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We sat back in her car and I told her my address before she drove away.
"I think it's cool that your school doesn't have those groups.I'm trying to stop it at our school but it's pretty hard because they're all used to it.The people who need it the most do not want to stand up and that's the worst part.",I told her as she nodded.

"Change the school too.",she laughed.

"No I have my friends there and I love them even though if there are really some fake ass people.But I think that I can help, I just need more people who will agree and help out.I promised myself not to run away from my problems ever again and changing school would be running away, no offense to you.",I looked at her.

"It's alright I get you Gravity.",she grinned.
"I wasn't man enough to be like you but I'm happy that you want to change the school because they really need it.",she smiled as she parked next to my house.

"Do you think we can exchange numbers?I'd love to keep in contact with you, plus I really liked talking to Colbain I'd love to do that again too.",she blushed a little as I smiled widely.

"Of course, here is my number.Feel free to text me whenever and don't worry I'll talk to Colbain.",I winked as I thanked her once again and walked towards my door.
Lotus car got smaller and smaller as she drove away,I opened the door and quickly changed into my PJ's before heading to bed and falling asleep.


"Honey wake up it's already 12pm.",my mom called, waking me from my beautiful sleep.
I only turned my head to the other side as if it would make any difference.

You can't blame me, I'm tired.

Suddenly I got hit by something hard on the head, I jerked forward, eyes wide with a throbbing pain in my head.

"Mom?!",I screamed shocked by the sudden contact.
"You wouldn't get up if I didn't do that.",she stated laughing afterwards.
I shook my head not believing what my own mother just did to me.
"I thought you loved me!",I yelled dramatically, now she was the one shaking her head.

"You're being dramatic again.Now get up and come downstairs so you can eat your breakfast even though the morning is already over.",she replied leaving the room.

I groaned and made my way to the bathroom to get ready.

After eating my breakfast I checked my phone seeing 17missed calls from Harvey and probably about 40messages from him asking where I am.
I ignored his messages and went to the one with Mar.


where are youuuu???Harvey came up to me all worried?


I'm @ home, a girl drove Colbain and me back home.We gotta talk, can we meet at 1:45pm next to the cute ice cream shop I like?It's urgent.


Yeah I'll see you there.Everything alright?


Not really.


I exited our house walking towards the destination, I was a mess

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I exited our house walking towards the destination, I was a mess.I didn't have the energy to go anywhere but I knew if I didn't go out I'd get worse by minute.

I wrote Harvey a message so he would finally stop messaging and calling me:


I'm safe please do not message me again Harvey we are done.I saw you making out with Cecelia, so you two can stay together I don't care do whatever the fuck you want but leave me alone.I trusted you, a second time and it was a mistake.


I approached the ice cream shop totally stuck in my own thoughts until a girl jumped in front of me startling me.I screamed and closed my eyes ready for any impact but there was none.I slowly opened them back hearing a loud laugh from the girl in front of me.

"Fuck you.",I glared at Mar.

She was crying from laughter, holding her stomach for support.
"Holy shit that was iconic!",she chuckled putting her arm over my shoulders.

"I honestly hate you.",I pouted.
"I had a fucking heart attack!",I stated as she turned her head towards me.

"Drama queen.",she rolled her eyes and smiled afterwards.She saw that I was acting different today, so her eyes furrowed in confusion as we entered the ice cream shop.

"What's up with you?",she asked worry written all over her face.

Tears were threatening to escape my eyes but I blinked them away and shook my head signalizing that I wasn't ready yet.

She sighed and ordered herself chocolate ice cream while I chose cotton candy ice cream, one of my favorites.

The next few days are going to be tough, I already know.


[a/n: ah shit why was Harvey such an ass smh I don't understand boys 🤦🏽‍♀️anyways pls vote and comment 💛🌻]

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