Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

"Yoongi. He will not take it lightly if you reject him, you have to stay here until tomorrow morning. Your boyfriend to," Namjoon spoke lowly to Yoongi who had a worried Jimin holding his hands. Yoongi sighed. 

"He'll be alright hyung. You know people will leave Jimin alone if you're with him," Hoseok pointed out. "Yeah, you're respected here," Jungkook rubbed his shoulder. The man groaned, realizing he had no other choice. 

Minho looked at him, waiting for an answer, although he already knew what it was gonna be. "Of course we'll stay," Yoongi faked a smile, and so did Minho. 

"Great," he smirked. "Time for cake!" Tables with different kinds of cakes were everywhere for everyone to chew like wild animals. Yoongi sighed. He looked at the teenager besides him, suddenly feeling a huge wave of responsibility. Like he got stuck with his aunt's little kid for the day. 

"You want some cake Minie?" Jimin nodded. They found a nice table outside and sat down, putting Hoseok on the mission to choose the different kinds of cakes they were going to eat. He soon came back, and the sight made Jimin excited. 

"Cake, cake, cake!" he shouted as Hoseok came closer. Hoseok didn't care much for cake, but seeing Jimin so happy brought a smile to his face, even though he wasn't supposed to shout there. Yoongi pinched Jimin's thigh in annoyance. 

"Ow," he whined. "Don't shout." "Why not? Everyone else is being pretty loud." "Yeah, but we don't need more attention on you than there already is." Jimin looked down to his lap before nodding. 

"Now eat some cake." 

As they ate, a lot of people came to greet Yoongi, and the other guys too. Jimin couldn't count how many times he had said "I'm Jimin, nice to meet you," by now. "Why are you so popular here?" Jimin questioned, looking up at the older as he chewed on the vanilla cupcake with way too sweet icing, but Jimin loved it. "Yoongi used to be a hardcore gang-" "Shut up," Yoongi cut Hoseok off, almost hitting him in the chest. 

"A harcore what?" The ginger innocently questioned. Jungkook leaned in. "Whenever an outsider has a problem with anyone from Wiheom street, if they can't fight 'em, they can just use Yoongi's name. People run," he whispered. 

Jimin was confused. "He's pretty good at teaching whoever messes with us a lesson." Jimin looked to Yoongi. "Yo-you don't hurt people, do you?" "It's self-defence Jimin-ah," Yoongi spoke. "I don't hurt anyone who doesn't deserve it, don't worry." Namjoon nodded at Yoongi's words, making Jimin worry a bit less. 

"Yoongi's good, he doesn't hurt the innocent." "So you beat up bad people?" Jimin smiled. "Like a superhero?!" Yoongi faked a smile. He wasn't a superhero. He didn't deserve Jimin to think that of him like that. 

"Sure, whatever you wanna call me, Minie." Jimin gave a small smile before continuing to eat his cake. "Wait...people from Wiheom street? But your parents live in Daegu, hyung." Yoongi nodded. "I was born on Wiheom street. Lived there until I was eight when we moved to Daegu. And then we came back when I was around twelve years old. My parents moved back to Daegu again when I turned twenty, but I got work here so I stayed." 

Jimin nodded at the new information. "Then why don't you live on Wiheom street?" "There's too much crime here," Yoongi said as he shook his head. "B-but Hoseok and Namjoon lives here," Jimin looked at the two men with worried expressions. 

"People don't mess with us, don't worry." Namjoon pinched Jimin's cheek before giving him more cake. "If I get fat, you're gonna have to deal with it," Jimin joked as he ate more cake. "Don't talk with food in your mouth," Yoongi scolded as he lit up a cigarette for himself. Jimin childishly poked out his tongue at Yoongi. 

"Daaaaaamn!" "Oh no," Yoongi whispered as he already knew who was about to approach him from the loud and stretched out shout. Jimin looked to Yoongi, Why oh no? "You don't say a word, got it?" Yoongi rushed out the words, low and strict before the man could hear. "Hello," Jackson smiled. 

"Hi, Jackson..." Yoongi spoke.

"This must be the famous Jimin, everyone's whispering about." Jimin only nodded. "I saw some strawberry flavored soda if you want some," the blonde smiled sweetly at Jimin. Before Jimin could answer with a loud 'yes' Yoongi spoke. "He's good, thanks." Jackson huffed. "He can't answer for himself? I'm not surprised, Min Yoongi," he sighed. 

"...Of course you would have your boyfriend be extra obedient to you." "What's that's supposed to mean?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow. "'s not a secret you're kind of a control freak who feels the need to be dominant all the time." Yoongi stood up. Namjoon told him to sit back down through a look, but the raven haired male ignored him. Some people noticed, and looked at the two. Was Jackson messing with the great Min Yoongi once again? Drama. 

"Thank you for approaching us. It was nice to see you again..." everyone could hear that Yoongi didn't actually mean his words, as he took a puff of his cigarette, casually blowing the smoke in Jackson's face. 

Jackson stood there for a few seconds before nodding. "See you guys around," he said. Although he didn't leave without winking at Jimin first. 

"That Jimin boy is pretty hm?" Taemin spoke to Minho, sipping on his cocktail as they had their eyes on their table. Or more specifically, their eyes on Jimin. "That body..." Minho sighed. "And that face...Yoongi's lucky." 

Taemin chuckled at Minho's words. "I know what you mean...imagine him in bed." Taemin almost snorted as his own comment. "Alright, that's enough. Don't be disrespectful to Yoongi. Jimin belongs to him after all." 

Wouldn't it be being disrespectful to Jimin though? 

Not in their world. 

They watched as Jimin crawled up on Yoongi's lap, feeling tired from all the cake he had stuffed himself with as they shared a cigarette. "Let's go to the hotel hm?" "Oh! We're sharing rooms, four people in each right?" Minho nodded. 

"I'll get a room with them." "Take Jackson with you," Taemin smiled. Minho smirked at his idea. Hoseok suddenly  gasped, catching the attention of the other's at the table. "What?" "There's free weed!" Hoseok grinned as he ran up to the free weed. "Best birthday party ever," he sighed, satisfied as he went back to their table with some new weed. 

"Y'all not getting any? It's Minho's birthday party, we always get high." "I'm not getting high when I have to take care of Jimin." Jimin pouted. He felt like he was in the way. He shouldn't have come. Jimin's chin began to quiver. Yoongi panicked as he saw his eyes water. "Jimin," he spoke through gritted teeth, not taking the teenager's feelings into consideration. His harsh tone was only making it worse for Jimin. 

"Why are you crying? Don't make a scene here." "Are yo-you mad at me for co-coming?" 

Yoongi sighed. 

"You weren't supposed to come. You know that. I didn't tell you stay away for no reason."

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