Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

"The sunset is nice," Jimin commented. They were sat on a thin blanket, long grass surrounding them. A few trees around them and the sounds of other people spending a beautiful day together filled the background. 

The sky was painted a mix of yellow, orange, pink and purple. "Good sandwich?" Yoongi asked the younger. Jimin nodded as he was chewing. "It's really good hyung." Yoongi gave a small smile before taking another big bite. Jimin wondered when the older was gonna choke with the big bites he took all the time. 

Yoongi opened a can of soda for the younger and one for himself. He usually preferred to drink beer or another light alcoholic drink, instead of soda, but he reminded himself that he would be driving later on. A risk he normally didn't care about if it was just a small flask with a small amount of alcohol in it, but he wasn't risking anything with Jimin in the passenger's seat. 

"Thank you," he said in a small voice. Jimin ate a strawberry as he stared at the sky. "Wouldn't it be nice to fly?" "You think so?" Yoongi asked, interested in the younger's thoughts. Jimin nodded and smiled up at the sky. 

"It would be so beautiful. Magical." You're too precious for this world, Yoongi thought as he stared at the younger. "What? Do I sound weird?" Yoongi shook his head. "Not at all baby." Suddenly, Yoongi's phone started ringing. He picked it up, after giving it weird look. Why would Hoseok be calling me now? 

"He-" "My drug dealer is at your shop." "What?!" Jimin gave him a worried look. "He was supposed to come next week." "I know!" Hoseok exclaimed. "It's okay, Hoseok-ah. I'll send you the money. Then you send them to him, alright?" "Y-Yoongi I don't want to-" Yoongi cut him off with a sigh. 

"I'll send them to Namjoon then. He'll pay. Ask him to come, so that he can talk with him." Hoseok nodded even though the older couldn't see him. "Alright, thank you." "Of course." Jimin looked at him with a weird look. "You alright?" he questioned. Yoongi nodded. "Hoseok's weed dealer was at the shop." 

"Hoseok has a drug dealer?!" He questioned. "It's for his anxiety, calm down." "Oh...why do you pay for that?" "Because Hoseok doesn't have enough for money for it, and I don't need them." Jimin shrugged. 

"Rich life." "I'm rich, so expensive," Yoongi showed his fingers that were decorated with rings to Jimin before chuckling. Jimin as well. "Wanna go back now?" Jimin nodded. 

They had finished their food and they sky's colors were slowly fading into darker ones, soon enough it would be a dark blue so deep, that one could mistake it for black. 

"You're tired now?" Jimin nodded when they got inside. 

The two changed into comfortable clothing. "" Jimin gasped. "Let's!" "What kind of movies do you like?" Jimin asked the older as they went down the stairs from the older's room. "Action...thriller, stuff like that." Jimin gave him a weird look. "Well...the only movies my parents allows me to watch are disney movies." Yoongi chuckled. 

"You wanna watch an action movie with me then?" "But those are scary." Yoongi shook his head. "Let's watch a...spy one, those are always interesting," he whispered with a smile on his face to make the younger more excited, as if he was a little kid. But hey, it worked. 

"Okay!" "Oh, but can I have some warm milk fir-" "Jimin. Do you realize how much milk you've drinken today? And how much dairy you've eaten?" Jimin pouted. "But I need warm milk to sleep..." Yoongi smirked. "I mean, I have a trick or two that will make you fall asleep. Works every time," Yoongi whispered as he leaned into Jimin's face. 

Jimin blushed before taking a step away from Yoongi, knowing exactly what he was talking about "Hyung...I'm not doing it with you in your parents house." "You'll have an upset tummy Jimin-ah." Jimin shook his head and pouted cutely. 

"Promise I won't!" Yoongi sighed. "Alright then." "Yay!" It took about twenty minutes until the two we're laying on the couch with blankets and pillows surrounding them and a mug with warm milk in Jimin's hand. 

"Honey?" Mrs. Min came into view. She was dressed up, rosy cheeks and curled hair. "Hm?" "Your dad and I are going out for dinner." Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows before checking the time. "This late?" She nodded her head yes. 

"Bye bye." "Bye," Yoongi spoke before looking back to the screen. Jimin waved at her with his sweater paws. "Bye Mrs. Min. Have fun!" She gave an eye smile to the younger's cuteness before leaving the house. 

"Your mom's pretty," he commented, making Yoongi laugh. He agreed though. "She looks like you a lot, you would think that she's your biological mom." Yoongi nodded again. "I'm sorry, I'll be quiet now." "It's okay baby, the movie hasn't even started yet." 

Jimin smiled before cuddling up to Yoongi even more. Jimin would be sleepy and had fallen asleep if it wasn't for his interest in the new movie. Sure, disney was great, but this was something he had never seen. Such a normal thing for every teenager, but not for Jimin. His parents didn't let him watch movies that could influence his brain in any bad ways. They thought the only safe choice would be disney. 

"You watch movies like these a lot?" he questioned. "When I have time, yeah." Jimin grinned. "Cool. You need to show me more." "I will baby." Jimin smiled before turning his attention back to the screen. By the time the movie had ended, Jimin's eyes were falling shut. Until his tummy rumbled. Jimin gave a scared look to Yoongi as the credits of the movie showed up. 

"I told you." Jimin kicked his legs around as he whined. 

"Come here you dumbo." Jimin only whined even more at the nickname, but he still obeyed. Yoongi decided to calm the younger down by rubbing his stomach. "Does it help?" "It's nice," he giggled. "Good, now what do you do the next time I tell you something?" "Listen." "Good boy." 

Jimin kissed Yoongi's cheek before laying his head in the crook of Yoongi's neck, his soft hair tickling his boyfriend's cheek lightly. "You're comfortable," he mumbled making the older smile. Yoongi suddenly moved, making Jimin frown because of the comfortable and peaceful state he was in before Yoongi had to move and ruin it.

Yoongi moved down as the younger watched him with curious eyes. "What are yo-" Jimin broke out into an unexpected fit of giggles as Yoongi began leaving kisses all over his stomach. "Yo-Yoongiiii. Sto-STOP IT!"

 Yoongi looked up when Jimin shouted loudly. Yoongi looked at the boy's serious face with a surprised look, it being the first time he had heard Jimin raised his voice. Jimin, however, broke out into a fit giggled once again, making the older relaxed, happy that he didn't hurt the younger as he had thought for just a second of Jimin fooling him. 

"Hey! Don't shout." Jimin laughed. "Let's take you to bed." "Nooo..." "No? You're not tired?" "My tummy hurting woke me up." "Does it still hurt?" Jimin shook his head. "Not after your magical kisses." Yoongi smiled as he sat up. 

He, and everyone else was damn sure that they've never seen Yoongi smile as much as he had ever since he met the younger. He wasn't normally a smiley guy, but Jimin just did something to him. His smile was so contagious. 

Yoongi lifted up the younger, bridal style way, making Jimin let out a squeal of surprise. He gently placed the boy on his bed before turning off the lights. "Are we going to bed now?" "Yes, I want to sleep." Jimin pouted. 

"What about we stay up all night and tell eachother secrets." "The only secrets you have are about me." Jimin huffed at Yoongi's answer. "That's sadly, very true." Jimin was quiet for about a minute until he spoke again. 

"When's your birthday?" "You don't know my birthday?" Yoongi asked. "You never told me!" "9th of march." "That's soon!" "Jimin we're in the start of november." Jimin pouted. 

"You always take the excitement out of me." 

"I know. It's fun."


The drama will be starting soon, don't y'all worry. Heh...

Also let's take a moment to appreciate their new Japanese album. :')

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