Chapter 09

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Chapter 09

"Should I wear the new leather jacket Kookie got me?" "Jungkook hyung gave you a leather jacket?" Taehyung nodded. "Your parents are okay with you wearing that?" Taehyung sighed. "Guess not. But they can't stop me!" The boy laughed as he put on the new piece of clothing. 

"Who would? You look good Tae." Taehyung blushed before showing the other his boxy smile. He grabbed Jimin's hand and hurried out the front door to his house. They crossed the street and noticed Yoongi and Jungkook walking out of their shop. Or well...Yoongi's shop. "Good timing," Taehyung exclaimed when Jungkook finally noticed him. 

"Hey baby." "Hi," Taehyung blushed's increased. Yoongi leaned down to kiss Jimin, but the younger stepped away. "Not in public..." Yoongi playfully huffed before putting an arm around his small waist instead. 

"Come, we'll take you to the best Japanese ramen restaurant ever." Jimin smiled. "Wanna know the best thing about it?" Jimin nodded. "It's right around the corner." The teenager rolled his eyes. "Tae?" "Hm?" 

Jimin's ears perked up as he listened to the couple walking in front of him and Yoongi. "We're going to your place afterwards." "But-" "Your parents aren't coming home until later right?" "Yeah." "Perfect." "But hyung-" "Don't argue." "Fine..." Taehyung sighed. Jimin gave a soft smile before looking up at Yoongi. 

"Hyung?" "Yes Minie?" Jimin's eyes wandered around. "It's my birthday tomorrow." Yoongi gave a small smile. "What do you want to do hm?" "What?" "To celebrate your birthday?" Jimin thought it over as he hummed. He didn't want something big at all. "Can we go to the roof of your apartment and watch the sunset?" 

The older chuckled. "You want that?" He nodded with a grin. Yoongi managed to stop himself from mimicking his grin. "Oh!" "Yes?" "But with everyone." "Everyone?" "You, Taetae, Jungkookie hyung, Seokjin hyung, Namjoon hyung...Ho...Hoseok hyung?" Yoongi nodded. "Yeah, bring them too." He nodded again. 

"I'll buy us drinks and food." He shook his head as he opened the door to the restaurant. "It's your birthday. My treat." Jimin sighed but agreed anyways. "You guys coming?" Jimin turned to the couple who sat in front of Yoongi and him. "Of course." Yoongi sighed. 

"I'm so relieved you're turning seventeen before I turn twenty-five," he mumbled. Jimin giggled. "You're old no matter what, hyung." "Hey!" Yoongi poked his side. 


"Was your dinner good Jimin-ah?" Mrs. Park asked when Jimin came home. She was doing the dishes. Jimin nodded. "Jimin, about your birthday tomorrow-" "Um, actually...I want to spend it with friends this time." "Seokjin and Taehyung?" Jimin simply nodded. 

"...Alright then...guess you're old enough to wanna spend them with them instead of your silly family now, hm?" Jimin giggled a bit. "But just because you turn seventeen, doesn't mean you can try a bunch of stuff with those friends of yours!" "Mother, it's Seokjin and Tae." She nodded. "And that's why I can sleep without worrying." A small pang of guilt hit his chest.

 "Goodnight mom." "Night honey." "Oh...where's dad?" She shrugged. "Probably just...working." Jimin nodded before going to bed. His dad had been coming home pretty late, lately. 



"Why are we on some roof?" "Not some roof. Yoongi hyung's roof." "Who?" Seokjin turned to the raven haired male, waving at him. Jimin introduced him to Yoongi and his friends. "So you're the famous Yoongi that keeps my Jimin from studying more hm?" Jimin hit Seokjin's arm, telling him to shut up. Yoongi huffed. 

"Your Jimin?" 

"Right," Seokjin spoke when he sat down next to Jimin. Namjoon smirked as he looked at the younger. "What are you looking at?!" "Why are you so feisty today?" Seokjin pouted. "My boyfriend broke up with me." Jimin gasped. "Bastard." His pout increased as he grabbed a beer from the many that was beside the good looking food on a thin blanket and white plates. "Hyung, you don't drink," Jimin mumbled. 

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