Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Jimin woke up on wednesday in Yoongi's bed. He looked to Yoongi's window wall where he could see the sunset. The room was dark, but the sun was slowly lighting it up. He looked to Yoongi, who had a orange line on his face from the sun hitting him. 

Jimin lifted up his hand, and it got hit by the sunlight as well, his hand lighting up with a yellow line. "Yoongi," he whispered. "Yes baby?" Yoongi's eyes remained closed. He spoke in his usual deep morning voice that Jimin had grown to love so much. "Wake up." He opened his eyes. "Come here." Jimin scooted closer. 

Yoongi put a hand on his waist, making the younger lie down again. "No- we haven't brushed our teeth yet," Jimin whined when Yoongi leaned in to kiss him. "Mm, I don't care." He kissed him, despite the others attempt of escape. Jimin felt Yoongi going down, kissing his jawline and down to his neck. 

"No-not now, I have to get ready for school." Yoongi hummed before lying back down again and closing his eyes. "You don't have to drive me today, I would like to walk this time." "Mhm." "...I'll make breakfast, want some?"

 "No, you go eat. I'll stay here, 'm tired." Jimin nodded. "Okay baby." "Who are you calling baby?" Jimin giggled. "Hey! Know your place," he shouted when Jimin went out. But the boy just continued to giggle.

 An hour later, Jimin came back. He peeked his head inside Yoongi's bedroom before sitting down besides the bed, where Yoongi looked like he was passed out. "Hyung?" "Hm..." He leaned down and kissed Yoongi's cheek. "I'm gonna go now. You have two hours before you need to wake up for work." 

Jimin took Yoongi's phone and set the alarm clock before placing it on his night stand. He got up and went out from the back door. 

"Taehyung?" Jimin spotted the other walking out of his house from across the street. Taehyung crossed the street and grinned at Jimin, for he had seen him walk out of Yoongi's apartment with a guilty expression. 

"You're really making the most out of the fact that you're parents aren't here for a while." Jimin sighed as they began to walk to school. "I wish I could do the same today, but I have to study for our test tomorrow. It's supposed to be pretty big." 

Taehyung rolled his eyes. 

"You don't need to study for anything for the rest of this school year." The raven haired boy shook his head, not agreeing one bit. Sure he was smart, but he thought he needed to study as much as the next guy. 

"So how are you and...your boyfriends?" Taehyung chuckled. "Good. Look I know it might seem crazy, but-" "No, Tae...if you're comfortable with them and like them both then there's nothing wrong with it." 

Taehyung gave him a small smile, appreciating his friends words. 

"It was just supposed to be Jungkook and I, but apparently he had another's okay now though. Hoseok takes care of me well too." Jimin grinned. "I'm glad. Is he doing any better?" The brunette nodded. "Seems like it at least." Jimin smiled to himself. 

He was perfectly aware that it had nothing to do with his birthday wish, but that doesn't mean his wish wasn't coming true, because it was. "What did hyung mean with 'why did you let me be on a roof again?' " Taehyung shrugged. 

"He probably tried to take his own life or thought about it at least. I didn't ask him, I didn't want to upset him when he's doing better." Jimin nodded his head. "I don't know him that well, but he only deserves good." Taehyung nodded, agreeing. 

"Did Yoongi give you that?" He pointed to the simple necklace, resting on Jimin's neck. "You're first noticing this now?" "No, but now I see you wearing it every time I see you, so it probably means something to you." 

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