Chapter 04

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Chapter 04

"You have cream on your nose." Jimin crossed his eyes in attempt to see the pastel pink substance on the tip of his small nose, but he couldn't. Yoongi leaned in, he wiped of the cream before licking it off his finger. Jimin blushed before continuing to eat his cupcake.

"Want a mochi?" Jimin gasped. "You bought mochi too?!" "This is cannibalism," Yoongi commented when Jimin devoured a light blue rice cake. Yoongi then groaned to himself. "What is it hyung? Why are you whining?" 

"Why are you so cute?" Yoongi pinched Jimin's cheek in a tight grip making the younger whine. He put both his hands on Yoongi's as he tried to get it off his cheek. Yoongi let out a short deep chuckle before taking his hand back, leaving a red spot on Jimin's chubby cheek. "It's my mom," the younger mumbled when his phone began buzzing. 

"Hello mother..." Jimin swallowed the rest of the rice cake. "You're still studying right?" "Of course mom, lot's of studying!" The thing is, Mrs. Park knew her son was lying. It was obvious from the unnatural tone his voice held. "Okay honey, but I need you home now." "I'll be home soon, I promise!" "Good. Bye bye." "Bye bye." 

Jimin sighed. "Hyung, I really gotta go now." before Jimin could get up, Yoongi had wrapped his arms around him. "Hyung..." "Hm?" Jimin leaned his back up against Yoongi's chest. "You're too obsessed with me," he whispered. Yoongi only agreed. "Don't leave just yet." "Hyung!" Jimin whined. "Don't you have a sibling to cover for you or something?" Jimin sighed. 

"My hyung should still be home. He's leaving tomorrow if I remember correctly." "Your parent's sleep early?" Jimin nodded. "Yeah, they work in the morning. My mom is only awake right now 'cus she's waiting for me." "Good." Jimin felt the older whisper in his ear. 

"What do you want me to do?" "Tell your hyung to tell your mom to sleep already. He'll wait for your arrival." "Hah, no he won't." Yoongi shook his head. "Tell him to pretend." "He's gonna question me then." The older shrugged. He couldn't see the problem in that. "Hyung, he's only two years younger than you." "Oh." "He'll kill you if he knows about you." Yoongi huffed. 

"Not if he's like you, he won-" "He's not. I mean call him a church boy or whatever, but he's not like me. He was...but then college happened." Yoongi laughed. "Ah, college. Good times." "So..." Yoongi rolled his eyes. 

"Call your hyung. I'll bring you home before your parents wake up." Jimin smiled. His back was still pressed against Yoongi. "You really like spending time with me, don't you?" "Don't flatter yourself." Jimin grinned as he called up his brother. However his grin slowly faded. 

Two reasons. Because of having to ask his brother for a favor that he probably won't like and question very much, and because Yoongi was currently tracing flowers on Jimin's inner thighs. "Hyung..." "What's up, baby brother." "I need a favor." Jihyun raised his eyebrow. "Speak." 

"Can you please tell mother to go bed and pretend like you're gonna wait for my return for her?" "Pretend?" "Yeah..I won't be home until morning." Jihyun was already confused by his request. Yoongi started to rub Jimin's tummy as well. 

"Jimin-ah. Where are you?" "At a friend's house. Just do this for me hyung, please." "Fine." "Thank you!" "But-" Jimin groaned. "Twenty dollars." "Fine!" "Good. See you later." "See you later." Jimin hung up. "I'm losing twenty dollars because of this, so be grateful." "Oh, I am." "Maybe you could be a little less grateful actually." Jimin took Yoongi's hand, the one on his thigh, and placed it on the floor. 

"You're not enjoying this?" "Yoongi-ah." Jimin turned around to face his hyung. "I'm not..." "Not what?" "...G-gay?" Yoongi huffed. "Come here." Yoongi patted his lap, and Jimin obeyed him without hesitation. "Baby?" "Yes?" "I really doubt you're straight." Jimin huffed. 

"Why?!" "You clearly didn't mind sitting on my lap, and your responding to me calling you baby more than you do when I actually use your name." Jimin pouted. "I'm gonna go hom-" "Wanna find out?" "Find out what?" "Weather or not you're gay." Jimin looked away. 

"Yoongi, I can't be." "Because you'll end up in hell or more bullshit your parents have told you?" Jimin shook his head. "It's true. Even the bible says so..." Yoongi honestly couldn't look more done. "I respect your religion, but don't try to deny who you really are." "Hyung, I've known you for like three days! Who are you to-" "Don't raise your voice at me boy." 

Jimin looked down. "Just don't call me that..." "That? Gay? What's so bad about it. I'm gay." "You are?!" Yoongi facepalmed himself. "No Minie. I just like to call cute guys pretty and nickname them baby, and rub my fingers against their thighs." Jimin frowned. "You're making me feel stupid." "Well you are." "You're mean!" Yoongi chuckled. 

"Let me kiss you, hm?"

"What? Ew, no." 

"I kiss you, and if you like it, you gotta be honest with yourself. If you don't like it, we'll forget everything about it." Jimin looked to the floor. He was considering it. "...Okay." The boy began shaking as soon as those words left his mouth. "Don't be scared." "But I am scared." 

Jimin suddenly gasped. "Hyung, I don't know anything about kissing." "Just shut up." "Mmm!" Jimin hit Yoongi's chest with his tiny fist when the older suddenly collided their lips together in a kiss. As Yoongi kept kissing him, his widened eyes slowly closed and his fist stopped hitting Yoongi's chest, dropping to the man's side inside, grabbing his waist. 

Jimin felt himself kiss back, and Yoongi was already addicted to the feeling of his young plump lips. After a few moments of making out, Yoongi slowly slid his hands down to Jimin's ass, gently touching it. He couldn't help it. He absolutely loved Jimin's figure. His small waist, plump butt and thick thighs wasn't something he could stay away from. 

"Hyun- Hmm-" "Sto- stop hyung!" "Shh." Yoongi began kissing the other with his tongue, and the young boy had no idea how to respond. "St-stop." "Ah- Be quiet." And then Jimin bit Yoongi's lower lip. Yoongi quickly detached their lips.. He touched the fresh wound, red liquid on his finger. He was bleeding. 

"Get out." 

"What?" Jimin panted. "I don't want to deal with your crap, get out." Jimin frowned. "It's your fault! You di-you didn't stop." Yoongi huffed at him before pushing him off his lap. "You tell me to stop but you hold me tighter. You press your body against mine and you kiss me back. You played with my hair and began to grind on me a few times if you dont't recall. I told you to be honest with yourself." 

"I am-" "You're not. Now get the fuck out of my apartment Park Jimin." Tears formed in the young boy's eyes. "But hyu-" "Don't contact me until you've admitted to yourself that you enjoyed it." "But I-" "What!?" Jimin grabbed the pillow on the couch that they had been sitting beside for a while now (they were sat on the floor) as he hugged it into himself before he began bawling his eyes out. 

"Stop yelling at me hy-hyu-hyung." Yoongi rolled his eyes. "You're such a cry baby." "You can't just ask me that much of me hyung!" "I'm only asking you to be honest you dumbo." "Fine!" "Fine what?" Jimin's face grew red as he hugged the pillow into his chest even tighter. 

"I l-li-liked it." 

"Good. Now stop crying and go to bed." Jimin looked up from the floor. "Wha-what?" "It's a school night, now go to bed. "You're s-so confusing hyung." "I know, life's hard. Now sleep." 

"Are you mad?" 


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