Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"Bye bye." "Call me if anything, okay?" "Yes mom." "Even if it's just a little thing, promise me-" "Mom! I'll be fine." "Alright. Be good." Jimin nodded before waving them off. He hid his excitement until he was back inside of his house. He caught himself in the act of squealing. 

He cleared his throat. 

"Why are you so excited Park Jimin, it's not like you're gonna do anything..." Jimin spoke to himself, staring at his phone. He sighed. "Or maybe..." He cleared his throat once again as he called Yoongi up. "What's up?" 

"We haven't been spending much time together this past wee-" "Because you have to study a lot, apparently." Jimin pouted. "Apparently? I was just gonna tell you that my parents are gone for a week, and I just said goodbye to them, so-" "I'm coming." 

And with that, Yoongi hung up. " don't have my address." Jimin mumbled, he shrugged it off. It wasn't long before he heard the loud and clear sound of his doorbell ring. Jimin grinned as he opened the door. 

"Inviting me over as soon as your parents leave? Is Jiminie being a bad boy?" Jimin giggled as he opened the door wider for him to come in. "It's your fault, you know." "Oh, I know...come here." Yoongi leaned down kissed the younger as they hugged each other tightly. 

" 'm sorry for not making enough time for you last week...didn't realize how much I needed you until now." The realization hit him as their lips met. He had missed him. His deep voice and his kissable lips. "It's okay baby, the shops been pretty busy too." 

Yoongi kissed him again, a bit harder this time and with tongue as well. It was ironically strange for Jimin, not feeling weird about tongue kissing anymore. He felt the older putting his hands on his hips, bringing their bodies even closer. 

Yoongi took a few steps forward, making Jimin do the opposite, at least until he hit a wall with his back. Yoongi left kisses from his jawline down to his neck. Jimin gasped as he felt the older suck. "Hyung." "Hm." "I-I feel weird." "Where?" "Um..." Yoongi lifted his knee and rubbed the younger's member with the fabric of his jeans. 

"Here?" "Ye-yes." "It's called a boner Minie," he mumbled on his warm neck. "I've read about those in biology class..." The realization hit the younger as his eyes widened and he pushed Yoongi off of him. "I can't be ha-having that!" 

"Why? It's a perfectly normal way for a guy to respond if he's turned on. A bit concerning if you wouldn't respond like that actually. Especially in your age," he rambled. Jimin shook his head. "I-I'm a-a- I'm a-" "A what? Sinner? Are you ashamed of yourself, Jimin-ah?" 

The boy kept his head down, looking at his baby blue socks. "Don't be." He looked up. "It's okay Jimin. If you like it, you should just let yourself enjoy it." Jimin knew he was right. He was enjoying Yoongi's touch, he just wasn't happy with him loving it so much. "I'll take of care of you, I promise." 

"Promise?" "Promise," Yoongi slowly went closer to Jimin again, like a human approaching a kitten, afraid of it running away. A funny comparison, but pretty accurate. He slowly pressed his lips against the boy once again, and Jimin responded, not wanting to break apart anytime soon. 

"Jump." Yoongi grabbed his thighs when he did and Jimin wrapped his legs around his hips. Yoongi carefully went up the stairs as he kissed Jimin's neck. "Where's your bedroom?" he panted. Jimin pointed to the door behind himself, and Yoongi opened the door wider with his foot. 

"Nice plushies," he commented. 

"Don't judge me." Yoongi chuckled before placing him on the bed. He placed a hand on Jimin's waist and the other on the mattress to keep himself hovering above the younger. The two made out a little more until Yoongi basically tore off his own hoodie, and then the shirt underneath.

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