Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

"Have you heard about that party on Wiheom street tomorrow?" Jimin questioned as he threw himself on to the couch besides where Yoongi was sat. His hair was wet after a shower and he was only wearing fluffy socks, underwear and a big t-shirt. A choker as well. The one with a heart that Yoongi loved back when they were a couple. 

Yoongi raised an eyebrow at his attire, before nodding. "Are you going?" Jimin questioned. "Maybe. But you would have to stay with Seokjin for the night or something." Jimin rolled his eyes. "I'm going." Yoongi frowned. 

"You're not Jimin. That party isn't for teenagers, it's adults only. I know the people who are attending." Jimin shrugged and gave a do-you-think-I-care look. "I don't need to be around small kids, I can hang out with you. Besides, I'm nineteen in a few months, I'm not a teenager!" he defended. Yoongi stood up with a sigh, not wanting to discuss this anymore. 

"You're a teenager whether you like it or not. You're not going. Now go to bed, it's late." Jimin pouted, looking up at Yoongi who made his way to the kitchen to make tea. Jimin skipped his way over to him. 

"It's been a week and you're already telling me what to do?" Yoongi sighed as he turned around to face Jimin. "I'm taking care of you like we agreed on for me to do. You can't be alone, and I want you here. With me. So don't argue with me. Go to bed now." 

"Fine," Jimin groaned before walking to Yoongi's room. He turned off the lights, laid down and cuddled up to the blankets before getting out his phone. "Hyung?" Jimin called when Seokjin picked up. 

"Hello baby, how's life with Yoongi treating ya?" Jimin mumbled a 'fine' before asking what he wanted to ask. "Hey, can I stay at your place tomorrow?" "Sure, what's up?" "I think Yoongi's gonna attend this party on Wiheom street, and I'm not allowed to go." Seokjin smiled. It's been a while since Jimin got set any boundaries for him. 

Sure Hyunwoo set many for him, but not the good kinds. He got Jimin to go to these parties and a bunch of other stuff that just weren't good for him. He never told him no when it actually came to something that could hurt Jimin. 

Seokjin was happy that Yoongi was back in his life. Sure he had some problems he had to work on, and slapping Jimin that one time was definitely against Seokjin's beliefs on how a relationship should be, but he took good care of him. And he was glad that he was back with Yoongi for him to take care of Jimin. 

"Sure Jiminie, I'll be home all day tomorrow so you just come whenever, okay?" "Thank you Jinie." "Of course." Jimin played on his phone for a while, the only light in the room being from that. Yoongi came in about twenty minutes later. 

"Not sleeping yet?" He spoke when he saw Jimin who was still on his phone. Jimin didn't answer as Yoongi just went on to change out of his clothes. He was left in only his underwear, he decided it was too hot to put more clothing on. 

He laid down and only a second afterwards, he grabbed Jimin's phone and turned it off before placing it on the bedside table. Jimin whined. "Just because you have summer vacation, doesn't mean you can sleep late every night," Yoongi spoke. "Do we have more cake?" "Yes, you can have them tomorrow." Jimin went quiet.

 "Do you think the weather will be nice tomorrow?" 

"For fucks sake Jimin," Yoongi groaned. "Shut up and go to sleep." Jimin pouted in the dark. He moved closer to Yoongi and put his head on his chest. "What are you doing?" "Nothing," he innocently spoke before wrapping an arm around his waist and his leg over Yoongi's. Or more like over his chest since he brought the leg up quite high. "Thought you didn't want to be so close..." "I just miss you," the boy mumbled, a strange emotion of longing rushed to him. 

Longing for Yoongi and his caring touch. "Touch me back," he whined. Yoongi slowly and carefully put his hands on Jimin's body. One on his back and one on his thigh. 

"Have you been with anyone...since we broke up?" Jimin suddenly questioned. 

"No." Jimin felt guilty. But he shouldn't have to, he shouldn't. They broke up, he didn't do anything wrong by being with two others. Jimin suddenly broke out laughing. "So you haven't had sex in a year?!" It really wasn't an appropriate time, but he couldn't help it as more and more giggles left his mouth. 

"Did your dick go slobby again?" Yoongi pinched Jimin's thigh, where his hand were placed making the boy sequel before giggling again. 

Yoongi caught himself with a massive grin plastered on his face just from the sound of Jimin's giggles. "Okay, okay enough. Sleep." Jimin hummed. Silence fell over them and Yoongi mentally sighed, thinking Jimin was actually gonna let the two sleep now. Peacefully. 

"...Do you think your dick shrinks when it gets no action?" 

Yoongi got a tighter hold of Jimin before turning them around, startling him. Jimin was on his back and Yoongi was hovering above him. "You..." Yoongi started before he noticed Jimin staring at his lips. Jimin leaned in, but Yoongi hesitated. 

He wanted this, of course he wanted this. But it was too soon. And Jimin was too immature to realize that what he wanted, might not be the best decision to make. It was just too soon. Yoongi let go of Jimin and sat up. 

"Goodnight," he shakingly whispered, before lying down again. Jimin stared at him in the dark for a few moments before deciding that he should probably just go to sleep now. 

The next morning Jimin woke up to face Yoongi's back. He smiled a bit before lightly poking it, but frowned when he didn't wake up. Jimin was hungry. "Hyung," he whined, shaking the man. "Hm- what?" "I'm hungry." 

"You're eighteen and you can't make breakfast by yourself?" Yoongi grumbled. "Nope." Yoongi groaned before slowly getting up. Jimin clung to him, but Yoongi gently pushed him away. Jimin watched as the man went out of the bedroom with a pout on his face. 

Yoongi just thought Jimin was being a bit too fast. Jimin jumped his way to Yoongi, he leaned over the counter besides Yoongi to see what he was planning to cook. But Yoongi hadn't noticed him, and when he turned around he elbowed Jimin's stomach. Jimin let out a loud groan, hands on the big bruise that he still had from Hyunwoo. "Jimi- I'm sorry." Yoongi got out a herbal cream that he used to soothe bruises. 

"Lift up your shirt." Jimin was more than happy to do so. "Someone's been working out," Yoongi mumbled. "I could say the same to you," Jimin replied. "Nice back muscles," he commented, giving Yoongi a pat on the back before going to the living room after Yoongi put the cold cream on his bruise. It was true though.

Yoongi had used working out and training as a way of stop thinking about Jimin, and so he was just...bigger now. Much to Jimin's liking. The older soon came back with Cookies and cream protein pancakes. Jimin grinned at the sight. 

"What do you want to drink?" "Milk, thank you hyung." Yoongi ruffled his hair before going back to the kitchen. After a year, Jimin just felt so much more at peace. Happy. At home. He looked at Yoongi with a smile as he sat back down on the couch, the two deciding to eat there instead of the breakfast table in his kitchen like usual. 

"Spongebob!" Jimin shouted when Yoongi was about to change the channel. He took the remote from Yoongi's hand and turned up the volume. 

Yoongi smiled at the child next to him before silently eating his pancakes. 



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