Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

"Minie come on. Stop crying." Jimin shook his head. "No, you don't understand! No-not with yo-your stu-stupid, ac-accepting, h-hippie par-parents." " have stop caring so much about what other people think and how they react to you." 

Jimin shook his head as he hugged the pillow in his chest tighter, sitting on the comfortable, soft couch in his living room. "They're not other people, they're my parents. I guess I can care a little less about my dad, I mean he cheated on someone, who's he to tell me what's right and wrong? bu-but my mom? if she felt disgusted by me...disowned me..." 

Jimin only shook his head at the thought. "Jimin. It'll be fine. Even if it wont now...your mom can't hate you forever. And you come live with me if it's too tough." Jimin nodded. "He'll probably tell my mom once she comes home..." 

"Don't worry about it." 

But worrying about it what all Jimin could do. He didn't speak to Yoongi about it, until the last day of what he called freedom. 


"Your mom's coming home tomorrow?" Yoongi spoke. The two were lying on Yoongi's bed, Jimin's head resting on his boyfriend's chest as they shared a cigarette. Well, Yoongi was sharing it with Jimin. 

"I'm scared." Jimin felt Yoongi's cold hand touch his cheek. "Whatever happens...happens." "You suck at comforting people." Yoongi chuckled. Jimin was right, he was well aware of that. 

"I know a way to take your mind off it though..." Yoongi sat up, making Jimin move his head. Jimin sighed as he just let Yoongi do whatever he wanted to him that night. The boy didn't react to much. He didn't fall asleep afterwards. He always did, but not this time. No this time, he was up all night, in the bed, staring at the sky from Yoongi's window. It wasn't until 3am Yoongi spoke to him again. 

"Do you want a sleeping pill?" Jimin looked at Yoongi with a worried expression. "It's just melatonin, relax." Jimin nodded, and stared at him as he rose from the bed. The pill helped, Jimin finally fell asleep. Jimin didn't talk much the next morning. He didn't have an appetite so he skipped breakfast much to Yoongi's dismay. 

The boy went home an hour or two before his mother would arrive, just to take a shower to get the smell of cigarettes off him, and to get some food before. Jimin didn't know what he was expecting when his mom came home. She was happy to see Jimin again, of course she had missed him. 

The boy was confused as to why his dad hadn't even called her or texted her about anything. Maybe his dad thought that it was such a big of a deal that it had to wait until he could tell her what he saw Jimin do with that man in person. Or maybe she knew, but took it well? Yeah, you wish Park Jimin. 

"How have you been, did you eat well hm?" Jimin nodded. Although it wasn't entirely true. Ever since his dad saw him in the act of kissing Yoongi, he had been feeling too low to eat much. They spent the evening eating popcorn and watching some movies, Jimin noticed that his mom seemed slightly more calm.

And for that he was glad, but he could only wait for it all to come crashing down. She noticed Jimin acting stressed and anxious, but she didn't question it. Jimin slowly stopped worrying as the days passed. He went to school, did his homework, hung out with his friends and Yoongi as well, but he never heard from his dad. 

Jimin finally decided to shake the worrying thoughts completely out of his head as he opened the front door to his house on a certain friday. "Mom?" He called, even though she always came home later than him. 

Jimin went to the dining room, wanting to go to their kitchen that was connected to it. His last math class really worked up his appetite. "Mom? D-dad?" There they sat. By the dinner table. Mr. Park shook his head at Jimin. 

"This is your fault," he said, pointing at Jimin's mother before walking out, not even wanting to look at Jimin anymore. "Wha-what's going on?" Jimin hoped it was just another fight. Anything that didn't have anything to do with him. 

"Jimin," her voice trembled. "I...I think it would be best if I just...moved." The ginger was confused. "Where are we going?" She shook her head. "Just me...I think I should move." Jimin noticed how she wasn't even looking at him. "Why? Was the vacation too short for you? You can take more time off if you need it." 

Her eyes watered as she kept shaking her head. "I can't be around you Jimin. Or your dad." Jimin sat down. "Why?" Jimin knew, he just needed to know that he wasn't misunderstanding anything. "You have a boyfriend?" She held a hand up to her mouth after the words left her lips. Jimin didn't answer. "

Yoongi?" She questioned as her voice cracked. Jimin looked at the table as he nodded. He couldn't look at his mom. She was shaking as she got up. "I can't do this anymore. I have to leave." "Mom-" "Don't touch me," she said when Jimin reached a hand out to touch her arm. Jimin's heart broke but he stood up and followed her up the stairs anyways. "Why? Mom, what's the matter?" he spoke in a pleading voice. 

"What's the matter?! My son has a boyfriend!" She got out her suitcase. But she stopped. She put it away. 

" have to leave." "Wha-wha-what?" "First your dad sins and now you? What did I do to deserve this, hm? Why is god punishing me like me this?" she cried. "I don't have to lea-leave, you do. I never thought I had to say this about my own son, but you disgust me Jimin-ah. Pack your bags and go live with that filthy boyfriend of yours. He's older..." 

she nodded at herself before continuing with her words. "He's older isn't he?" Jimin nodded."I just need to know...for all this time...was it him?" "Wha-what w-w-was?" "The way you changed..." Jimin looked at the floor. 

He shrugged with shaking shoulders. "Y-yeah. But I told you...I-I I'm happy that I changed..." She huffed. "Whatever. You go be happy with him, while I suffer. I can't care about you anymore." She wished she hadn't said that. 

"Get...out. Leave. I don't want to see you again." The words were firm but shaky from her cries. This hurt her. It hurt her a lot to this, but she couldn't live with Jimin. "Mom please don't-" "Pack your things, now!" Jimin flinched. 

He went out of her room with quick steps, and to his own. Big tears falling from his eyes and hitting the floor. He cried as packed his things with a blurry vision. Jimin stopped and held a hand in front of his mouth, not letting out the big cry that was about to escape. He got his things and left. 

Remembering to smack the door behind him. Sure he was heartbroken and sad for the most part, but damn was he mad as well. His mother just forced him to leave. Just like that. He kicked a rock as he kept crying. 

People were staring at him, but he couldn't care right now. He had such a big headache from all the crying, vision too blurry to see people's features right. He opened the door to Yoongi's shop. He wasn't there. 

But Jungkook was. 

"Hyu-hyung?" "Jimin-ah? What happened sweetie?" The man wiped his tears. That was the first time Jungkook had spoken with such a soft voice to him. "Where's Yoo-Yoongi hyung?" Jungkook nodded towards the kitchen at the back of the room. 

Jimin kept crying as he was met with a Yoongi who was casually filling a mug up with coffee. "What the hell happened?" He eyed the suitcase and the backpack. "Oh no..." Jimin nodded as he looked at the floor. Yoongi placed his mug down before he engulfed Jimin in a hug.

"You're alright, I promise you Park Jimin."

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