Chapter 44 (PART TWO)

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Chapter 44 (part two)

"What did you just do?" Jimin gulped. Yoongi grabbed Jimin by the collar of his shirt, forcing him to look at him in the eyes. He didn't have anything to say, so he just pushed Jimin instead, making the boy fall down onto the bed. "Do you enjoy betraying me?" Jimin shook his head. Yoongi put a hand on his shoulder making the boy lie fully down before getting on top of him.

"Why?" Yoongi asked. "I-I'm sorry- but...Jae's my friend and-" "And I'm your boyfriend. You're supposed to be on my side." "I am, but not when you wanna hurt innocent peo-" "Innocent people?!" Yoongi shouted. 

He grabbed Jimin's chin like the habit he had grown into whenever he was mad at him. Yoongi did his absolute best, as he decided to swallow the lump in his throat that contained nothing but anger. He didn't want to hurt Jimin so he kept it in his heart, even though it hurt. "What you're supposed to do, is to be quiet. If you can't even do that-" "I'll do that! I'm sorry hyung. But I just don't agree with you hurting Jae." 

Yoongi sighed before letting go of Jimin, he slowly sat up. "How can I let someone walk around thinking, 'oh, I just kissed Park Jimin. Hey friends, want to know a secret? If you kiss Yoongi's boyfriend there will be no consequences!'" Jimin shook his head. 

"But hyung...Jae isn't like that." "I don't care what you think of him. I'll lose respect from everyone, including myself." Jimin slowly sat up, moving his body to hug Yoongi's chest into his face. "You know I'll find Jae no matter where he moves." Jimin's grip tightened. "Okay then. If you really need to. Just don't kill him." Yoongi shook his head. 

"I won't. I just want to make sure he stays away," Yoongi kissed Jimin's cheek. "Then I'll act quiet and pretty for you," Jimin whispered. Yoongi let out a breathy laugh. "I just need you to stay by my side and do as I say, okay petal?" Jimin nodded, finding his way to Yoongi's lap. 

He sat there, and put his face in the crook of Yoongi's neck. "I'm serious Jimin. I don't want to keep getting mad at you because of the things you do...sometimes I think we're a bit too different to be together." Jimin widened his eyes as he got his face away from the man's neck to look at him instead. 

"Yo-you're not bre-breaking u-up wi-" "No, of course not..." he gave a little smile, running his hand through Jimin's hair. Yoongi felt the burn in his heart again. "Can you do me a favor?" Jimin nodded. 

"Make me some tea please." 

Jimin nodded once again as he went out of the door. And as soon as he did, Yoongi decided to let his feelings out. His hand suddenly found its way to the vase on the bedside table as he grabbed it and threw it on the floor. 

He ran his fingers through his hair, messing it up in frustration as his chest rose and fell down with heavy breaths. "Hyung?" Jimin opened the door wider for him to enter. "I'm gonna go out, I'll be back later. Just finish your book." Yoongi hit his shoulder with his own as he went past him and out the door. 

Jimin stared at the broken vase, not sure how to feel. "Namjoon?" Yoongi spoke when he heard someone pick up. "What's up?" "Remember Jae? The guy who was Jimin's roommate at the clinic." Namjoon hummed. 

"I need you to track him down and have an address ready for me." "Sure thing dude." "Thanks." And with that, their conversation were over. No questions asked. Yoongi spent some time trying to calm, making sure that he wouldn't be mad when he came back to the house. He was so tired of everything, and he didn't even know why. Why did Jimin have to create a scar in our relationship anyways? Yoongi sighed. 

"Oh what the hell, I'm gonna go get drunk."

 Yoongi turned around and found the nearest bar. 

Jimin sniffled as he carefully picked up the glass and threw it out. He vacuumed the place and made sure nothing of the broken vase was left. He called Yoongi before he went to bed but got no answer. He sent him a text, but got no answer. 

So instead he buried his face into his pillow and tried to fall asleep. But he couldn't. Yoongi unlocked the front door making Jimin's eyes open after a few hours. He never fell asleep. 

He heard the light groans coming out of Yoongi's mouth as the bed slightly sank down by his weight. 

Jimin could recognize the smell of alcohol and it made him want to cry. Why did Yoongi feel like had to go get drunk? Did I really upset him that much? Jimin kept still as he felt a hand go underneath his shirt, resting on his waist. 

"Jimin-ah?" Yoongi groaned out, turning Jimin around to face him. "You look so tired baby," Yoongi slurred as hovered above Jimin and ran his fingers through Jimin's hair, exposing his forehead to the human sight. 

"I'm tired too...and horny so if you could jus-" "I would rather not...when we're not really on good terms." Yoongi frowned. "But we made up. You know, after you helped Jae out," Yoongi bitterly smiled. 

"Yeah...but I-I don't think we quite made up. You broke the vase and went out. Remember?" Yoongi nodded. He leaned down and left wet kisses on Jimin's neck. "I remember," he mumbled on his skin. 

"I'm sorry. I just didn't want to get mad at you anymore so I did my best to not get angry..." Yoongi explained. "As long as you do the things I told you to, we're good baby," Yoongi went back to kissing Jimin's neck. He took of the boy's shirt, despite his protests and continued to leave hickeys on the boy. 

"I wanna be a pretty boy, a quiet boy, a good boy, anything you want for you- just for you hyung-ah- but I don't wanna do this when you're drunk." Yoongi groaned before finally looking Jimin in the eyes again. "We've done it whilst I've been drunk before, why can't we now?" "Be-because that wasn't right after a fight hyung." Yoongi shook his head. "Excuses," he breathed before going back to kissing Jimin's warm skin. 

He put a hand on Jimin's clothed prince part as he licked the hickeys on Jimin's neck. And that was the very first time, Jimin had felt disgusted by Yoongi touching him. "Sto-stop hyung." "You really can't just do what I say huh?" Yoongi laughed. 

"Why is it so hard for you to just shut up and please me?" "I do- I shut up and please you all the time, bu-but sometimes you can't ex-expect me to just-ah!" Yoongi continued feeling Jimin to shut him up before he went on to undo his pants. 

"Yoongi, I said no!" 

"Shut your pretty mouth for me, hm?" 

"No!" Jimin lifted his knee and hit Yoongi's crotch making Yoongi do the one thing he had promised to never do to Jimin. Jimin's cheek turned red, and this time, it wasn't because of the usual blush the boy always carried. His cheek stung and a tear ran down of it. 

"G-g-get off me." "Jimi-" "I SAID GET OFF ME!" Jimin screamed, startling the drunk Yoongi. 

Jimin got up, despite his weak knees that were almost about to give out, but Yoongi slurred a few words before Jimin could go. 

"Don't be such a drama queen Jimin." 


I cried last night, thinking about Yoongi who's gonna be crying as he says what he's gonna say in the next chapter- BUT DONT WORRY, MY ENDINGS CAN NEVER BE SAD.

Also, I'm preparing for my exams rn so I can't update every day like I used to, but im doing my best okaaaaay. 

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