Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

Jimin giggled as he got his head out of the covers, following by Jay who was lying on top of Jimin. It was a few days later they last saw each other. Jimin came home and vaguely answered Yoongi's questions and that was it. But this evening, Yoongi was at work and Jimin was lonely. Still, nothing had happened between the two ex-boyfriends. 

"You should really go now Jay," Jimin mumbled when he kissed his shoulder. "Okay," he whispered, running a hand through Jimin's hair. "Call me when you get lonely again." Jimin turned around with a smile on his face before he nodded. 

"I will." Jay shamelessly got up and put on his clothes. "You remind me of a guy I once slept with, we're just friends now though." "How?" "Oh, you're nothing alike. It's just your names," he laughed, thinking about Jae from the clinic. 

It reminded him that he should probably text him since it's been a while. Jimin watched the older tattooed guy put his shoes on. Jimin got up and put on some boxers and a loose, open button up to follow him to the door. 

"Bye bye," Jimin waved with a smiley face, still high of the sexual pleasure Jay had given him. But it all faded away once Yoongi opened that door. Jay gave him a timid smile before walking out. Yoongi just stared at Jimin with a blank look before the younger decided to avoid the situation by going to the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator, but Yoongi closed it before he could even look inside, making the younger flinch. 

"You dare to bring a guy home and sleep with him in my home?" Jimin looked down, fiddling with his fingers. "Explain yourself." "There's nothing to explain. I was horny and called up Jay, because unlike you, he actually wants me." Before Jimin could walk away Yoongi put a hand on his shoulder, making him stay in his place. 

"Listen to me Park Jimin," Yoongi lowered his voice. "I don't care about your daddy issues and obsessive need to get attention from older men with tattoos." Ironic, Jimin thought. 

"I'm waiting to touch you, because you're only doing this because your horny right now. We can get together, when you actually want to become a couple again. When you're ready for that. In the meantime, you be a good boy, and don't touch anyone else. And you don't let anyone t- look at me," Yoongi interrupted himself, making the boy stare at him with big adorable eyes and a small pout on his lips. 

"And you don't let anyone touch you. As you wait until you're ready for a real relationship again, you still belong to me. Mine. I'm not taking care of you so that you can happily go screw around with other guys. You got that?" Jimin stared into Yoongi's dark eyes for a couple seconds before stuttering. 

"Y-yes sir." 

Yoongi straightened his back. "Good, now go to your room." Jimin nodded before dashing off. Jimin was happy actually. He had called him his again, and that was all the boy needed for now. Jimin smelled the smell of cigarettes and figured that it was coming from the balcony and to his window. 

He decided to join Yoongi even though he just had told him to go to his room. He didn't say for how long


Yoongi turned around to see the smaller entering the balcony. "What do you want?" Jimin pointed at his cigarette and Yoongi gave him a new one for the boy to light up. They went silent, the only sound was the birds chirping and a few cars running by and the sound of people's heels hitting the ground. 

Jimin looked up at the sunset. Yoongi kept staring at Jimin for a few moments. The boy had been through so much this past year and damn he missed him. He changed him. He had changed Jimin so much from when they first met. 

"I'm sorry," Yoongi suddenly spoke, a tear rolling down his cheek. Jimin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "About what?" "We've had this talk before...I feel bad when I remember how you were when we first met." Jimin shook his head. 

"Yeah, we have talked about this. And I told you to quit it, because I was miserable back then. It's better now. Everything back then was just so incredibly fake. I like it better like this. Here with you. It's real unlike the dollhouse I grew up in." 

Yoongi forced a small smile. 

"Can I hug you?" his voice broke. Jimin didn't know why the older had gotten so upset but he just nodded. Yoongi basically grabbed Jimin's head and put it on his chest before wrapping his arms around the boy in a tight hug as he let his tears fall down. Yoongi didn't even cry this much when he broke up with him. 

"Why are you crying?" Jimin asked in a small child-like voice. "I love you so much and I hate it when you do this." "Do what?" "Flirt around with other guys like that. When you force yourself to be mad instead of sad. When you act out with anger instead of just crying to me. Whe-when you pretend to be okay, when you're not Jiminie." 

Jimin forced Yoongi off him. "If you know that I'm doing all of this all because of you then why don't you just fix it?" Jimin looked at him with a pleading look. "I think we're ready to be together hyung. Look, I'm not trying to pretend like I'm okay. I'm not...Hyunwoo has scarred me for life and I'm still not over that. It was a whole year of abusement, but Yoongi I'm here with you now. A-and I know our relationship isn't totally normal either, but I need this- I need you. And I want you stop talking about right and wrong and just kiss me alrea-" Yoongi leaned down and shut Jimin up with a kiss, wrapping his arms around Jimin's small waist as he brought him as close to his body as he could. 

"Wow Jimin. Get some," Taehyung commented to himself before closing his window where he had seen the two. He turned around and smiled to Jungkook and Hoseok who were both lying on his bed. "Cuddle me," he ordered, throwing himself in between the two to be showered with hugs and kisses which the boy just loved. 

Jimin and Yoongi panted as they pulled away from each other. "Do you know what I want?" Yoongi whispered. "What?" "I want you to wrap yourself up in a blanket, I want to make warm milk for you and put on a disney movie." 

A grin took over Jimin's face. "And I want to cuddle you, and kiss you...and I want to run my fingers through your hair to help you fall asleep afterwards. And I'm gonna carry you to my bed. And then in the morning, when we wake up...we'll see." 

Jimin squealed, jumping onto Yoongi. Yoongi grabbed the back of Jimin's thighs to carry him to the living room. "I love you," he mumbled before giving Jimin two big kisses on his chubby red cheeks. Jimin responded by pecking Yoongi's nose, right before Yoongi put him down on the couch. "Pick a movie and I'll make you warm milk." Yoongi went into the kitchen.


he heard the boy shout. 

A grin took over his lips. 


wattpad didnt wanna puplish this yesterday so here u go

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