Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

"I'm scared," Jimin whispered. "He can't hurt you over the phone Minie, it's okay." Jimin looked up at Yoongi. Every time he looked at him, he felt like crying. He had missed Yoongi so much and all he wanted was to be back together with him, but it was too soon. 

And Yoongi had offered to take care of him without them getting back together. And that was all Jimin needed right now. He had forced himself getting used to the fact that he would never see Yoongi again, but here they were. 

Hyunwoo picked up the phone and Jimin tensed up. "Jimin-ah? Where the hell are you? You're so getting punished for leaving me yesterday, you fucking-" "Be honest," Yoongi whispered in Jimin's ear. "I-I um- I...think we should break up. End things be-between us completely." "Oh no Jimin. You do not get to do that. Now where the fuck are you?!" 

Jimin gulped. "I'm serious." He huffed. "What, do you think you can be by yourself?" Jimin shook his head, even though the other couldn't see it. "I'm not alone-" "Do you really think your stupid friends care-" "I'm with Yoongi..." 

Hyunwoo widened his eyes. Oh no. "I don't believe you. Boy, if you're lying to me-" "Hey Hyunwoo." He heard Yoongi's deep and familiar voice. "Damn...I knew I should've never gotten involved with you Park Jimin, you fucking slut. This isn't over." 

And with that, he hung up. 

Jimin's eyes went glassy, tears threatening to spill. "What now?" his voice cracked. "He won't hurt you if you're with me darling. He would be damn stupid if he tried." "But he is stupid." "Good point." Yoongi smiled at him before ruffling the boy's hair. "I'm happy to see you again. I'm glad we did meet. Imagine if I didn't know about this. 

God, Jimin I'm so sorry you had to go through so much." Jimin just nodded before hiding his face in Yoongi's neck. "Was it just him...or were you with anyone else?" "None of your business hyung," Jimin mumbled on his skin. 

"I know...I'm just curious for what you've been through the past year." Jimin hummed. "It was just Hyunwoo...oh..." "What?" "I did do it with Jae like two weeks after we broke up. I thought it would help, but no. Anyways Jae's a good friend now." 

"'re still in contact with him?" Jimin hummed. "It's not awkward between us though...I'm happy for that." Yoongi nodded. "I'm sorry. It's probably not what you wanted to hear." Yoongi shook his head a bit. 

"No...but we broke up. You can be with who you want long as they aren't abusive jerks like Hyunwoo." Jimin gave a lazy smile. "You have more tattoos..." Yoongi noticed. The boy was just wearing his underwear and Yoongi's shirt from yesterday night. It was currently the morning after. Jimin nodded. 

"Hey um...I got into Korea national university of arts. I haven't told you." Yoongi grinned, before wrapping his arms around Jimin's waist to hug him. "That's wonderful. Did you get a scholarship?" 

"No, I only got scholarships from a bunch of universities that I didn't wanna go to. None of them had the word Arts involved, so I said no." Yoongi hummed. "But I have enough to pay for the first semester, and then I'll just-" "You know I'm going to pay for it Minie." Jimin groaned. "Yep, you haven't changed." 

Yoongi laughed before hugging Jimin tighter. "Breakfast?" Jimin nodded. "Can I have a cigarette first?" "Sure, just do it on one of the balconies." Jimin decided that the one he used to smoke at was too quiet. He decided to go the balcony that was right above Yoongi's shop, facing the street, the cars, the people and even Taehyung's house too. 

Jimin got out his phone and scrolled through social media as the cigarette in between his fingers became smaller and smaller. "Okay, bye Hobi hyung. See you soon," Taehyung spoke over the phone as he stepped out of his house. 

He looked up at the sky, putting his phone back in his pocket, but his eyes never really got that far up to the sky. Is that Jimin? Wha- did he break in or something? Taehyung hurriedly got his phone out again and called up the boy. 

"Hey," Jimin spoke. "What the hell are you doing at Yoongi's?" "How do you-" "I can see you!" Jimin looked towards Taehyung's place before smiling. "Oh hey it's you." Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Care to explain?" 

"Long story short, Hyunwoo and I went to a party. He was a jerk, Yoongi saw it and dragged me to his place." Taehyung let out a breathy laugh. "What, did you finally break up with your douchebag boyfriend? Oh- are you back together with Yoongi?!" 

"Don't get so excited. I broke up with him. Of course he wouldn't allow me to do that, but I told him that Yoongi was there and then he got scared." Taehyung chuckled. "Well...duh. Everyone likes Yoongi and if You expose Hyunwoo, shit's gonna get bad for him." Jimin hummed. "But we're not...a couple. He just promised to take care of me." 

Taehyung pouted. 

"Why not?" "We met yesterday Tae, it's a bit too soon." Jimin looked behind him when he heard Yoongi call his name. "Ah okay. And quit smoking!" Taehyung exclaimed. "Yeah yeah," he boredly mumbled. "I gotta go, Yoongi made breakfast." 

"Are you two gonna eat each-" Jimin hung up. Taehyung watched as Jimin poked his tongue out at him before going inside. Taehyung only rolled his eyes once again before taking off. "I think we should eat dinner together on Wiheom street today." 

"To start drama and make people question Hyunwoo?" "Yup." Jimin nodded along before sitting down. "Haven't had a breakfast like this in a while," he smiled. Apple juice for Jimin. Eggs, bacon and small pancakes. Bread and whatever you wanted to put on it, was present. 

"How come?" "I can't be bothered to cook like this for myself and Hyunwoo doesn't want to either so..." Yoongi nodded. "Well, you look sick, so step one in getting you better is eating right." Well Yoongi could've been a little nicer.

"Hyunwoo didn't want me to get fat so he didn't allow me to eat much." Yoongi frowned before leaning in to kiss Jimin's cheek but Jimin stopped him. "I don't- not yet." "Sorry," Yoongi whispered. Jimin was beyond sure that if Yoongi just as much as kissed his cheek, Jimin would go crazy and long for much more. 

"How long since you've had cake?" "About a year." Yoongi felt horrible. He always wanted Jimin healthy and for him to eat right, but every weekend he would stuff Jimin with cakes from the cake bakery only a few shops down the street. 

Because Jimin loved cake and Yoongi loved the smile on Jimin's lips whenever he saw the goodies on Yoongi's coffee table. 

And he absolutely loved it when he would catch Jimin with stuffed up cheeks, looking like a squirrel which would make Jimin embarrassed and blush, but Yoongi would only bring out his camera and snap photos of the cute boy who always ate on his floor in front of the TV. 

"And we'll buy the cakes I used to get you after dinner." Jimin grinned. 

But then his face dropped. "But I'll get fat..." Yoongi shook his head. "No. A few cakes every weekend won't make you fat Jimin-ah. Besides, you need to gain more weight." "I'm confused." "Why?" Yoongi questioned. 

"Because Hyunwoo always tells me that I need to lose weight so I don't know which one of you is lying." Yoongi raised an eyebrow. 

"Okay, I know." 

"That's what I thought."

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