Chapter 07

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Chapter 07

"Who are those people?" Jimin didn't answer. "And why were you even with them?" "JIMIN!" Jimin flinched. 

"T-the guy that sat on the couch with me-" "The one you clung to?" The boy just nodded. "He's the guy who gave me that small tattoo." "And those were his friends?" Jimin nodded again. "Why do you hang out with people like that suddenly?" 

Jimin played with his fingers. "Yoongi's nice..." "How old is he?" "Twenty four." "Jimin!" "What?!" Jihyun sighed as he stopped at a red light. "I told mom and dad that I went out to get dinner with you. So where do you wanna eat?" 

"...Can we get sushi?" "Sure." "Come on," Jihyun muttered as he got out of the car. Jimin stayed in place for a short while, fiddling with his fingers for a bit longer. He sighed before opening the door, getting out. 

"Order whatever you want," he spoke when they sat down. Jimin nodded. "So...are you gonna keep hanging out with them?" The boy shrugged. "Well I can't force you into anything...or out of anything in this case. But please just be careful around them." Jimin nodded. "Don't smoke or drink." 

He widened his eyes as he looked up from the menu. "Of course not." 

"Good." "Are you mad?" Jihyun sighed before shaking his head. "No...I'm just worried." "Why?" Jimin knew why, but he felt like he needed to hear his brothers reasons to make sure they were the same as his own. 

"You're hanging out with people so much older than you. Just because they smoke and drink, doesn't mean that they aren't good people, even though our parents may say otherwise. But, it's still a bad influence, especially for ones like you. I just don't want them to use you, so please be careful." Jimin nodded. 

"I haven't known him or long, but he seems like a good person." Jihyun nodded. "What's his name? The one you clung to." Jimin rolled his eyes before a playful smile took over his lips. "Yoongi." 

"Do you like him?" Jimin nodded. "Do you like like him?" And then Jimin choked on his sushi, their order had arrived by now. "I'm not...that." Jihyun nodded. "You can say gay, Jimin, it's not a bad word." "Shh!" Now it was Jihyun's turn to roll his eyes. "So you've never kissed?" Jimin looked away. 

"You've always been bad at lying Jimin, don't start now." Jimin gulped down his pink milk as he tried to avoid his brothers gaze. "Jimin." "Okay!" He looked away. "Our lips may have touched...a few times." "But you're not gay, right, of course." Jihyun shrugged, teasing Jimin. Jimin glared at  him like he had never glared at his brother before. 

"By the way" "What?" "The pack of cigarettes fell out of your jacket on the floor in the hallway." Jimin widened his eyes once again. "What? Did mom and dad find it?" "Yeah." Jimin's face became crimson red. 

"They are Yoongi's." "I was at the shop to return his jacket and when I gave it to him, he noticed that his pack was gone. I swear hyung, I didn-" "I know." He smiled. "And mom and dad knows too. But now they're worried as well. Because they know that was your friend's jacket, obviously they don't want you to hang out with such people." Jimin sighed. "I'm not gonna get any sleep tonight am I?" 

"Probably not." 

Jimin whined. "You'll be alright." "Really?" Jihyun shrugged. He really didn't know, but he wanted to cheer up his brother. "I'll go back to college later when you all go to bed so that I can defend you if you need me before." "Thanks hyung." "Of course." One question still lingered in Jimin's mind though. 

Jihyun didn't really react when he told him that he had been kissing with Yoongi. "You're not scolding me for kissing with a guy?" "Jimin, if I should scold you for anything, it would be because you're kissing with a twenty four year old. Not because he's a male." 

"Really?" Jihyun looked to his sushi for a while until he finally spoke up. "There's this guy in my college-" "No!" "What?" "You can't as well..." "Why not?" "Because if we both are, it'll be even worse for mom and dad. You're finishing college and already starting up some gaming entertainment, you're supposed to be successful." Jihyun huffed. 

"And you're not?" 

Jimin shook his head. "Yoongi's rich, if things go bad for me I can just live with him," Jimin joked. Of course, he didn't want that to happen. "Getting yourself a sugar daddy now are we?" Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. "What's that?" "Nevermind. Besides, you have like the best grades ever, how would things not go well for you?" Jimin shrugged. 

"I'm not sure mom and dad will happy with my university choice." Jihyun held a concerned look in his eyes. "Why not?" "I wanna go to Seoul institute of arts." Jihyun smilled. Jimin was always scared to pursue an artistic career since his parents were against it. 

"Do you still dance in secret?" Jimin nodded. Taehyung had shown him a few choregraphies when they were in 8th grade of middle school. The boy enjoyed it so much, he asked his parents to let him attend dance classes, but that question was turned down rather quickly. He knew that his dad definitely wanted him to go in some boring business direction. His mom as well. 

Now he just dances with Taehyung in his freetime. He's pretty amazing for being self taught. Taehyung would always show him what he had learned in his dance classes. Although Taehyung and Jimin's families were quite similar, Taehyung's parents were a bit less strict. "Taehyung taught me a new dance hyung!" 

"Can I see?" Jimin nodded. He had recorded it. He pulled up his phone and practically shoved it up his brother's face. Jihyun laughed. He liked watching the younger dance. His parents had noticed that Jimin had gained muscle and lost some weight, and they weren't able to figure out why. Jimin just said he took P.E class more seriously now. And although they were not very convinced with that, they shrugged it off. 

At least his father did. 

It wasn't a lie since it was true. But there was more to it than that of course, the dancing. "You're talented Jimin. Taehyung's good too." Jimin grinned. "Show Yoongi that, I'm sure he would love it." "Why would he wanna watch silly me flopping around?" Jihyun chuckled. "Why are You wearing thigh chokers? In the video." 

"Thigh what? Taehyung told me he got them as a present from Jungkook. So we put them on." Jihyun nodded before sighing. "What?" "Let's just say that you're gonna be me when I first started college... soon." 

"But I'm only a junior in high school. I still have this year and the next." Jihyun just shook his head again. "You know how I slightly changed when I entered College? Because of the influence of other people. Exactly what mom and dad were afraid of?" Jimin nodded. "Yeah. That." Jimin looked slightly scared. 

"We should go. Mom and dad probably has a lot to say." Jimin nodded. Jihyun paid and then they left. The first thing Mrs. Park did when she heard her son step inside was to grab his arm and place him on the couch. 

"Why's everyone attacking my upper arm today?" he pouted as he massaged his skin. 

"Jimin sweetie?" 

"Yes mother?" 

She sat besides her son as she slowly held up the pack of cigarettes. 


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