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"I'm gonna get myself a drink.",I yelled while Mar nodded walking to the dance floor.

After I took a big gulp out of my cup I also made my way to the dance floor.Mar and I were swaying our hips to the beat while having a good time.
I finally felt free after a long time as the alcohol took over me.

"Hello beautiful.",a guy approached me and started dancing behind me, I turned around intertwined my hands with Mar's and showed him our hands.
"Sorry bro she's my girlfriend.",I told him bluntly and he quickly backed away.

I grinned at Mar while she was laughing uncontrollably.
"I can't believe you did that!",she hugged me also a little tipsy.


By the time, Mar and I got completely drunk neither of us two was able to stand anymore.We were laughing the entire time about nothing but the pain was gone and I feel so much better.Even though I know that tomorrow won't be as good as now.

"Jamie?Is that you?",Mar yelled at the phone causing me to erupt into fits of giggles.
"We are still at the partyyyyyyy.",Mar slurred laughing afterwards.Jamie was probably talking but Mar was too drunk to care so she ended the call and we kept giggling while sliding down to the ground.

"I wanna have a dog.",I blurt out.
"Let's go and get you a dog!",Mar yelled excitedly.
We weren't sober at all so the idea seemed genius to us.

"Girl what would I do without you!",I slowly stood up, holding myself on the wall so I wouldn't collapse right onto floor again.

"You probably wouldn't get yourself a dog right now!",she chuckled taking my hand and slowly walking out of the party, we were pressing ourselves between the sweating bodies but no one of us two cared.

After minutes that seemed like seconds to us we finally made it outside.The fresh air was hitting my face and I started shivering because I didn't bring my jacket with me.
"Where is the pet store?",I asked her loudly while she shrugged.

"Let's go that way.",she pointed to a direction, both of us were slowly making our way to the direction when we suddenly heard someone yell.

"God, is that you?",Mar asked shocked.

"Mar it's me Jamie.",he rolled his eyes laughing a little afterwards.

"Jamieeeee!Hey baby!We are going to the pet store because Grav wants a dog are you coming along with us?!",she asked excitedly.She was clinging herself on Jamie who was holding her securely.

"Come with me, my car is just a few meters away.",he told us.

"Yes!That is so much easier!Now we can not only get a dog but also everything that the cute pup needs!",I nodded smiling widely.

Jamie shook his head taking Mar and my hand in his and dragging us towards his car.
"I brought a friend.",Jamie mumbled.
"A puppy?",I screamed.

"No.",my smile fell.

"Harvey help me!They are really heavy together.",Jamie whined.
"Fuck you!",Mar and I answered annoyed.

"Girls.",Jamie rolled his eyes.

"Hell no!",I shook my head as I realized who the boy was.I turned around and walked towards the party again.

Someone ran behind me and took me by the waist stopping me instantly.

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