Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

"Hyu-hyun-" "Damn, you feel good." Jimin put his hand on Yoongi's, trying to move away the thing that was keeping him from breathing. But Yoongi's grip was tight. The smell of alcohol clouded Jimin's mind, and his tears blurred the face of the man above him. He kept going, he wasn't listening to Jimin. 

The boy was scared out of his mind, he was being choked. And Yoongi acted like he liked it. The worst part was, it felt so real. 

Jimin gasped as he woke up. 

"Jimin-ah? You okay?" Yoongi put a hand on Jimin's shoulder to comfort him, but the boy flinched and moved further away from him. The man furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He flinched. 

"Baby?" Jimin looked to the floor until his breathing was steady again. "No matter what, Jimin-ah. No matter what, you never ignore your dreams. They're always there for a reason. Don't ignore the signs." Was something his grandmother always had told him. 

But then why was he dreaming about Yoongi going against his will? He was choking him, when he clearly didn't like it. But Yoongi wouldn't do that. Right? "Ju-just a bad dream." "Let's shower and make breakfast afterwards hm? You're sweaty." Jimin nodded. 

He felt his legs being weak and wobbly when he stood up, but luckily, it wasn't something to make the boy fall or unable to walk. Yoongi went to the bathroom right outside his bedroom. "Coming?" The boy widened his eyes. 

"We're sho-showering together?" Yoongi shrugged. "I don't see a problem in that." " know...ju-just because we've done it before, doesn't mean I'm comfortable with everything," he spoke, referring to yesterday and to what Yoongi's parents had said. Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows. 

"If you don't want to, that's okay, I'll take the bathroom downstairs." Jimin nodded. "Please do that." Yoongi nodded at him with an emotionless, blank look before going downstairs. Jimin sighed. "Calm down Jimin-ah. It was just a stupid dream. It's not like you can see the future," he mumbled to himself before getting his bag. He pulled out his strawberry scented shampoo, and his vanilla body wash. 

He took a moment to frown at his body fat like he did every morning, before drying himself and putting on his outfit of the day. I shouldn't have eaten all those snacks hyung bought yesterday. Especially not with extra cheesy lasagna afterwards. I shouldn't eat anything toda- Jimin shook his head, getting rid of the thoughts that he had come to be so familiar with. 

It wasn't like Yoongi or his mother would let the boy starve for the entire day. "Good morning," Mrs. Min greeted her son. "Morning." "Where's Jimin?" "He's coming." She nodded, before moving everything from the kitchen, to the dinner table. Pancakes, fluffy bread, fruit, eggs and bunch of different juices and kinds of milk. 

"Where's dad?" "Working." He nodded, and Jimin finally came downstairs. "Jimin-ah, come and eat." "Oh..." It looks so good, but I shouldn't be eating that much. "Thank you," he smiled before taking a seat next to Yoongi. "Try butter and syrup on the pancakes together, it's great." "Hyung..." "Hm?" 

"That's a lot of calories." Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows. "Are you calling me fat?" Jimin chuckled at the older. It was more about him, and less about his boyfriend. "No, I am." Yoongi shook his head. "You know what one of the things that I really love about your body is?" "What?" Jimin blushed. 

"Those thick thighs of yours," he mumbled so his mom wouldn't hear, before pinching his inner thigh. Jimin whined. 

"So eat up honey bunch." But then Jimin smiled. This man isn't the same as the one in the dream. He would never. Jimin looked at Yoongi with a grin as he realized that. Before Yoongi could take another bite, Jimin poked his lips. 

"Hm?" "It's been an hour since we woke up and you haven't kissed me yet." Yoongi nodded. "Because you were acting weird," he mumbled before pecking Jimin's lips. The younger sighed. "I know, I'm sorry." "You good now?" He nodded. 

Yoongi patted his thigh before muttering a small "Good." "What are your plans for today?" Jimin looked to Yoongi, waiting for him to answer Mrs. Min. "I was planning on taking Jimin out to the mall, after that we could make dinner and eat it at the park by the art museum." "Like a picnic?" Jimin asked excitedly. He nodded. 

"We should have one before it gets too cold." Jimin gasped. "Let's!" Mrs. Min smiled at the cute younger. "Put your seatbelt on," Yoongi ordered when he started the car. "Yes dad," he rolled his eyes. "Hey," he pinched Jimin's thigh again, making the boy whine again. "Don't play smart with me." Jimin gave a playful pout before smiling. 

"Shit, that's a big mal-" Jimin put a hand over his mouth as he widened his eyes. "I cursed." "What did I tell you about cursing hm?" 

Jimin gave him a weird look. "Nothing?" "Yo-you don't remember...that one time..." Jimin was beyond confused. "What time?" "You said 'fuck' and then I got mad." Jimin looked like he had just gotten told the truth to life. "When did such a word leave my pretty mouth?" Yoongi chuckled. 

"We were..." "Yes?" "Doing it." "Oh." Yoongi nodded as he stopped at a red light. "You seriously don't remember?" "Doing it, or cursing?" "Cursing. Hopefully you remember doing it with me too." Jimin chuckled. "Of course, but...I don't remember cursing." 

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows. How couldn't he remember? "Are you saying your time in bed with me isn't memorable?" Jimin giggled. "Of course not..." he shrugged. "But I cursed just now!" he suddenly remembered. 

"You're a bad influence hyung," he playfully shook his head at the older. "Hm...and you're a bad boy." Jimin gasped as Yoongi found a place to park his car. "I'm a good boy!" "Good boys don't curse or lie to their parents." Jimin sank in his seat. 

"It's not like I want to lie to them," he mumbled. "I'll end up in hell just because of you, be grateful that I'm sacrificing this much!" Jimin raised his voice with a pout on his face. Yoongi just laughed at the younger. 

They got out, and soon they were in the mall. "Ice cream!" Was the first thing Jimin saw before running up to the cute shop. Yoongi shook his head as he followed the boy. Jimin ordered a big bowl for them both, and just as he was about to pay, Yoongi took out his card. 

"Hyung..." "Hm?" "...Nothing. Thank you." The lady smiled at the couple before giving the bowel to the younger. Jimin got two spoons and Yoongi got some napkins before they sat down. "I love ice cream." "Mhm." 

"Eat some more Yoongi-ah, I can't finish this all by myself," Jimin whined after a few minutes. "Alright, alright." "Give me a kiss first." "...Not in public hyung," Jimin sank in his seat. Yoongi rolled his eyes. "No one knows you here anyways." Jimin finally nodded before leaning in to peck Yoongi's now cold lips. 

"Jimin?" "Hm?" "I love you." The boy grinned before leaning in to peck his lips once again. The ice cream lady was secretly watching them with heart eyes. "I love you too." Yoongi got a big spoonful of ice cream and held it front of Jimin's lips. 

Yoongi stared at Jimin's lips as he wrapped his plump lips around the spoon and ate the Ice cream. 

"How can one be so hot and cute at the same time? Like you pick one, you can't just have both."

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