Chapter 02

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Chapter 02 (I titled the last chapter 'chapter 02' by mistake, sorry. This is chapter 02)

Jimin didn't know how Yoongi knew what he was thinking of. Maybe it was obvious for a sixteen year old to have such thoughts, since Yoongi was obviously older. Not that he looked that old, but the guy had his own tattoo shop, meaning he had to be at least in his early twenties. Jimin thought it was okay, We're just friends i guess. Not even. Acquaintances actually. As long as they didn't become more than that, it was okay that Yoongi was older. Right? 

Although, being more than friends hadn't even crossed Jimin's mind yet (at least not on purpose.) "Um...can I a-a-" "Just ask me." "How old are you?" "I'm twenty-four. Is that alright?" Jimin shrugged. "Sure, it's just...eight years." Yoongi chuckled. 

Jimin liked the sound of that, he had to admit that to himself. "Jimin-ah!" Jimin took a step to the side, since he couldn't see Taehyung from where he stood. Taehyung had a grin on his face, for he was happy that he had gotten a whole tattoo without shedding one single tear. Sure his eyes watered, but not enough to have anything slide down his cheek. 

Taehyung grinned because he got the lollipop, and he honestly felt like the experience would've been much worse if it wasn't for the treat waiting at the end of the pain. Jungkook hid his smirk as he gave Taehyung the lollipop he chose. 

"Why didn't I get a lollipop?" Jimin pouted before giving Yoongi his number. "Because you cried." "I didn't!" "Sure," Yoongi smirked. Yoongi took a lollipop from the bowl, took off the wrapper and put in between Jimin's lips. "Satisfied?" 

Jimin blushed as the color of the candy he had his lips wrapped around, stained his lips and tongue. "I have some more candy if you want." Taehyung gasped. "Really?" Jungkook's smirk grew bigger. "Sure, it's in the back." Jungkook nodded his head towards the door besides him. "Okay!" Taehyung bounced on his feet, excitedly. 

Jungkook opened the door for him, before closing it. "Sh-should I be worried?" Jimin asked Yoongi, staring at the closed door. "Oh no, Jungkook's harmless...most of the time..." "What?" "Want another tattoo, or?" Yoongi changed the topic. Jimin shook his head. "It still hurts," he pouted. Yoongi only nodded. 

"That's normal, just remember to treat it." 

"The hurting should stop after a week. If not, contact me," Yoongi whispered holding up his phone that now had the teenage boy's number in it. Yoongi and Jimin occupied themselves with small talk, until Taehyung came rushing out the door with a red face and tears in his eyes. "Taehyung, wha-" "We're leaving." Taehyung grabbed Jimin's hand before dragging him out. 

"What happened?" Jimin asked. He sighed when he didn't get answer. Jimin planted his feet into the ground, and Taehyung was suddenly having a hard time dragging him back to his house. "Jimin!" Jimin shook his head. 

"Tell me what happened, what did Jungkook do?" Taehyung looked down. He grabbed Jimin's hand again, but with a gentle grip this time as he kept quiet until they were inside of his room again. Taehyung sat on his bed and pulled his legs up with him. Staring at the tattoo on his ankle. "I mean...I got the candy at least," Taehyung sighed. 

"Taehyung." "He just- he just..." Taehyung closed his eyes before taking a last deep sigh. He opened his eyes again. "He pointed towards his desk, told me he kept candy inside of it. I could pick whatever I wanted, since I handled getting the tattoo so well, he said. But when I opened it...he stood so close to my back. Like really pressed against me." 

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows in concern. "And then he touched my waist with a tight grip...before he began to explore my thighs." Jimin gasped. 

"How could he-" "But that's not why I got upset!" 

Taehyung frowned at himself. He wasn't sure if he could tell Jimin this. He didn't want to lose his best friend. "I-" Taehyung broke out in a sob. 

"'s okay. You know you can tell me anything." Jimin got onto the bed, and held Taehyung. "Chim- I think I-I'm sinning." Jimin nodded. "Yeah, getting these tattoos were sinning hm? Which is exactly why we can't have our parents know, and we should probably go bathe in some holy water, by the way." Taehyung shook his head. 

"I'm not talking about the tattoos Chim." 

"Then...what are you talking about?" Taehyung turned around so that they could look at each other. "I liked it." "You what?" "I think I liked it." Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. "You liked getting sexually harassed?" Taehyung shook his head. "I don't know what's wrong with me. But I enjoyed it when he touched me, I can't lie to myself about that." Taehyung looked to the floor. "You...liked...another male touching you?" Taehyung nodded. 

"You must think I'm so disgusting." Jimin looked to the floor as he went quiet. "Do you know how old he is?" "He's twenty-two." Jimin sighed. "Was it because he was Jungkook, you think you would've liked it with any male?" "What was because of what?" "You enjoying it." Taehyung shrugged. 

"I just met Jungkook. For like thirty minutes, but for some reason he just made me all warm and fuzzy every time he looked at me. Especially when he touched me." Taehyung rubbed his face after saying that. "I'm disgusting." Jimin finally shook his head. "It's okay Taehyung-ah." 

" it's not. Boys aren't supposed to like boys Jiminie. We've been taught that our entire lives. Why do you think we're not even allowed to sleep in the same bed whenever we have sleepovers hm? I'll probably burn as soon as I step foot into our church tomorrow morning." Jimin rolled his eyes. 

"Don't be ridiculous Taetae. What do you say we sleep in the same bed tonight hm?" Taehyung widened his eyes. "My parents are home this evening-" the raven haired boy shook his head at the other. "It's okay." Taehyung looked up to Jimin. 

"Really?" "Mhm." "You don't think I'm disgusting?" "Not at all." Taehyung gave a small smile. "Hey, wanna play?" the boy pointed to his playstation as he rubbed his puffy eyes. "Sure." At the same time the boy had agreed, his phone buzzed.

Yoongi hyung: I'm sorry about Jungkook. He just really likes your friend.

Minie: It's okay. Taehyung seems to like your friend too.

Yoongi hyung: But he cried?

Minie: He only got upset with himself.

Yoongi hyung: Oh right. Another Church boy, of course he would. 

Minie: :(

Yoongi hyung: Okay gotta go. Smile for me first baby.

Minie: :)

Yoongi hyung: Submissive and obedient, I like that.

Minie: Talk to you later hyung.

"Come on Jiminie, let's play." "Coming." Jimin put his phone down before joining the other boy. Taehyung gasped. "Let me get snacks." Taehyung rushed downstairs before coming back with organic soda and chips. 

"You're gonna see Jungkook again?" Jimin suddenly asked when Taehyung sat down again. "Are you gonna see Yoongi again?" Jimin shrugged. "Isn't the shop closing now?" Jimin nodded. "Wanna go the window and watch them leave, before the game?" 

"You mean stalk them?" Taehyung nodded. 


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