Chapter 21 + Title change

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(Hii. I changed the title from "Tattoo artist" to "Rebel" and the book cover has been changed as well. Hope you like it :))

Chapter 21

"It's okay Jimin-ah. Stuff like this happens for a lot of people." "Divorcing sure! But not your father cheating on your mom." Yoongi shrugged as he rubbed Jimin's thigh. "You'll be alright." "But will my mom? Why isn't she divorcing him?" Jimin took the pillow behind him, placed in between his thighs and began to punch it with his tiny fists. 

"Let your anger out," he sighed as he got up to get the younger a cup of tea, coffee for himself. Jimin whined as he still felt anger and sadness inside of him. Why didn't beating up the pillow help? He was frustrated that taking out his problems on the pillow didn't solve anything. But what did he expect? 

Jimin muttered out a small thank you before taking the mug from him. "Where does your parents think you are right now?" He sat down. "I didn't tell them anything." "Hm?" "I didn't answer my mom's texts." 

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows and placed a hand on Jimin's knee as concern appeared in his eyes. "That's unlike usually freak out if you forget to call your mom or something." Jimin shrugged. His eyes seeming more and more lifeless by the minute. "I'm mad. She has to understand that."

Yoongi nodded before sitting behind Jimin on the couch, pulling him in for a back hug. "Can I get drunk?" Yoongi pinched Jimin's thigh. 

"Hey!" "You? Drunk? Why?" The teenager shrugged. "Isn't that what adults do when they're sad?" "You're not an adult. You get ice cream when your sad," he stated before standing up to get some ice cream from the freezer. But Jimin grabbed his wrist before he could go. "I'm seventeen now hyung...let me." 

Yoongi sat down in front of Jimin on the floor. He took his hands in his and looked him in the eyes. "Only because you're with me. You're not allowed to get drunk when I'm not there, you understand? But I think it would be good if your first time being drunk was only with" Jimin smiled. 

"Thank you hyung." He nodded. "I'm serious though. You don't get drunk when I'm not there. I need to protec-" "Hyung. I don't like alcohol. It's not like I'm gonna go get drunk after this. just feel like it. You understand right?" Yoongi nodded. He understood. 

"You don't have to try and put words on it." Jimin gave a small smile. Yoongi sighed as he got up again. He got a lot of bottles and a few glasses from the kitchen. Jimin didn't waste any time in grabbing the rum bottle and gulping it down. The older quickly snatched it out of his hand and Jimin began coughing. 

"That's rum you idiot, you drink that in small amounts," he scolded as Jimin kept coughing from the strong burn in his throat. "Start with this. This is something you can gulp down quite fastly, if that's what you're feeling like." 

Jimin gave a lazy smile before taking it from Yoongi's hand. The boy already seemed drunk. He gulped down bottles after bottles. 

"Okay that's enoug-" "No!" Jimin whined when Yoongi took the beer bottle out of his hand. "You've had enough." Jimin groaned. "I need *hic* to pwee." Jimin stood up, but quickly fell down again. 

"Don't cry," Yoongi said when he saw the younger's chin tremble from the hard fall. His eyes watered. "Here," he put his arms around him and lifted him up. "You need help on the toil-" "No!" Jimin said when he got inside and locked the door. He felt dizzy, but in a way that he kind of liked. He felt sad and happy at the same time. Jimin made it out of the bathroom safely. 

"You feel better?" " 'bout what?" "Your family? Does drinking help?" Jimin shook his head. He sat down on the floor. Hitting the pillow didn't help. Getting drunk didn't help. Yoongi was aware of that, he just wanted the younger to realize that drinking wasn't going to fix his problems himself. Yoongi sat down. Jimin pouted. 

"Nothin- *hic* nothing works. Diminie is still sad." 

The older nodded. "So drinking can't fix anything. You realize that now right?" Jimin frowned before reaching out to hit Yoongi's chest, but the other grabbed his wrists before he could touch him. "You're letting me know by experience? Couldn't you just have told me that drinking wouldn't make me happy like in the movies!?" "Do you really think you were going to listen to me?" 

Jimin shook his head. He wasn't. "Can I have a cigarette then?" "Jimi-" "What?! You're letting me try things that everyone says are so great, to find out that it doesn't actually do shit. So let me find out with smoking too. Give me a cigare-" "Why do you want to hurt yourself so bad?" 

Jimin went quiet. "You wanna poison your body with alcohol and cigarettes all so suddenly, why?" The boy looked down to the floor. Yoongi was right. Why am I hurting myself? "Why did my dad have to ruin our family? Hyung...everything was so perfec-" "Was it?" Yoongi shook his head at Jimin. 

"In what way was your family perfect? You're scared of them Jimin. You always have been. How can a family be perfect, if the parents can't even accept their children?" Jimin pouted. "I'm accept-" 

"No. You're not. The boy they think you are, is accepted. But do you think they would accept you if you told them don't believe in god, or that you're dating another guy, or-" "No! They would kill me hyung." Yoongi nodded, and Jimin just started at his head move for a few seconds. 

"They're forcing you to be a good little boy, with perfect grades. They want you absolutely pure, a job that makes a lot of money, marry a nice girl when you become an adult, and have kids." "B-But...I don't want to marry a nice girl, I want you," Jimin made grabby hands at Yoongi. The older only held his hands in his own. 

"That's no life for you Jimin-ah. You just can't admit that you want to rebel, you want to smoke and drink and have fun. You probably want me to tattoo you again hm?" Jimin didn't know where Yoongi was going with this, but he tried very hard to focus on every word, because he wanted to remember what the older was finally telling him. 

"If you don't live like how you want to now'll be even harder for you when you grow older." "B-but I can't live without them..." Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows. "Why?" The older was forgetting the boy's young age. Or well...more like his mental age. 

Yoongi was ready to live on his own when he was seventeen, Jimin might not. "What if they get mad and kick me out if I try to act like ho-how I really want to?" "Then you'll live here. "What should I do first?" Yoongi shrugged. 

"Something small...ever wanted to dye your hair?"

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