Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Yoongi hugged Jimin before taking his bags and putting them in the backseat of his car. "Say goodbye to Jae." He nodded before awkwardly hugging Jae. 

"Bye." Jimin didn't really look at him. They were still good friends, and they were going to keep in contact, they promised each other that. But Jimin couldn't help feeling weird when he was besides them both. 

He had kissed them both. He felt like such a slut even though they were the only two people his lips had been on. Well...besides his mom and Taehyung. "Bye," Jimin whispered before getting inside of Yoongi's car. 

"So. Hawaii?" Yoongi asked. 

"Excuse you?" Yoongi chuckled before starting the car. "You have summer vacation now, and you're done with the clinic. I have a week off work so...wanna go to Hawaii?" "W-when?" Yoongi shrugged. 

"Tomorrow." Jimin widened his eyes before giggling at his spontaneous self. But Yoongi had been thinking about it for months. 

"Oh, by the way." Jimin fished a gift up from his bag from the backseat. "Happy late birthday. I never got to celebrate it with you." Yoongi grinned. "Aw." He opened the gift at a red light. It was the same necklace he gave Jimin for his birthday back in October. Well, not the exact same, but close enough. Yoongi smiled before pecking Jimin's cheek. 

The boy smiled from Yoongi's bright look as he admired his handsome face. But then his face fell. You cheated on him. Jimin ignored the thought as he stared at the road ahead of them. "Thank you." "You're welcome old man." "I'm twenty-five!" 

"I'll buy the tickets for Hawaii," Yoongi spoke, getting out his laptop as he threw his body onto the couch. "I'm gonna go sleep on your bed. I miss it." Jimin mumbled. Yoongi was tired of Jimin calling it his bed. 

"Our bed you mean." 

The teenager let out a smile before continuing to find their bedroom. He took his jeans off and got under the sheets, burying his face in Yoong- their pillow. Jimin slept in their bed for the entire day, and Yoongi didn't mind one bit. 

He answered emails all day as he went back and forth, waking Jimin up to feed him and to kiss him. Jimin didn't mind either. Especially since they had to wake up at 5am the next day. 

Jimin groaned as Yoongi woke him up. 

"Baby..." he whispered, kissing Jimin's cheek. The boy whined. "Hey, it's okay." Yoongi kissed his cheek. Jimin moved to his side and buried his face into the crook of Yoongi's neck. "You need to get up, bebs." "No...I miss you..." Jimin mumbled. 

"I'm right here, doll." "But I haven't been close to you in so long and I don't want to get up," Jimin cried. "Hey...why are you upset?" "I don't know," Jimin sniffled. Yoongi shook it off and so did Jimin. He was just being a hormonal teenager. 

The two cuddled for about ten minutes before Yoongi got up and dragged Jimin with him to eat breakfast. Yoongi gave him a plate and placed a chocolate croissant on it. A bowl of cut up fruit and a glass of milk. 

"This is nice," Jimin sniffled before eating his food. "Are you gonna be okay with traveling today, it can be kind of stressful sometimes." Jimin slowly nodded. "It's okay, I'm just being a baby. I missed you a lot," he whispered the last part and Yoongi got up when Jimin reached his arms out, wanting to hug Yoongi. 

He wrapped his arms around his waist and placed his head on his beating heart. He hadn't rested it there for a long time and it just occurred to him how much he needed it. How much Yoongi comforted him just by his presence. Yoongi went back to his seat in front of Jimin and ate his breakfast too, Jimin slightly gagging at the strong scent of his coffee. "Where will we be staying?" 

"I rented my friend's house in hawaii." "Fancy." 

Yoongi proceeded to pack their things, spending at least five minutes telling Jimin to hurry his ass up. "Stop yelling at me!" Jimin shouted as he finally finished up tying his shoes. "The cab is waiting sweetie," Yoongi changed his voice to a soft tone. Jimin rolled his eyes before taking his suitcase, going outside. 

"Don't roll your eyes at me." "Can't help but turn into a brat when you yell at me," Jimin shrugged with a cheeky smile before running out when he saw Yoongi raise his hand to probably pinch him or ruffle his hair. The older male locked their front door and the taxi driver went out of the cab to help them put their luggage into the backseat, Yoongi declined his help though. 

"When does the plane take off?" "In three hours," Yoongi responded when they got into the seat. Jimin rolled his eyes again. "So he have to wait for the flight for at least an hour and a half?" Yoongi went off to explaining the importance of arriving early, especially for important things like a flight. 

"Hyung, I don't care." Yoongi pinched Jimin cheek now that the boy didn't have anywhere to run off to. Jimin whined.

"Ungrateful little brat." 

The taxi driver laughed at the two males and Jimin blushed before slapping Yoongi's hand away. "Are you two related?" Jimin didn't say anything. You can't just tell everyone you're gay, and with a guy. 

Not everyone is accepting of it, especially not in Korea and certainly not by the older generation. But Yoongi didn't give two fucks. "Boyfriends," he casually said. He didn't seem affected by the answer. Happy nor sad. 

"Oh, so where are You going?" "Hawaii," Jimin grinned. The driver told them about his time there and Jimin only became so much more excited. It sounded so nice. It sounded like exactly what Jimin needed. 

He was going to be close, so incredibly close to him this weekend. No interruptions. No work, no school. No friends or family, just each other. And Jae in Jimin's thoughts of course, but he was trying his hardest to not think about the kiss. 

Not because he enjoyed it that much, sure in the moment it was nice and comforting, but he just felt so guilty. Yoongi didn't deserve this. He wanted Yoongi to know. He had no secrets for the older besides this. But what if Yoongi would break up with me? He wouldn't, but he would get mad for sure. Yoongi's a calm person normally, but he has a bad temper and it's not very nice. 

He just got better, he really didn't feel like getting yelled at. And he really didn't want Jae killed. Jae didn't do anything wrong, they both leaned in that night. They were both at fault. "Thank you," Jimin forced a smile at the driver before going out. Yoongi payed him and helped Jimin with the luggage. "You got everything you need?" Jimin hummed. 

"Then let's go."



Is anyone even still alive after that??? 

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