Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

"Get your ass back here." "Nope," Jimin sighed before taking a puff of his cigarette as he held his phone up to his ear. "Daddy bought you some cake." "Can daddy fuck off?" Jimin smiled to himself. Yoongi was far from smiling though. 

"You know...I get upset when you disrespect me like that. Tell me baby, why are you acting like such a brat lately?" Jimin huffed. "Because you're gonna get me a therapist and I don't want that!" Yoongi rolled his eyes. 

"What's so bad about it?" "...I don't want to admit that I need help," the boy mumbled. Even though letting those words out of this mouth, was already kind of admitting it. "But Jimin, there's nothing wrong with getting help. I think you need someone to talk to. Someone who isn't me or your friends. It's good to let it all out." Jimin sighed as he did his best to not cry. 

"I'm scared..." "Of what baby?" Yoongi went with the softer tone when he could hear the younger's voice slightly cracking. "What if they send me to some mental hospital...if I voice out my'll sound crazy to some people." He was almost whispering by now. "Jimin...if that were to's not a bad thing, they're not bad places. Trust me, I've been there myself when I was your age. It's good." 

Jimin shook his head even though the older couldn't see him. "I'm sorry," Jimin finally cried. "Ar-are you mad at me?" Yoongi huffed. Of course he was. "What do you think?" "Can you just pick me up? I need you." "Of course, I'll be there soon." Yoongi sighed before hanging up. 

"That boy is gonna be the death of me," he mumbled before getting in his car and driving to Wiheom street. Even though it only took about a minute in the car, he figured Jimin didn't wanna walk. Jimin was sitting outside of Namjoon and Hoseok's place. 

Chilling on the steps of the couple stairs that was in front of the front door, as people passed by him, but not without sparing him a look. People watched as they saw the Min Yoongi enter Wiheom street, and walk straight to his boyfriend who remained on the stairs. 

Yoongi nodded his head towards the car, and Jimin took his hand before being led away by his boyfriend. Yoongi didn't start the car immediately when they both got in. Instead he turned in his seat to look at Jimin. Jimin, who was staring at his lap with pouted lips, waiting to be scolded. 

"You can't keep walking out every single time we disagree on something. And you can't keep going against me and disrespect me, you ungrateful- look at me when I'm talking to you," Yoongi grabbed Jimin's chin and lifted it up. 

"I am trying to help you Jimin. Your parents got divorced, and then your whole family left you. Everyone besides your brother. I'm sorry to tell you this, but that is not something a teenager can just get over. Or anyone else for that matter. You can curse at me all you want, but you're gonna do as I say." 

Yoongi saw tears forming in Jimin's eyes, making him take his hand off his chin. He drove home. Jimin went in as soon as Yoongi unlocked the door. He took his shoes off, as well as his jacket and went straight to Yoongi's bedroom. 

"Why are you crying?" "I don't know...but I'm going back to school tomorrow so just let me sleep for the entire day." Yoongi nodded. "Want me to come cuddle you?" "No," Jimin sniffled on Yoongi's pillow. 

By now, Yoongi had learnt that Jimin never knew what he needed. He knew, but that knowledge was locked deeply away for Jimin to ignore. Yoongi took off his jacket before getting under the covers. He put an arm around Jimin. 

"You suck at respecting my choices." "And you suck at listening to your heart. You don't need to be alone right now." Jimin turned around to his other side, so that Yoongi was no longer spooning him as he buried his face in the older's chest. He let himself be held by Yoongi for the entire day.

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