Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

"You could've told me it was a ten hour flight," Jimin groaned. "What did you expect? Do you think Hawaii is in China or something?" Jimin glared at him. "I'm bored." "Hyuuuuung." "Hyung!" Jimin poked his cheek. 

Yoongi had gotten out a notebook from work to draw in. Something about new tattoos and stuff. "You have a vacation, why do you work so much? Put that away." "Why do you think I get to have a vacation? Because I work, honey." Jimin rolled his eyes before sighing. 

He looked around. He was just so bored, and he didn't feel like doing anything. But then an idea popped into his mind. Jimin slowly traveled his hand up Yoongi's thigh and to his crotch. "Jimin," he warned. "I'm trying to get work done." Jimin made his eyes roll once again. 

"Come on. We haven't done anything other than kissing since I got into that clinic. You've been too scared to touch me, too scared to hurt me." Jimin pouted. Yoongi looked up from the papers. "Jimi-" "It's fine," he shrugged. 

"I get it. And I thank you for caring about me, should care about yourself too. I mean I'm only seventeen, I'm fine without sex, but like...I'm not sure this is healthy for you," Jimin started. Yoongi raised an eyebrow in amusement. 

"A guy in your age can't just go...almost six months without sex." Yoongi huffed. "Are you implying that I've been cheating on you?" Jimin gulped. 

"N-no. I'm implying that you should do me before your dick turns sloppy." Yoongi smacked Jimin's head before going back to the drawings. "We're on a plane, we'll do it once we get to the house." Jimin whined. 

"But that's not until another ten hours." "I'm not- I'm not doing anything sexual to you in public, you dirty child." Jimin took Yoongi's sketchbook. "Jimi-" He closed it and put it back in the bag that was in between Yoongi's feet. 

"Can you at least pay attention to me? Do your work when we get back?" Yoongi gave the boy a guilty smile before nodding. "Sure, whatever you want." Jimin thanked him and Yoongi kissed him. He stared at his thighs as Yoongi kept pecking his chubby cheeks. 

"Now who's clingy?" Jimin smirked before smiling. It was Yoongi's turn to roll his eyes. "Keep rolling, you might find a brain back there." The older didn't waste more than a second to attack Jimin why pinchy tickles. 

"Sto-stop, you- no! You do-don't know how many br-bruises I g-get when you d-do that." Yoongi didn't care as kept going making the poor boy's skin turn red. "Then speak respectfully to your hyung, brat!" "O-okay, okay. I'm so-I'm sorry!" "Sorry who?" 

"S-sorry oppa." 

Yoongi immediately got his hands off the younger as he pinched the bridge of his nose, blushing. Jimin widened his eyes. "Do you have an oppa kink?" "No- I just-" Jimin grinned and Yoongi wanted nothing more than to wipe that stupid bright smile off his face. "Uhh. Yoongi has an oppa kink. I'll remember that for when we do it tonight."


"Hyu-hyung." Honestly, what Jimin had said earlier about the two not doing anything sexual for like six months other than a few kisses, and Yoongi's prince part growing sloppy because of it...well the exact opposite was happening. 

He actually found himself getting hard at random times, as if he was a teenager in puberty once again. He hadn't done Jimin in like six months and man was he horny. Yoongi kept a tight grip on the younger's thigh as he left hickeys on his neck. 

Yoongi detached his lips from the smaller's skin, panting. "You just..." Yoongi tried to find the right words to describe how he felt. Something he was very bad at. Jimin straddled the other, Yoongi wasn't going to find any good words any time soon. 

Jimin grinded down on Yoongi's crotch as Yoongi kept marking his neck, letting out a few groans from Jimin's hard grinding. 

Jae put a hand on Jimin's tearstained cheek as their eyes kept flickering to each other's lips. Jimin didn't know what happened, he wasn't thinking. But when Jae leaned in, he felt compelled to do it too. And he honestly wasn't even sure if he was the one to lean in first. Maybe they did it at the same time. It really didn't matter. What did matter, was the fact that their lips touched, tongues a bit too. kissing for about five seconds. Jimin put his hands on Jae's chest, pulling away from the kiss. "I-I can't- I think I should just go to bed." "Jimi-" "Please, Jae." "Of course baby." 

Yoongi tightened his grip on Jimin's waist, fingernails digging down. Jimin couldn't take it anymore. Yoongi had done so much for him and he just kept doing more and more for him. And he cheated on him. 

Jimin broke out in cries as he stopped grinding and put his hands on Yoongi's cheeks to make him stop kissing him. " are you crying? Did I do something wrong, did I scare you? Hurt you?" Jimin only cried more by Yoongi's caring voice. He didn't deserve it, he thought. "I'm so sor-sorry," Jimin cried as he kept wiping away the tears that fell down his warm cheeks.

 "Baby, it's okay. What happened, why are you crying?" Jimin hugged Yoongi tightly in a death grip until he forced himself to let go and stop crying. 

"I did something bad. In-in the clinic." Jimin sniffled. 

"AndIregretiteverydaybutIcan'tdoanythingabout-" "Hey, calm down. You know you can tell me anything Jimin." "But you'll hate me." Yoongi shook his head. "I could never," he caressed his cheek. Jimin gulped down the heavy lump in his throat. 

"Re-remember that time where you didn't come to see me for a while because you were very busy with work?" Yoongi nodded. "A-and I kind of thought you stopped caring about me," he sniffled. Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows. He wasn't aware that he made Jimin feel like that. 

" night, I was very frustrated and I danced with Taehyung and stuff. And it was very... intense. And when I came back that night, I cried a lot-" "Oh baby, I'm so sorry-" "Don't." Jimin took Yoongi's hand, the one on his cheek and put it down. 

"I was just so sad and then Jae- he...we talked a bit, and I cried on his shoulder and then we..." Yoongi's look hardened. He wasn't stupid, but he just didn't want to believe it. "You what?" Jimin gulped. 

Yoongi's voice had already turned long away from the soft one he used when Jimin cried. "We kissed." "Yo-you and Jae kissed?" Jimin nodded. Yoongi tightened his grip on Jimin's wrists. "Hy-hyung tha-that hurts." 

"You doubting whether or not I still care about you is okay when I didn't contact you for a few days...I get it. But kissing Jae..." Jimin looked down. "Yoongi, it didn't mean anything! I was just frustrated an-" "You don't think I've been frustrated before?!" Yoongi shouted making Jimin's body begin to shake. 

"So I should just go out and cheat on you for every single time or what?!" The younger shook his head. "No? So,'s okay for you to do it, because you're a little teenage bitch?" Tears were back in Jimin's eyes. 

"You didn't know any better, is that the kind of crap you're going to give me?! Gonna blame it on your parents maybe?" Jimin shook his head again. "N-no hyung- I'm not justifying it. The-there's no excuse for what happened." Yoongi only shook his head. 

"After everything I do for you...this is how you repay me. I know your self-esteem and self-respect is quite low, but I at least thought you were loyal." 


The Truth Untold hurts my heart.

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