Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

"No." "Bu-" "I. Said. No." Jimin pouted. "Why not?" he whined. "Jimin, people like you, do not come to Wiheom street. And coming there when Minho has his birthday're basically asking to get fucked in the ass." 

"That's not nice..." Yoongi nodded his head. "Exactly. I don't care what Taemin told you. You stay away from that place, and you stay away from him. Got it?" "But you were the one who told me to do whatever I want..." "You think that applies for everything?" Yes, yes he did. "I'm going to that place whether you like it or not," Jimin spoke from the chair he sat in, by the breakfast table. 

He flinched so hard, it was almost like a small jump, when Yoongi smacked the cupboard closed. "You listen to me Park Jimin." The younger was pretty sure Yoongi had never spoken to him like this before. His voice was so...dark. He really didn't want Jimin at that place. 

"You're a good boy, right?" Yoongi softened up his voice as he turned around to look at Jimin. 

He noticed the younger looking tense. Jimin was scared. He nodded his head yes. "Then do what I say." "O-okay." "Good. Go to bed now." Jimin nodded before being quick to get up and walk to Yoongi's room. Almost running. 

Yoongi sighed as opened the cupboard again, getting the glass of water that he was going to before his anger made him smack his shut. 

Rather hit everything else than hitting Jimin

Jimin looked up when Yoongi entered his bedroom, his eyes quickly falling to the floor again. "Stop being scared of me. I'm not gonna hurt you," Yoongi huffed before placing the glass on his nightstand. 

"You didn't have to slam the cupboard and use some type of murderous voice, you know?" Yoongi down besides Jimin. "You have to understand that I get frustrated when you don't listen to me." Jimin looked away. 

"I'm sorry. But I want to see Wiheom street. If you won't take me, I'll go with Taemin," he mumbled. "You're not supposed to go against me Jimin-ah..." Jimin leaned in. "Why? You won't hurt me," he spoke in a low voice, breath hitting Yoongi's lips. "Don't. Go." "Fine." 

Yeah, not really. 

Because the next weekend, Jimin stood outside of Wiheom street with Taemin. "Yoongi really wouldn't take you?" Jimin shook his head. "He's a meanie." Taemin smiled at Jimin's cute childish voice. "Let's do our best to not get seen by him." Taemin was fully aware that that wasn't going to happen. 

Everyone knew of Yoongi there. And they were well aware of who Jimin was by now. "Take my hand." Jimin hesitantly grabbed his hand, and they kept walking, the music getting louder as they got closer to their destination. 

Finally, they were on Wiheom street. Jimin was in awe for just a moment. Restaurants with differents kinds of street food and bars was everywhere. People were chatting and drinking beer. Smiles on their faces. 

Jimin didn't get why Yoongi didn't want him here, why he reacted so badly. This place looked awesome. "Taemin!" Some people shouted when they noticed their friend. "Look! That's Minho," Taemin pointed at a tall, tan and really handsome guy. 

He was eating mexican food with a lot of other people, alcoholic drinks and cigarettes in their hands. "Come," the older smiled, and they went up to the birthday boy. Minho and Taemin shared a 'bro-hug' before Minho noticed the teenager besides his friend. He looked Jimin up and down. "Jimin?" he questioned. 

Jimin nodded, not sure to feel happy that he knew him or worried, for he was a lot more famous than he thought. Then... how famous is Yoongi here? "Why aren't you with Yoongi?" "A-actually Yoongi's not really supposed to know I'm here..." Minho looked behind Jimin. 

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