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"Where are we going Jamie?",Mar panicked as she saw that we weren't walking to our actual table.
I was also confused,so I turned my head to the smiling boy in front of me and put a hand on my hips signaling him to explain.

"Well I wanna hang out with ALL my friends so I decided it would be best if you just sit with us?",he pointed to the table full of bad boys laughing and eating their food.

"Oh hell naw byee.",I waved and began leaving but Jamie stopped me quickly,his right grip on my arm making me halt.
"Please Gravity.They are nice I promise!They just seem dangerous but they're actually pretty cool!Well the majority of them.",he mumbled the last part but I heard it anyways.

I shook my head rapidly but his pleading eyes made me sigh.
"Why are we friends again?",I questioned.
"Because you love me and I'm irresistible.",he flicked his imaginary long hair causing us all to laugh.

"Hey guys!",Jamie yelled to the boys,everyone looked up checking us all out.

Okay that's enough.

"Alright boys listen up, I know that we woman look attractive but keep your hormones to yourself thank you very much.",a boy opened his mouth but I already knew what he wanted to say.

"And no,I have a boyfriend.",I looked into his eyes while he just shrugged and kept eating.

I heard a faint laugh in the back of the table and it was of course Harvey.

I rolled my eyes.
"I like you,you are not afraid to speak your mind.",said a boy with black hair and blue eyes,he smiled up at me.
I smiled back politely.

"Here come sit next to me, I'm Seth.",he made some space for me so I sat down grinning at him.
"Gravity.",i kept it simple.
"That's a cool name.",he sounded surprised,I laughed.
"Thank you."
"So Gravity,Mar let me introduce you everyone.Gravity on your left is Seth,he's like a big brother taking care of us all.Next to Seth is Colbain he's the weirdo out of the group.",Jamie pointed to a brown haired boy with brown,almost black eyes,he looked all in all like a teddy bear.
"Fuck you Jamie.",Colbain threw his apple at him,but Jamie caught it before it could land on his head.

"I can feel the love.",I rolled my eyes while Seth grinned.

"Now you girls have to introduce yourselves!",Harvey smirked at me,his eyes were practically boring into my green-grey-brownish eyes.
Honestly I have no clue what eye color I have.
My mom always said that I've a mix of green,grey ones with a little bit of brown and blue in it.
But I feel like it changes every single day.

"My name is Marina but you can call me Mar,I love reading books and Pricilla hates me.",she laughed at the end,Jamie furrowed his eyebrows.
He didn't know about the incident only Harvey,Mar and I.
"And I hate Pricilla so we're gonna be good friends Mar!",Colbain yelled excitedly giving Mar a high five.

"Back off she's my friend!",Jamie said possessively,pulling her close to him.
Mar was blushing so hard.
"Gosh Date already!",I mumbled but Seth heard me.
"So I'm not the only one who sees the connection between those two?",he whispered as I smiled.
"I mean you can not unsee this!",I giggled.
"True.",he mumbled.

"Introduce yourself weirdo!",Jamie yelled slapping my arm.

"Bitch?!",I yelled in pain.

"Nice to meet you bitch.",Colbain smiled.

"No weirdo,my name is Gravity and I just moved here.",I rubbed my arm glaring at Jamie who was staring everywhere but at me.

"No way that's a cool name!",Colbain yelled.

"Thanks I love your name too!",I smiled after while.


"So you've a boyfriend?"

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