Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

"What?" Yoongi huffed as he pinned Jimin down. "Suddenly you can't act like the good slut you pretend to be?" Jimin wiped his tears. "I'm not a sl-slut." Yoongi gently grabbed Jimin's chin as he stared into his eyes. 

"Only for Jae?" Jimin shook his head as he looked at Yoongi with a blurry sight. "Ju-just for you, hyu- Yoongi- I'm only for you to touch- I swear, I don't want Jae." The boy rushed out his words and Yoongi stared at him with amusement for the way his expression turned so desperate and needy for him. 

"That's right. You're my doll. Not Jae's. But Jae touched you when you were sad and took advantage of you, petal. You have to understand that." Tears ran down Jimin's cheeks again. 

He didn't know what Yoongi was gonna do to Jae, but he didn't want Jae hurt. He was his friend, and Jimin was just as much at fault as he was. It's all just because Jimin was sad that night, and the fact that he's younger than Jae that he's getting blamed more than Jimin. "Don't cry," Yoongi lowly spoke, wiping the tears away with his thumb. 

"I'm not gonna kill him. And I'm not going to hurt you...just do as I say, okay baby?" Jimin nodded. "No more contact to Jae, alright?" Jimin nodded. "No staying alone with any guys anymore." Jimin understood the sudden fall in trust, so he nodded again. 

"I'll do my best to forgive you, in the meantime I need you to be a good boy for me," he whispered sitting closer to Jimin. 

"I just don't like it when someone tries to threaten my power over you..." Jimin stiffened as Yoongi ran his hand up his waist, underneath his white t-shirt.

 "And I especially don't like it when you threaten it." Yoongi put a hand on Jimin's shoulder and slowly pushed him back until his back was lying down on the mattress. "Tell me, who owns you?" "Y-you." Yoongi nodded. "Just me?" he slowly got on top of Jimin. Jimin nodded. "Speak," he spat. "O-only you." "That's what I thought." 

Yoongi leaned down to kiss Jimin's neck as he took off his clothes slowly. "What are you doing?" "Reminding you of who you belong to." "I trusted you way too much before. I thought I wouldn't have to remind you. Did you get too comfortable, hm?"

Yoongi continued to remove Jimin's jeans. "Pl-please don't hurt me." Yoongi looked up before cooing. Of course Yoongi never wanted Jimin to be scared of him, but he couldn't help but like it in that moment. He felt like Jimin had forgotten his dominance in their relationship, he had gotten too comfortable. 

Maybe Yoongi acting a little tough was all Jimin needed to come back to being needy and clingy towards Yoongi like how they were before. It had been awhile since the two had been close. About six months, give or take. Yoongi needed to make Jimin feel small. "Hyung-" Yoongi took off his clothes too. 

"Y-you're awfully quick at removing your clothes." "Six months, Jimin. Six months." Jimin hummed as Yoongi went back on top of him. He spent about ten minutes completely covering Jimin's body with marks and hickeys. 

"Ah-hyu- that hurts." Yoongi ignored his whimpers as he continued sucking onto the abused and bruised skin. The two spent about ten more minutes of foreplay until Yoongi had decided to give Jimin the real stuff. 

"God, I'm going to kill Jae," Yoongi spoke with gritted teeth as he made Jimin moan by the amazing flow of his hips. Yoongi grabbed onto Jimin's chin as he closed his eyes for a few seconds, listening to the sounds of pleasure Jimin was letting out of his mouth. Yoongi traveled a hand down to Jimin's neck and wrapped his hand around his throat. 

He didn't choke him, he just added a bit of pressure, but enough to make the poor boy freak out just a little bit. Jimin put a hand on Yoongi's before croaking out a low "hyung." Yoongi smiled in a smirky way as he kept snapping his hips back and forth. 

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