break because of the baby?",I asked my mother as I took a bowl out of the cupboard, holding a spoon firmly in my other one.

"Oh I thought about taking a break when I've reached my eighth month honey.I already talked to my boss and she was super understanding.I talked to dad and we came to the decision that I'll take care of the baby for the first six months and dad will take care of the baby for the second half so it's equal.",she giggled.

"How was it during my time when I was a baby?",I asked curiously.
"Well you see that was completely different since dad was the one with the better job while I was still working on mine to get a higher position you know?So that's why I was mainly taking care of you and Dad did during the nights or when I wanted to relax for a while.You were a bubbly child honey it was hard to keep up with you.",I grinned laughing lightly.
"Dad always struggled to change your diapers since you wanted to play and not just lay around.You were so wild, full of life, we were never bored with you by our side.",she smiled touching my shoulder.

"If you ever feel like we're not paying enough attention to you, you just need to talk to us and-",she started but I stopped her instantly.

"Mom don't worry about that I understand that you'll give the baby more attention.I mean babies always need the attention and I'll probably be by her side 24/7 so don't worry everything will be alright.I'll help you as good as I can.",I kissed her cheek, standing up and putting the bowl into the sink.

"The baby is already a month old.",mom exclaimed proudly.

"I can't wait to have the baby in my arms and to cuddle forever.",I giggled hugging my mom.

It's Saturday and I decided to meet with Harvey because I wanted to know what happened yesterday with the manager and I wanted to tell him something important.

It's Saturday and I decided to meet with Harvey because I wanted to know what happened yesterday with the manager and I wanted to tell him something important

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"Teddy hii how are you my love!",I exclaimed happily walking to the pretty boy who was walking his cute dog.

"Wow I feel the love.",Harvey mumbled rolling his eyes as I giggled hugging him tightly.
"Hey cocky boy.",I whispered.
"Hey princess.",he whispered back looking into my eyes.We were very close due to us hugging before, I could feel his breath on my skin.

I turned around and we started walking, no one said a thing, both of us were stuck in our own thoughts.
It was such a beautiful day today, the sun was out and the sky was clear.

"You look gorgeous by the way.",Harvey rubbed his neck nervously as I smiled.
"Thank you Harvey."

"How was yesterday?We found out the guy is a manager?",I asked him as his eyes widened in shock.
"Damn you guys were quick.",he chuckled.
"Oh come on we were just curious and the Internet knows everything.",I shrugged.

"Okay true."

"So?",I asked impatiently.
"Soooo?",he asked back clearly playing with me.
I groaned.
"Gosh Harvey!What did you two talk about?!",I nearly yelled.
"Alright alright calm down miss I'll tell you.",he smirked.

"Unbelievable.",I mumbled shaking my head.
"What was that?",he grinned arching an eyebrow.
"Nothing now talk or I'll punch you in the face."
"I wish you were lying but me knowing you, you'd probably punch me whenever you had a chance to."
"Yes I would now talk and stop changing the subject!",I groaned.
"Alright so yesterday we went to the coffee shop and he introduced himself because well I didn't know this man besides his name which is really stupid if I think of it now.I mean he could've been a killer without me having a slight clue.",I laughed as we walked further to a park that was close to Harvey's house.

"He is the manager of the Alphadog Management and he told me that he really liked my voice.He said he sees potential in me and that I'll become a great star.I mean I know that managers are always saying that because they want your money but I feel like it could actually work out.He explained to me everything and we exchanged numbers.I told my parents right after yesterday and they are supporting me so much so we'll probably meet up with Blair soon and sign a contract.We will obviously talk it all through but I'm to 100% sure that I want it.",he explained.

"Oh my god Harvey that is amazing I am so happy for you!",I smiled as we sat down on a bench while Ted ran around making my smile grow.

[a/n: please vote ily guys🌻💛]

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