Chapter 08

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Chapter 08

"I believe that sounded like a question...may I decline your offer?" "JIMIN!" "Mom!" Jimin whined. "Who is this friend of yours hm?" "I told you-" "Are you raising your voice at me?" "N-no...I told's just someone from my school." "Who smokes?" Jimin fiddled with his fingers. 

"I will not tolerate my son hanging out with scumbags. Whoever this friend is, unfriend them. Got it?" "...Okay mom," Jimin spoke in a soft voice. "Good, now go to bed." "Yes." 

"Oh, but do you want some warm milk first?"

"He's not a baby anymore," Mr. Park huffed. "But Jiminie loves warm milk before bed."

"Want me to make you glass real quick?" Jimin nodded. "Thank you," he spoke when his mom left to heat up some milk for him. "Son." "Yeah?" Jimin looked to his father. "Try to get rid of that habit after this evening, alright? You're growing into a man now, don't let your mother treat you like a baby." But I like it when she does that. 

Jimin nodded, just to satisfy his dad. Felt like that was all he had been doing before he met Yoongi. Trying to satisfy his parents. Jimin went upstairs and quickly took a shower, meanwhile...Jihyun got out his laptop and searched up Yoongi's store. 

He found Yoongi's last name and quickly found his instagram as well. There was a link in their website so it wasn't hard. Jihyun sighed. 

He didn't get a good look at Yoongi when he went into the shop, but here he could see a few selfies. Only a few, but enough. Jihyun went back to the website and found his work number. But he wanted his personal one. So he quickly ran into Jimin's room and grabbed his phone. The boy was still in the shower. 

"Password..." Jihyun groaned. "Strawberry milk..." Jimin's phone buzzed, wrong password. "Taebear?" Wrong password. Jihyun tried his mother's birthday. And he was in. He heard the water turn off so he quickly found Yoongi's name and typed down his number on his own phone before dashing out and into his old room. 

"Hey." Jihyun wrote to start a conversation. "Who is this?" "Jihyun." "The guy who just stole him from me?" "The guy who's his brother, thank you very much." "Right." Jihyun rolled his eyes. Yoongi was already annoying him. "Look I can't stop you from hanging out with Jimin." "Right." "But if you try anything then..." "What?" 

"I have a black belt in taekwondo." 

Jihyun smirked as he threatened the other with a lame threat, although it was true. 

"Me too." 

Jihyun gasped. "You're lying." It didn't take Yoongi long before he had sent pics of his black belt and medals. "Does Jimin know this? Why didn't he tell me?" "He doesn't, but I think you're getting off track here. Why did you text me?" Jihyun huffed. "Think you're so smart hm?" And yeah, Yoongi did. 

"My point is, treat Jimin nicely or I'll karate-chop your ass off." 

"I thought you did Taekwondo."  


Yoongi chuckled. "You're alright with Jimin and me? I mean...we're not together, but..." "But what?" "I would like us to be...Your brother has a really nice ass by the way.." "You little piece of-" "Hyung?" Jihyun turned around. "Yes?" he put a fake soft tone over his voice and forced himself to smile. 

"Are you taking off now?" "In a bit, yes." Jimin pouted. Jihyun smiled before opening his arms. Jimin kept pouting as he sat on Jihyun's lap and hugged him. The two were quite close. "Be good, okay Jimin-ah? Don't cause mom and dad too much stress. Especially not mom, dad's never home anyways." Jimin nodded. 

"And don't let Yoongi or his friends force you into anything. Be safe around them..." Jimin nodded again. "Don't worry hyung." Jihyun looked at his little brother for a few seconds before groaning. He pinched Jimin's cheeks, making the boy whine and hide his face in the crook of his neck. "I don't like this..." "What?" "Yoongi...No one's good enough for one can take care of you well enough." 

"Hyung. Stop worrying. Yoongi's great. He can be cold...but I think he really likes me," Jimin grinned. Jihyun's phone buzzed. "Who are you tex-" "No one. Go downstairs and get your milk. I'll be down to say goodbye." Jimin nodded before leaving the room. 

"Don't worry. Jimin's a pretty doll." "Just don't treat him like an object..." Yoongi smirked. "I can't promise I won't hurt him, but I promise I won't leave his side." Jihyun furrowed his eyebrows. He didn't have much time, he needed to drive back to his college dorm now. So he sighed. 

"His favorite color is a calm baby blue and light yellow. He drinks warm milk before bed because it helps him to sleep. He takes school and his grades, very seriously. He's a talented dancer, he sings too but won't admit it. He's sensitive and cries easily, our dad usually scolds him for that. He's not actually religious, everything's just been forced upon him. He likes big hoodies and shorts to bed. He always sleeps for seven hours, never more than that. He loves breakfast and calm mornings. If it's stressful, he'll cry and get frustrated. He plays the piano. He has never been in love, nor has he had a crush on anyone before. He gets mistaken for being boyfriends with Taehyung because of their touchyness. Seokjin is his big brother when I'm not home." 

Yoongi rolled his eyes at the long text, but then he actually read the information that that text held. So much information that was kind of simple, yet he didn't know anything about this. And he realized that he hadn't made much effort to. He was going to make an effort. Get to know each other's personalities, not each other's bodies. At least for now, that would be the right way to go. 

"Thank you." 

Was all Yoongi wrote before they both turned off their phones. Jihyun sighed before going downstairs with his bag. "Bye," he quickly gave his mom a hug and his dad a wave. He pinched Jimin's cheek a last time before taking off. "Go to bed when you're done drinking that." Jimin nodded before heading upstairs. 

He got a call from Yoongi right after he threw himself onto his bed. The boy sat up. "Hello hyung..." "Hi Minie." "I'm sorry for earlie-" "It's okay, I understand your brother." Jimin nodded, even though Yoongi couldn't see him. "Taehyung and Jungkook are going out for dinner tomorrow. Kookie asked if we wanted to join." 

Jimin gave a small smile to himself. 

"If you want." "Sure, do you want to?" The boy shook his head. "I do, but you decide." "Then we'll go." "Okay," Jimin breathed. "You going to bed now?" "Mhm." "Alright, goodnight Minie." "Night night, hyung." Jimin sighed before hanging up. "Honey?" Mrs. Park peaked her head to see Jimin putting away his phone. "Who are you talking to? Go to bed." "I am." Before she left, Jimin called out for her. 

"Mommy?" "Yes sweetie?" "Can I go out and eat dinner with Tae tomorrow?" And a couple of other people, but she doesn't need to know about them. "You wanna eat dinner with Taehyung?" Jimin nodded. 

"Sure, I'll give you some money tomorrow morning then." Even though Jimin was very aware of the fact that Yoongi wasn't gonna let him pay, Jimin just nodded and gave his mom a soft smile before drifting off to sleep, only to be awaken by his alarm clock that was even more obnoxious than Seokjin.


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