Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"Give your hyung a kiss." Jimin crossed his arms and looked out the window with a pout on his face. "We're not leaving the car before you give me a kiss." Jimin looked to his lap before his eyes traveled to Yoongi's lips. 

He quickly leaned in and pecked his boyfriend's lips. "I should be the one who's angry here, not you." "You called me a brat and treated me like a baby!" "You were acting like a baby." "Don't be annoyed with Minie." Jimin undid his seatbelt and placed himself on Yoongi's lap. "Minie sorry." Yoongi smiled before kissing Jimin's lips. 

"It's okay. My parents are waiting and my mom made lasagna, so come on." "Uh, I love lasagna!" Jimin slid over to his seat again before getting out. Yoongi got both of their bags from the backseat. Jimin stopped him from taking another step by grabbing his wrist. 

"Wha-what if they don-" "Baby, don't fill your mind with what if's. You'll be fine." Jimin nodded and finally allowed Yoongi to ring on the doorbell. Not that he didn't have the keys, but he felt weird to just unlock the door when he didn't even live there anymore. It took only a couple seconds until Yoongi's mother was at the door. 

"Hello!" A pale, short woman with long, straight black hair opened the door. She looked very young for having a twenty four year old son, and Jimin was kind of concerned as to how young she was when she had Yoongi. 

She looked about thirty, and he was pretty damn sure that she didn't give birth to Yoongi as a six year old. She squealed before pinching Jimin's cheeks. 

"You must be Jimin, hm? Aren't you just the cutest little-" "Okay mom, that's enough." She gave Yoongi a little smile before hugging her son gently. "Come in, you must be very tired by now. Eat and then you go to bed, alright?" 

"Thank you Mrs. Min. It looks very delicious," Jimin commented when they sat down by the dinner table. She gave Jimin a small smile before leaving the area. The kitchen and the dining room were only separated by a see through door, that was never really closed. 

"Yoongi?" "Hi dad." He patted his sons shoulder before getting a glass of water, when he came out, he decided to acknowledge Jimin's existence. "You're Jimin?" Jimin nodded and gave a small, polite smile. 

"Nice to meet you sir." "You too." Jimin could easily tell where Yoongi had gotten his monotonous voice, and calm facial features from. People usually referred to it as the I-have-no-emotions look, but Yoongi always just meant that he was calm. Which he normally was, but he was aware of his bad temper too. 

Something he probably also had from his father. He was calm man usually, but his temper wasn't. Mr. Min looked Jimin up and down a bit before nodding. 

"How old are you boy?" "Jimin turned seventeen a while ago," Yoongi answered, ruffling Jimin's hair gently to calm the younger down. "You okay with this?" He looked to his wife in the kitchen. She sighed before wiping her hands off with a towel. She came back into the dining room. "Look, Jimin we're sure you're absolutely lovely. We just want to make sure that you're okay and that Yoongi is treating you nicely." 

Jimin didn't really expect that. He wasn't sure what he expected, but he thought that this would be more about Yoongi and less about them worrying for himself. Mr. Min nodded. "You may think you're mature, but there's quite big difference between a seventeen year old and a twenty-four year old." Jimin nodded understanding what they meant. 

"Thank you worrying, but I love Yoongi and he treats me nicely." Sure he can be a little mean sometimes, but he's still caring. "You better Min Yoongi!" Mrs. Min suddenly raised her voice. "Look at this little fluff ball- Look Jiminie, if you ever feel like venting about Yoongi then come to me okay? Yoongi's not exactly an easy man to please." Jimin chuckled, but he agreed.

"Alright mom, we're done now?" She nodded and, Mr. Min left. She went back into the kitchen. "Mom?" "Yeah?" "Can you warm up a glass of milk?" Jimin blushed before slapping Yoongi's arm. "Oh...sure, for Jimin?" "Yeah." "Alright." 

The two filled another plate with lasagna, they couldn't help it, Mrs. Min's cooking was amazing. "Here you go Jiminie." "Th-thank you, Mrs. Min." She gave a sweet smile to Jimin. 

The two finished their plate, and Jimin his warm milk as well when he began to feel his eyes shutting. Yoongi got a napkin and wiped Jimin's mouth, before ruffling his hair to keep him awake. 

"Come on, I'll take you to bed." Jimin lazyly nodded before carefully getting up. "There's a guest bedroom if-" "Oh, he sleeps with me." Jimin looked to the floor. He would have blushed if it wasn't for him being so tired. "Oh, didn't know you guys were there yet," Mrs. Min laughed. "You alright with his Jimin-ah?" 

"Mom, dad. I'm just gonna say this once so that you'll stop worrying about Jimin's feelings...We've already done the deeds like three times, so he's good, don't worry." He gave them a smile before grabbing Jimin's wrist, and taking him upstairs. 

"You di-didn't have to tell them that hyung." "I did, they act as if I'm some bad guy who's taking advantage of you just because you're young." Yoongi closed the door. Jimin gave Yoongi a lazy smile before hugging him. 

"Your parents are just being nice." Yoongi just hummed, letting it go. They brushed their teeth and changed into more comfortable clothing. "Why does your mother look so young?" Jimin finally voiced his curiosites when the two were laying down in bed, lights off. 

"She's not my biological mom." Yoongi sighed as he turned around to face Jimin. "Can I ask what happened? To your real mother." The older nodded his head a bit. 

"She got into drugs and alcohol after she gave birth to me. After four years my dad couldn't take it anymore. She sucked at taking care of me, and all she did was start arguments with my dad. dad divorced her, and got full custody over me. Ten years later, he met her. She's thirty-five." 

Jimin nodded his head at the new information about his boyfriend's past. "Do you remember your mom?" "I only remember her forgetting to pick me up at the kindergarten. Or her yelling at my dad. Or her lying on the couch with bottles of alcohol and drugs and cigarettes surrounding her." Jimin formed a slight pout with his lips. 

"Wait, how old is your dad?" "forty-four." "Oh. He was young when he had you." Yoongi nodded. "Isn't it weird having a mom who's only eleven years older than you?" "Go to sleep Jimin." "...Did I upset you?" 

Yoongi didn't answer. He wasn't upset, he just didn't want to talk about it any longer, he was tired and Jimin was supposed to be as well. Jimin hovered his face above Yoongi's, before leaning down to kiss him. 

Yoongi didn't respond, but he didn't push Jimin away either. Jimin pecked his cheek a few times before cuddling up to the older's body. Yoongi didn't do anything, until he noticed the boy shivering. It was getting colder and colder by every day. 

Yoongi got up, and got an extra blanket from his closet. He put it over them both. He was about to fall asleep, but then he heard Jimin sniffle. "Why are you crying again?" "I upset you." Yoongi sighed. 

"No you didn't. 'm just too tired to talk about such things right now, and I thought you were too. Go to sleep Jimin." "I can't when you're not cuddling me back!" "Alright, alright." Yoongi put an arm around the younger's waist and tangled their legs together. 

"Yoongi?" Jimin whispered. Yoongi groaned. 

"What?" he spat. 

"I love you." 

Yoongi's frown disappeared as he softened up. 

"I love you too."


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