Intro 00

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Intro 00

The teenage boy had been staring at the dark colored shop for a while now. The lights were dimmed, furniture black and brown with a few purple neon lights hanging on the wall. Even the walls were a black wooden color. He questioned himself. How could he even be considering this? 

"If mom knew I even glanced at a shop like this, she would kill me," he mumbled to himself. The owner of the shop was getting rather annoyed at the pretty boy who had been standing there for so long, not even moving an inch. The weather was getting cold, and he could tell that the boy was shivering just slightly. 

Yoongi stood up with a sigh. He opened the door, making Jimin jump. "You gonna come in, or what?" Jimin's throat went dry. "Um..." Yoongi only raised an eyebrow as he stood in the doorway, staring the boy down. 

You're supposed to be a child of god, what are you doing? Jimin sighed. 

Lately he had just been feeling like he was living a lie. His life was perfect. He had good grades, a nice and wealthy family, his two best friends, Taehyung and Seokjin...then why was he suddenly drawn to something like this? 

Jimin spent his time studying, going to church or hanging out with his best friends. The word 'Tattoo' had never even left the boy's pretty mouth before. "O-Okay." Yoongi opened the door for him, and he slowly went inside. 

He couldn't help but eye Yoongi's many tattoos, as well his silver nose ring, that sat tightly on the side of his nose. His earrings too, but that wasn't as interesting. He saw a tall guy with dark brown hair and tattoos, tattooing a customer. 

A young woman who was lying down on her stomach, getting her back tattooed in the shape of what looked like a butterfly. The brunette had sharp features and what seemed like a piercing gaze. 

"You want something hot to drink first? You look cold." "O-Oh...sure, thank you." Jimin wasn't sure if he was shivering from the cold, or from nervousness though. Yoongi nodded. Jimin sat down on a leather chair by the waiting area. 

"How old are you?" Yoongi asked. Should I lie? But mother and father told me to never do such a thing. Jimin sighed once again. He knew he couldn't get a tattoo at sixteen, so maybe it wasn't so bad telling the truth. He hoped that Yoongi would tell him to leave, so that he was forced to not do what he knew he was going to regret. 

"Sixteen." Yoongi nodded, before handing Jimin the cup of hot chocolate. "I-Is that okay?" Yoongi shrugged. "Sure, I don't care." "Aren't you afraid your boss is going to f-" "I own this place." "Oh." Jimin then shut up, and sipped his drink. "You like it?" The tall brunette asked the woman who was looking at her new tattoo in the mirror, hanging on the wall. She grinned. Jimin found her pretty. She was pale, and had very long, black hair.

"So, what do you want?" "Hm?" "Your tattoo...what do you want?" Can I just take the hot chocolate with me and leave? "...What do you think I should get?" Yoongi tilted his head to the side as his eyes became smaller, lightly glaring at Jimin. 

"Do you actually want a tattoo? Or are you just trying to rebel from your perfect church boy life?" "How did you-" "Because that guy used to be like you," he spoke, nodding his head towards the brunette who was saying goodbye to the girl and beginning to work with a new customer already. "But...he's all big and tattooed up-" Yoongi nodded. 

Jimin frowned. Is he saying I'll end up like him? Never. "I can let you go if you want." Jimin sighed as he looked to the door. 

"Give me a rose with thorns." 

Yoongi nodded. "Nervous?" the older finally asked when Jimin was sitting down. Jimin only gulped. 

"I ca-can't believe, I'm doing this." Yoongi slightly chuckled. "Jungkook, get me a drink will you?" "Sure," Jungkook spoke before turning around the sign that was hanging on the door, to closed. "I'm not making you work longer am I-" "You're good, don't worry." 

Yoongi turned on the device and Jimin cringed at the loud sound it made. Before Yoongi began tattooing him, a tall, serious looking guy, and a smiley, bright one entered the shop. 

"Jungkookie! Yoongi hyung!" Yoongi only nodded at them, before beginning. Jimin gasped. "Don't mind them," he spoke. "Just some friends." "Yoongi-ah?!" "Hm." "Can we go up to your apartment?" "Do whatever you want." "Can we smoke your weed to-" "Stay away from my weed." The smiley boy, now frowned. They all continued to go up the stairs, that led to Yoongi's apartment. 

"You crying?" " eyes are just watering." Jimin took deep breaths as Yoongi continued stabbing his ankle with small needles with ink on them. "You're doing good, baby." Jimin froze. And then he blushed. Yoongi thought nothing of the nickname, but Jimin wasn't used to it at all. "What's your name?" Yoongi spoke, trying to distract him from the pain. "Jimin. Park Jimin." "My name is Min Yoongi." 

"...Nice to meet you hyung."


Short intro hehe.

Welcome to my new YOONMIN book, hope you'll enjoy reading it!

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