Chapter 06

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Chapter 06

Yoongi groaned when the sound of Jimin's alarm blasted throughout his bedroom. The first thirty minutes of the morning was spent with Jimin telling Yoongi to hurry up and stop being the lazy turtle that he claimed he was. 

He just couldn't afford to get caught my his parents. 

"Making out with you last night, is so not worth my sleep." Jimin hit Yoongi's arm when he started the car. It wasn't long before Yoongi was outside of his house. "So this where you live...nice house." "Thanks. Bye hyung, see you la-" Yoongi locked the car doors and windows. "Hyung..." "Give me a goodbye kiss first." 

Jimin blushed before leaning in to peck Yoongi's lips. "Doing anything after school?" Jimin nodded. "I'm gonna hang out with Seokjin hyung and Taehyung." "Kay. If you wanna meet up after I'm done working, text me." 

"Okay." Jimin then finally left the car. The boy unlocked the front door, doing his best to make his appearance silent. He succeeds as he opened the door, however his effort was a waste, for when the boy stepped fully inside, Jihyun turned on the light. 

"Hello little brother." 

Jimin shushed him. "Who was that? Driving you home?" "Just a friend." "The only friend you have who's old enough to drive is Seokjin." Jimin looked up at him with guilt in his eyes. "Why do you smell like cigarettes?!" 

"Lower your voice!" Jimin whisper shouted. "And when did you get a leather jacket?" Jimin sighed. He forgot to give it back to Yoongi. "Hyung, just let me get ready for school before mom and dad wakes up please." "...Can I ask questions the-" "No. You get twenty dollars, no questions asked." Jimin went up the stairs, his big brother walking behind him. "Fine...but I hope you're okay and not doing anything stupid." 

"I'm not." 

"You didn't smoke right?" Jimin widened his eyes as he pulled out twenty dollars from his wallet. "Of course not." He handed the money to his brother. "Thanks. And you should probably shower, or mom and dad will question you." "Yes hyung." He pushed his brother out of his room before sighing to himself. 

"Hey Jiminie. When did you come home last night?" Was the first thing his mother said when they all sat down by the breakfast table. "Around half past 9pm." She shook his head. "Never come home that late again." 

"I promise I won't mom." "I'm sure Jimin just had a lot of studying to do." Jihyun patted his knee. Jimin pinched his arm. He rushed upstairs, got his stuff as well as Yoongi's jacket, so that he could give it to him before he would go home from Seokjin's place later. 

"Jimin's whose jacket is that?" His father stopped him before he could open the door. Jimin's mother appeared besides him. "...Just a friend's..." "Okay, bye bye." As Jimin rushed out of the door, a pack of cigarettes fell out of the pocket. Mrs. Park widened her eyes. She opened the door, but there was no sight of Park Jimin. 

"Oh no." She bent down and grabbed the pack. She put a hand over her mouth as her eyes watered. "He's not...right?" "He said it's his friends jacket...let's just hope that it's true." "Hope?!" She exclaimed. "What kind of friends is he surrounding himself with?" Mrs. Park shook his head. "We'll talk to him when he comes home." Jihyun then went out to the hallway where he could hear his parents discuss. 

"What's up?" "Look what we found in your brother's jacket." "His friends jacket right?" "I hope," Mr. Park said. Of course he didn't approve of his son smoking at all, but he was still more chill about it than his mother would ever be. Now, Jimin hadn't smoked, but they definitely wouldn't approve of him hanging out with smokers either. 

Jihyun went upstairs to his old bedroom and got out his laptop. He tracked Jimin's phone as he spent the rest of the day, keeping notice of where he would go. He didn't worry when saw, from the tracker, that Jimin was at Seokjin's place. He didn't become worried about his little brother's whereabouts until he noticed him taking a stop on his way home from Seokjin. It was 6pm by now. 

"What is he doing at...Suga Tattoo's?" He sighed. "He better not be getting another one." Jungkook was finishing up the last tattoo of the day, as Yoongi got himself some coffee when Jimin entered his shop. "Jiminie?" "Hi. I forgot to give you back your jacket." The boy recalled the faces of the guys that had visited Yoongi when he got his tattoo. Hoseok was sitting behind Jungkook, rubbing his back gently as he watched Jungkook tattoo Namjoon. Hoseok whistled. 

"Is this the famous Jimin?" "Shut up hoe." The man pouted before looking at Namjoon's pained face again. "Thank you Minie." "Where's my cigarettes?" Yoongi asked when he felt the pockets being empty. Jimin shrugged. "I've been carrying around your jacket all day, maybe I lost them. Sorry." Yoongi shook his head. 

"It's okay, I have more." "Wanna stay for a hot chocolate?" Namjoon gave him a weird stare from the tattoo chair he was lying on. "Since when did he give free hot chocolate to people like some warm, kind guy?" Namjoon whispered to Jungkook and Hoseok. "Well he can't serve him beer exactly." "Why not?" "He's sixteen?" 

"HE'S SIXT- ow." "Sit still hyung, you have plenty of tattoos, you know how it goes," Hoseok commented before stealing a lollipop from Jungkook's plastic container on the counter behind him. Jimin smiled at Yoongi when he came back from the kitchen with some hot chocolate. "Thanks hyung." "All done," Jungkook spoke. 

Hoseok helped Namjoon stand up again. He looked at his upper arm where he had a new fresh tattoo of a tiger's face and a bunch of other added details. Jimin looked down when he blushed, looking at Namjoon. The man was looking extra good in his black tank top. Yoongi huffed when he noticed. "Jimin-ah." "Hm?" 

"This is Namjoon, the ginger is Hoseok." Jimin gave them a shy wave. "Hello baby," Namjoon gave a lazy smile. Jimin blushed again. Yoongi sat down on the leather couch and patted for Jimin to sit next to him. Jungkook turned around the sign hanging on the door, letting anyone who passed by that they were now closed. 

"Come here," Yoongi patted his thigh. Jimin looked at the other men before blushing. "Don't mind us," Hoseok whispered. Jungkook lit up a cigarette making Namjoon huff at him. The two males weren't very different, and sure most of Yoongi's friends smoked, but Namjoon considered himself too smart to do anything like that. 

"Now." Jimin moved by the sound of Yoongi's demanding voice. He smiled as he looked at Yoongi. "Are you tired?" Jimin caressed his cheek when Yoongi's eyes dropped. "Yeah." "Open a window if you're gonna smoke inside Kookie." 

Jungkook rolled his eyes, because there were no windows. Well there was, but none you could open. Hoseok went into the kitchen to get more beers. Jungkook shared his cigarette with Hoseok when he came back, as Namjoon got a smaller mirror so that he could stare at his new tattoo up close. 


Yoongi didn't have to say more before Jungkook understood what he wanted. He reached his arm out, Yoongi took the lighter and the cigarette from his hands with ease. Jimin whined. "Not right in front of me." 

The teenager laid down, his head resting on Yoongi's lap now. And then something happened. Something that ruined the peaceful state they all were in. Something Jimin hadn't thought would happen. At least not so soon. Jihyun opened the door, despite the fact that the shop was closed. 

Neither Yoongi or Jungkook had locked the place up yet, of course. The youngest of them all, quickly sat up when he saw who had let the cold into the shop. Jihyun stared at him for a few seconds until he grabbed Jimin's upper arm and dragged him outside. Yoongi stood up. 

"Hey-" "It's okay Yoongi-ah! I'll call you!" The boy shouted before the door smacked behind his back. Jihyun opened the passengers door and pushed Jimin in. He didn't say anything for a while. 

But Jimin rather wanted him to yell than give him the silent treatment.


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