Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

Jimin had decided to wear a tight pair of underwear and a small t-shirt, that didn't cover up his ass. He didn't know what he was doing, he was unconsciously trying to seduce Yoongi. He just wanted the man to touch him again, he had missed him so much. He missed his touch. Why couldn't they just make out without being in a relationship? He wanted Yoongi back. 

He felt horny and alone. And he knew that Yoongi must too, since it's been a whole damn year that he last gave his dick any attention. It was no secret, that the two were still in love with each other. Yoongi stared at his body as he watched Jimin walk to the kitchen. 

Mindlessly, he followed Jimin. Jimin tried to reach for a bowl, but couldn't. "Want me to get that?" Jimin jumped a bit, startled by the male who was standing so closely behind him. "Please." Yoongi reached for it and put it down in front of him. 

"Hungry?" "Y-yeah." "Cereal for lunch?" he asked, looking at the white bowl on the counter. Jimin nodded. "I'll make you something," he mumbled. Jimin thanked him as he watched him get out rice noodles, salmon, eggs and soy sauce. Jimin jumped onto the counter and watched Yoongi as he swung his short legs back and forth. 

"So how was the party? You never told me about it." Yoongi shrugged. "Normal party stuff." "Then why couldn't I be there?" "Because people were fucking on the floor and licking vodka off each other's bodies. You can attend such parties when you grow up." Jimin pouted. "Surely you could just join them. I mean your dic-" "Can you stop talking about my dick?" He kindly asked, putting the rice noodles into the hot water as well as the eggs for them to boil. 

But I'm worried about it. "We wouldn't want it shrinking now do we?" Jimin said with a smile on his lips. Yoongi turned around with furrowed eyebrows. "Why would you care?" He asked. Jimin just winked at him with a cheeky smile before jumping off the counter. "Call me when the food is done, thanks." And with that, Jimin went back into the bedroom. "What the hell is he on about?" Yoongi whispered to himself before continuing cooking. 

Jimin threw himself on the bed and let his body relax as he fell asleep. However he only got twenty minutes before Yoongi woke him up again. "Come on," he poked shook his shoulder. Jimin pouted. Why don't you wake me up with kisses like you used to? Because they weren't a couple. Right. Jimin rubbed his eyes as he sat down. 

"Doing anything for today or are you just gonna lay in bed?" Yoongi questioned when they sat down. "I actually have work until 10pm." Yoongi nodded, asking when he had to go and if he should drive him which Jimin gladly said yes to. 

"By the way...I was thinking you should start taking over the guestroom. Move your things there and sleep there." Jimin frowned before questioning whatever Yoongi was suggesting. "I just don't think it's a very smart idea that as ex-boyfriends we share a room and sleep next to each other every night, you know?" No. Jimin shook his head. 

"No, I don't know! So what, I like sleeping next to you. Besides, why are you trying so hard to not be close to me?" "Jimi-" "Do you not want us to get back together?!" "Do you?!" Yoongi raised his voice. Jimin just stared at him as he waited for words to fall into his brain. 

"Of course I do...maybe not yet...but eventually. We still love each other, right?" "Of course Minie," he reached his hand out to caress Jimin's cheek gently. "But since we don't want anything to happen right now, maybe we shouldn't share a room until something happens." Jimin looked at Yoongi like he was dumb. 

"Don't want anything to hap- do you think I'm wearing tight underwear and a small ass t-shirt for nothing, hm?" "Do you think I wink at you after I talk about your dick because I don't want you to just stick it in me already?" Yoongi sighed. "I got the hints Jimin. I just don't think-" "Oh why do you care about what's wrong and what's right? You haven't had sex in a year!" 

"I'm not doing this," Yoongi mumbled, getting up from his chair. "Oh yeah, avoid our argument. Real mature hyung." The older bit the inside of his cheek before running a hand through his wavy black hair. "It's so not happening." 

"What?" "Do you think I want to do you when you act like an angry horny teen? Get your stuff from my room and move it in to yours." Jimin stood up making the chair and the floor leave out a cringy sound. 

"Bu-" "Now." Jimin pouted before going to Yoongi's room. It didn't take him long before all his things were moved. He changed the bed sheets, put his clothes into his closet and his other books and whatever few things he had lying in Yoongi's room. 

"Happy?" Jimin asked standing in front of the male who had moved on to draw new tattoos for work. "Yeah," he mumbled, not looking up. Jimin whined. "Can you drive me to work now?" "Sure, but go change first." "Gladly." Jimin bitterly smiled before going back. 

What can I do to make him want me? I know he's just trying to do the right thing, but it's been more than a week now, how patient can his shrinking dick be? Besides, he shouldn't resist me. It's me. Isn't he finding me sexy anymore? Thoughts entered Jimin's mind every time he blinked.

Any ideas? Come on Jimin, think...Jay...from work...he's gay right? Jimin smiled at his plan. It might be stupid and immature. But oh well, I'm stupid and immature anyways. Jimin skipped out of the room, and opened the door, waiting for Yoongi. 

The drive took only five minutes, which Jimin sure was happy for. The two said goodbye and Jimin hurried to open the door, hearing a small 'ding' "Why are you so smiley?" Jay laughed. "No reason," he shrugged before going to the back to get on his apron, not missing Jay gazing on his ass. At least he cares to look. 

But oh how Yoongi was looking, he was just subtle about it. Unlike Jay. Jimin got to work for nine long and busy hours. He finally said goodbye to the last costumer around closing time before sighing. 

"You okay?" Jay asked as the other co-workers slowly left. "Yeah," he tiredly smiled before getting a dish towel and other stuff to clean the tables. Jimin leaned forward and slightly bent over to reach a certain dirty spot on the corner of a table. It wasn't until he got back up he felt something touching his ass. 

"Jay!" he squealed. Jay bit his lip as he watched Jimin turn around. "Are you going to reject me if I kiss you?" Jimin lightly shook his head, making Jay smile before leaning in. Jimin felt their lips touch and his warm tongue on his own as his waist got held in a tighter grip. "I have to go," Jimin mumbled on his lips. 

"No, don't go..." he whined before kissing Jimin again. "Come home with me." Jimin didn't even think about it. Just because Yoongi couldn't do anything sexual with him, didn't mean Jimin couldn't do something sexual with someone else. 

"Okay," Jimin giggled. Jay took Jimin's hand after locking up the shop and got him into his car. 

Jimin sent Yoongi a vague text, only telling him that he wouldn't be home until tomorrow.


Huehuehueheu- this book will end soon but don't worry.

Also Jae and Jay isn't the same person okay I know it can be confusing, sorry, but just think of it like Jae's name is pronounced like "Ja", and and jay is...well.."jay" oke? oke

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