Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

"Fuck, Jimin-ah." Was the last thing Yoongi groaned out before getting off the younger, laying down besides him as the both of them panted. 

"You hungry baby?" Jimin giggled. "I ate before my mom left, so I'm good for now." Yoongi hummed before leaning in to kiss Jimin again. 

They kissed each other for a while until the raven haired man stopped it by pulling away. "I'll be attending a party on Wiheom street tonight. You can stay here if you want, but I'm sure you won't." "Why not?" "Because I'll be drunk when I ge home, and I'm not nice when I'm drunk." Jimin giggled before shaking his head. 

"I assume I can't come with you?" "Your assumption is correct. I want to get drunk, but I can't if you're there." "Because you feel like you have to take care of me?" Yoongi nodded. "In a place like that...with people like that...I have to." Jimin smiled.

"Can we have a party sometime? With Namjoon hyung, Seokjin hyung, Hoseok hyung...Jungkook hyung and Taehyung too." "Whatever you want baby boy." Jimin blushed. "Hyung." "Hm?" "It's snowing." Yoongi looked to his window. 

"Winter's here." Jimin sighed. "Christmas this year is going to be so depressing." "Why?" "Because, my family loves christmas. Almost like everyone from our family comes to our house on christmas eve. I don't think dad's family will come though..." Yoongi shook his head. 

"I'm sure he will, and his family too. Your parents may be getting divorced soon, but you're still related to him. He's still your father." Jimin huffed. "Everyone will probably just be like 'I heard what happened.' and ' are you okay?' or 'may god show your family the right path' or some bullshit." Yoongi flicked Jimin's temple for the bad word. 

"You can deal with it when it happens. Until then, don't worry about it." The younger nodded. Yoongi got up and decided to get ready for the party. Jimin fished up a book from his backpack to entertain himself with. He only looked up when Yoongi came back with wet hair and a towel around his waist. 

"Don't look too hot," Jimin spoke as Yoongi found some clothes to wear. "I don't want people trying to get into your pants." Yoongi chuckled. "People always try that baby." Jimin frowned and considered throwing his book at Yoongi but refrained from it. "But I'm loyal, don't worry." Jimin nodded. 

"You better be." 

Yoongi let out a breathy laugh before going back to the bathroom. He came back with ripped black skinny jeans and a ripped black t-shirt where you could see some of the pale man's skin. He wore his leather jacket and some black sneakers. Big rings on his fingers and many silver necklaces. Messy wavy hair and some eyeliner as well. It was a normal look for Yoongi, but he looked extra good this night.

He got a box out of his bookshelf and grabbed two packs of cigarettes and a lighter before shoving them down in the pocket of his leather jacket where Jimin had noticed he always kept a pack or two. "How many do you have in that box?" "Many," he shrugged. "Here." Jimin noticed Yoongi grabbed the white plastic bag from a week ago. 

"Taking that with you?" "I only sell drugs at parties, otherwise it's just uncool." Jimin huffed. "Sure." "I'm gonna go now." "Okay." "Bye bye," Yoongi leaned down to peck Jimin's lips. The raven haired man decided to walk his way to Wiheom street, since he knew he wouldn't be able to drive the car back again. Although there was really no reason for him to drive. Wiheom street was close to his place. He had decided to live at a place that was near where he grew up.

 "Yoongi's here!" Hoseok shouted. The party was held at Namjoon and Hoseok's place. The two lived on Wiheom street. Jungkook would too, if it wasn't for college and the fact that Yoongi had basically given him a bedroom for free at his apartment for whenever he didn't feel like being at the college dorms. 

But most of his family and friends lived on Wiheom street, so he was there a lot. Just like everyone else. Yoongi was greeted by a lot of people, and it didn't take long before Hoseok got him drunk. Meanwhile, Jimin was peacefully reading his book when he heard a knock on the back door. 

Or well...the front door. It was still confusing to Jimin since he almost always got into Yoongi's apartment through his shop, which was considered the back door apparently. The actual front door was on the other side of the apartment. It made sense though, since the door to his apartment through the shop, let him directly to the living room. Whilst the actual front door, had a hallway. Jimin sighed as he got up. 

He widened his eyes as he remembered that he was still naked from before. The boy got a hoodie, a pair of shorts and some socks before rushing to the door. "Taemin?" "Hello," he smiled. "Is your boyfriend here?" Jimin shook his head cutely. 

"He's at a party on Wiheom street. Why aren't you there?" "I was just there...I heard something along the lines of you being alone...thought we could spend some time together." Jimin smiled. "That's nice of you. I'm fine though, you should go back and enjoy the party." He shook his head. "It's the same as every party anyways. I don't get to be alone with you much, might as well take the opportunity." Jimin opened the door wider, and Taemin stepped in. 

"What opportunity? I suck." Taemin laughed. "I think you're wonderful," he smiled. "I brought wine," he says holding it up. "You drink a lot, you know that?" Jimin asked as he got out two wine glasses. He passed Taemin as he went to the couch and sat down, Taemin followed him. "I like drinking," he shrugged. 

The two kept drinking more and more glasses as the time passed with their voices and laughter filling up the big apartment. They decided to watch a movie, and Taemin didn't start a conversation until it was finished. "So...Jimin..." "Yes? Taemin," the younger giggled, even though nothing funny was happening. 

"Have you ever been with anyone but Yoongi?" Jimin shook his head. Taemin was surprised. "So...what, you're just gonna spend the rest of your teenage and your young days on him?" Jimin couldn't see anything wrong in that. "I mean...when you're in your age, you're supposed to have fun. Be with different people. Be free." Jimin shook his head. "I don't want anyone else but Yoongi." Taemin put a hand on Jimin's thigh, the boy almost didn't notice. 

"As long as you're happy." 

Jimin smiled. 

"We love each other..." Jimin mumbled. "Mhm. And you would never hurt him, right?" Taemin sat closer to the younger boy. "Of course not." Taemin narrowed his eyes. Should I test him? Taemin slowly leaned closer. Jimin didn't really react. 

He wasn't sure what was happening. But he was sure that it was probably the worst timing for Yoongi to come home. 

"What the fuck?" 

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