Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

"We'll share a room, right?" "Is the birthday boy not getting his own room?" Yoongi spoke. Minho smiled. "Of course not. I want to be with my guests." Yoongi shrugged. Minho wouldn't do Jimin any harm. 

"Okay then. Who else?" Jackson suddenly came into view. Minho grinned as he welcomed him into their conversation. "Jackson will!" Yoongi only grew annoyed at the smile of the blonde's face, but he couldn't do much. Going against Minho on his day, was just not seen as a friendly thing. 

"Hello little one," Jackson noticed Jimin who was standing behind Yoongi. Their hands intertwined. "H-Hi." "Tired baby?" Yoongi harshly opened the door to their hotel room as he glared at Jackson.

"We're going to bed." Was the first thing he said when they got inside. Jimin pouted. "It's 3am." "But I'm not tired." Minho and Jackson unpacked their bags on the bed besides the one that Jimin and Yoongi we're going to share. 

"I didn't bring anything..." he mumbled. "It's okay. Use my stuff." "I'll go downstairs to the kitchen to warm up a cup of milk for you. Will that get you to sleep?" Jimin nodded with a smile on his lips. Yoongi gave a soft smile as well, he rubbed Jimin's chin before leaving. He took the clothes Yoongi had given him and went into the bathroom to change. 

"You drink warm milk before bed Jimin?" Jackson laughed. 

Minho poked him with his elbow, telling him to stop mocking him. But Jimin didn't catch the teasing tone. He just nodded before sitting down on the bed. "Is that a tattoo?" Jackson noticed. It was kind of obvious with Jimin's low socks, and shorts on. He nodded, looking at it. The blonde carefully got closer to Jimin, and sat on the foot of the bed, looking at Jimin's angle. "Yoongi made it for you?" The teenager nodded again. J

ackson suppressed the grin that wanted to take over his lips as he put a finger over the small tattoo. Lightly touching it. He didn't react when Yoongi came in. But he got up when Yoongi told him to piss off.

"That's no way to speak to your friends now is it?" "Firstly. You're not my friend. Second. It is when you touch my boyfriend." "You hurt my feelings Yoongi," he spoke, sighing. Yoongi ignored him as he sat down, leaning his back on the headboard. He told Jimin to lie down. The boy resthed his back on Yoongi's body and his head on Yoongi's chest, being comforted with the familiar warmth of his boyfriend. 

"One minute he's feeding him cigarettes and the next it's warm milk," Minho mumbled to Jackson. It was interesting for everyone at Wiheom street, everyone who knew Yoongi to see how he was acting with his boyfriend. 

"Yoongi's a softie for him," Jackson whispered back. Minho shook his head. "He's still strict though...there's more to it." "Whatever. Are you done with making Taemin spy on the two of them?" They had gone into the small kitchen area by now. 

"Tell him to do it a little longer..." "Yes boss." Jimin had fallen asleep by the time they came back. " know..." "Hm?" The man didn't look up from his phone when Jackson spoke to him. "

Are gonna keep Jimin?" he licked his lips as he scanned his asleep body. Mainly his exposed legs. Yoongi put a blanket over them and told Jackson to go to bed. "Don't be rude, come on," Minho spoke, making Jackson finally get to bed. 

"I'm surprised you're not drunk off your mind Minho. It's your birthday. It's usually the only time of year you allow yourself to get very drunk," Yoongi put away his phone. Minho huffed. "Yeah was different this time." "How?" "Didn't wanna give Jimin a bad first impression." Yoongi made himself lay down, carefully not to wake up Jimin who was sleeping on him. "Don't worry. He doesn't think badly of anyone. It's hard to leave a bad impression on him." 

"Oh, so that's why he's dating you." 

"Shut up Jackson." 

The next morning breakfast started at 9am. Jimin was tired. He had gotten 5 hours of sleep. Yoongi placed the smaller on his lap, fed him pancakes and gave him milk in a hurry. "Yoongi calm down..." The older shook his head. 

"I have to get back to work, hurry up." "You haven't even eaten anything!" Jimin got a few more stares from the raise of his voice. "Eat your pancakes so we can go Jimin. Now." Jimin pouted before lifting a pancake, holding it to Yoongi's mouth. 

"You really think Jimin loves him? Sure he isn't just using him to get attention and money?" Minho wondered. Taemin shrugged. "He's letting you be quite touchy isn't he?" he sipped on his apple juice. Taemin nodded. 

"But I honestly just think he's naive...he's friendly, but he could never cheat on Yoongi." Jackson sighed. "Sure about that?" "Why do you even care? Thought you didn't like Yoongi." The blonde laughed before shaking his head. "Nah, he's just fun to piss off." Minho rolled his eyes. "You. Keep getting close to Jimin, alright?" Taemin nodded. 

"Okay, come on," Yoongi patted Jimin's thigh, telling him to get up. "We should say goodbye to Minho hyung first." Yoongi sighed, but he knew Jimin was right. Jimin smiled when the older didn't argue. He grinned as he ran over to the table where Minho sat at, but he became shy as soon as he stood in front of him. 

"Yoongi hyung and I are leaving now...t'was nice to meet you. Happy after-birthday..." Minho smiled at the cute boy in front of him. "Come Jimin." Jimin looked behind him to see Yoongi waiting for him with his bag. The ginger waved at Minho, Jackson and Taemin before running after Yoongi, who was already beginning to walk away. 

Jimin caught up to him and held his hand. "Where does your mom think you are?" Jimin stopped in his tracks. "You didn't contact her yesterday?" He shook his head. "Call your mom." "But-" "Now." Jimin pouted as he got his phone out from his back pocket. "You've been very harsh with your tone lately, you know that?" he spoke as he found his mother on his contact list.

 "Yeah, why do you think?" Yoongi looked at Wiheom street, the street they has just stepped out of. "Jimin?! Where have you been?" "Um..." "You come home right now." "But mo-" "Now!" and with that, she hung up. 

"Can you just drive me home?" Yoongi huffed before nodding. "Gladly," he muttered under his breath before finding his parked car. "Why are you suddenly so mad at me again? I thought you got over it." Yoongi ignored the younger as he started the car. "Listen. Just because you've been to Wiheom street now, doesn't mean you can go there again. Okay?" "It was nice," he mumbled. Yoongi shook his head. 

"I'm not discussing this with you anymore. Just do as I say." Jimin huffed before he crossed his arms. "You sound like my dad." It wasn't long before they were right outside of Jimin's house. Jimin sighed. 

"She's gonna kill me." "I think you're the one killing her." "Excuse me?" Jimin widened his eyes. "You can't just not call your mom for that long to leave her worrying. Especially when she's in such a vulnerable state." Jimin groaned before rubbing his face. "You're right." He looked so tired. So worn out. 

"Get some sleep Jimin." He leaned in to kiss the younger on his forehead. "I'm sorry for being harsh on you lately." "I'm sorry for not listening to you." Yoongi gave a small smile before rubbing his chin. "Can I have a couple of cigarettes?" "Just take the rest of the pack, I have more at home." 

"You need a lighter?"

 "No, I'll just take the one in the kitchen. Thanks."

 "Alright. See you later."

 "See you later." 

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