Chapter 55: End

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Chapter 55: End

Taehyung and Jimin were laying down, cuddling each other on the couch as Tangled played on the big tv screen. Jungkook and Yoongi we're sitting by the breakfast table, discussing things about work. Jimin looked down to see Taehyung's head lying comfortably on his chest, and the baby bottle with warm milk in his mouth. 

Taehyung looked up as felt the other's eyes linger on him. "You wanna try?" Jimin shook his head immediately. He did, he really did, but he just felt so weird. He was eighteen, not long until nineteen, why would he be drinking out of a baby bottle? Taehyung merely shrugged, and put his focus back to the screen. 

But he grew annoyed, because he could still feel Jimin's gaze on him. Taehyung rolled his eyes and took the plastic out of his mouth and held it in front of Jimin's lips. "It's okay Jiminie." Jimin hesitantly took the bottle out of Taehyung's hand and stared at the nipple of the bottle. "Go on." Taehyung cooed at the sight of Jimin's chubby cheeks and plumpy lips, getting bigger. He took a few sips before giving it back to his friend.

 "It's nice right?" Jimin stared at the other for a while before nodding. Taehyung grinned and laid his head back on Jimin's chest. "Just go out and buy one." Jimin sighed. "It's weird..." The brunette pouted. 

"There's literally no difference. Drinking warm milk from a baby bottle is just a lot more practical. It's not my fault you can't lie down and drink at the same time. So buy one, I'm sure Yoongi wouldn't mind." Jimin sighed, running his fingers through Taehyung's hair. "I guess," he mumbled. 

"Yoongi?" Jimin called. "Not now baby." Jimin pouted and looked back to the screen. "You can talk to him later you know," Taehyung whispered. Jimin just hummed before letting out a sigh. "What's wrong?" Jimin shrugged. 

"He just...he works so much." Taehyung nodded in agreement. "But I overheard Jungkook talking on the phone, and I think Namjoon's gonna start working at the shop, so that's good." Jimin was glad for the new information. 

He didn't like the older working so much. Not just because it meant spending less time with him, but also because it just wasn't healthy to work almost 84 hours a week. 

The two kept their eyes on the screen, sharing the bottle from time to time. Yoongi and Jungkook didn't join the two until after about ten minutes later, where Jimin quickly gave the bottle to Taehyung, not wanting Yoongi to see him like that. But the boy had never been that smooth. 

"It's okay Jimin-ah," Yoongi chuckled, lying down behind Jimin, playing with his hair. Taehyung ignored the two as he kept his focus on the movie and a tighter grip around Jimin's waist so that Yoongi didn't think he could just come in and take away Jimin from him. Jimin was Taehyung's cuddle buddy, and he was sorry to say it, but he was a better cuddler than Jungkook and Hoseok. Not that they weren't great too. 

"Taehyung can I borrow Jimin for a second?" Taehyung frowned. "Come on baby," Jungkook appeared, patting his head. Taehyung whined as he let Jimin get out of his tight hold. Yoongi took Jimin to the kitchen. He put a hand on Jimin's cheek, caressing it. 

"Minie, if you want to drink out of a baby bottle, there's nothing to be embarrassed of. Some people finds it comforting, like Taehyungie does, and that's okay." Jimin took notice of the man's extra soft voice, and he probably only spoke like that to make Jimin feel more comfortable. Like how you speak to a crying child. 

Jimin stared at Yoongi's tattoos before he looked into his eyes again. He had a habit of zoning out on Yoongi's body art. There was just so much going on on his skin, it had to take the younger's focus away sometimes.

"You don't think I'm weird?" Yoongi chuckled. 

"Of course you're weird." 

Jimin frowned. "But not because of that." The smaller took Yoongi in for a hug. Yoongi kissed his head. "We should be completely comfortable with each other by now baby, if something's on your mind then you tell me." Jimin nodded on Yoongi's chest, smelling his nice scent that remained the same as when they first met. A mix of rain in the forest and cigarettes. Which reminded Jimin of something. 

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