Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

"The thing is though...I need at least one of your parents to sign this," Dowon placed a paper in front of the two. "Can't Yoongi just sign it?" Jimin asked hopefully, but Dowon shaked his head. "He's not your legal guardian." Jimin sighed. 

"I can go get it Jim-" "No, it's fine. I'll just show up and ask her to sign I allowed to lie and say it's just for some school trip?" "Well I can't stop you," Dowon winked. The two said goodbye to him, before getting inside of Yoongi's car. 

"I think we should get her to sign today, if you're up for it. The sooner you can go there, the better." "You know...I'm not some ticking time bomb." Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows before putting a hand on the smaller's thigh. 

"I'm sorry if I make you feel like that. I know you're not. But I just want you to be okay again." Jimin sighed. He felt pressured to get better, to act okay just for him to stop worrying, but he couldn't act okay. Pressured to feel better, he continued to be though. 

"Okay. Drive me to my mom's." It wasn't even his house anymore. Or his old house, or his family house. Just his mom's place now. "Want me to come with you?" Jimin shook his head before grabbing the paper that Dowon had given them. 

He went out into the cold winter air that was slowly getting warmer by every day. 

Jimin was in desperate need of spring. 

Good thing Jimin's mother was rushing to get to work, because if she had the time, she would probably question Jimin about the back shiny car, and ask for a better explanation than a 'School trip' Jimin had folded the paper so the line where she had to sign was the only thing present for her to see. 

"Let me grab something to write with." Jimin stepped inside of the house. He felt like crying. The teenager stared at the stairs, feeling a longing to go upstairs, to his bedroom where he used to sleep and just lay there with his laptop and the organic chips his mom would buy on days where he could be lazy. 

He wanted to go back, but then again he didn't. Because that would mean no Yoongi. And he wanted Yoongi too. Why was it that Jimin couldn't have both? Why couldn't he have Yoongi and his family? Why were his parents doing this to him? 

She came back with the paper that now was signed. "Thank you," he mumbled. "Can I go get something from my room?" Jimin asked. "Just hurry." Jimin didn't hurry though. He went upstairs and looked at his room. 

Once again he just felt like crying. He clutched his old sheets in his hand like he used to when he slept in his bed, safe and soundly. He found his favorite plushie of Ryan the lion, and went downstairs again. Jimin's mother felt her heart sink a bit when she saw the boy with his plushie. 

"Thank you for signing it," he mumbled before going out the door. She watched as Jimin entered the car, assuming that Yoongi was in the driver's seat. "You got her to sign?" Jimin nodded. "And you brought your plushie?" Jimin nodded again. 

Yoongi smiled before pinching Jimin's cheek lightly. The next day the two were back in Dowon's office, and the tall male proceeded to sign Jimin into the clinic. To say the boy was scared was an understatement. He beyond scared. So much that he spend the night before crying and Yoongi just comforted him. 

"Baby, you're going to be fine. It's a good place, you have nothing to be scare of." Jimin nodded, looking at the clean looking place. It was big, but not too big. Before Jimin could go inside, a car pulled up behind them. 

"Jihyun?" Jimin raised an eyebrow. "I called your brother." Jimin ran up to Jihyun as soon as he stepped out of the car and hugged his chest. Jihyun couldn't help but smile as he wrapped his arms around Jimin as well, ruffling his hair when he let go. 

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