Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

The next day, Jimin and Yoongi took the train home. Being at Yoongi's helped Jimin to relax a bit, but his stress and pain came back as soon as his surroundings seemed familiar to him again. Back in Seoul. Jimin sighed. 

"Hyung..." Jimin said when they got off the train. "Yes baby?" "I'm gonna go back to the house..see if my mom's there." Yoongi nodded, understandingly. He asked the boy if he should join but Jimin declined his offer. 

He was sure his mother would tell him to leave anyways, but he still had a little bit of hope left. The little ounce of hope, that was enough for the boy to still be able to smile. Jimin was scared to get that hope broken. To ruin it. 

But he couldn't just sit around with that hope. He had to do something about it. Jimin knocked on the door after taking the long way back to the place he once called home. He couldn't call it home anymore. 

Yoongi's apartment was now his home. Yoongi was his home. 

The boy realized how much Yoongi had done for him. What would he had done without him? He couldn't have gone to Taehyung's or Seokjin's...their family were against people like Jimin too. A lot less homophobic than Jimin's parents, but still enough to not wanting Jimin sleeping at the same house as their sons. 

It didn't matter for Yoongi. He was lucky he had open minded parents, but even if he didn't, Yoongi was an adult. He didn't live with his parents. He could do what he wanted to. Yoongi was an adult. 

Jimin gave a small smile as he thought about him. I love Yoongi. I wanna be as free as him. I wanna be an adult too. Jimin was free now. He knew it. His parents didn't contact him, he was free. But then...why didn't he feel free? Why didn't he like it? 

"Thought I told you stay away," she said after opening the door. Jimin could tell that it hurt her to speak to her son like that. She wasn't enjoying this. Then why is she doing this to me? "I thought...maybe..." she shook her head before Jimin could find the words to finish his sentence. "" Jimin's eyes watered. 

He took a step forward to give her a hug but she put her hand on his chest, pushing him away gently. Jimin swore he could hear a little crack coming from his heart. "'s not that I don't care about you..." "Are you sure?" Jimin whispered. 

"Of course, I still gave birth to you, you know." Jimin shook his head. "No. I don't know. You're my mother, yet why are you the one who brought me the most pain?" Jimin wiped his tears. "You're not supposed to do that." "Well I could say the same for you. You're my son yet you're hurting m-" 

"I'M NOT!" Jimin snapped. 

"I just...I just want my mother, that's all I'm asking for, but I can't. Because I'm in love with someone the same gender as me? I don't understand your logic." "Jimin, I can't accept you." She shook her head. 

"Sure," Jimin huffed, his eyes sparkling with tears. "You haven't even tried to accept me. You would be much happier if I just...died, right? Would you even care?" She widened her eyes. "I think you should leave now. You're staying with Yoongi, right?" 

"I'm not staying anywhere for long." 

Jimin didn't mean it. But in that moment, he just wanted nothing more than death. He turned around and went back to Yoongi's. The walk over there wasn't long, but for Jimin, it felt like hours as everything just reminded him of ways to end his life. The light was red. Jimin stopped like everyone else. 

He stared at the cars passing by. Is that an easy way to go? He stared at the tall buildings. Easy. He hated it. His eyes watered at what his mind was doing, but he didn't cry. He went home. To Yoongi. Jimin went in from his tattoo shop, as usual and straight up the stairs, ignoring Yoongi's calls. The man was working, Jimin didn't wanna burden him like he was burdening the rest of his family by who he was. 

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