Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"Come on now. How would you feel if he called you a whore?" Jimin shrugged. "Wouldn't be true, I've never been with anyone. He has been around though." Namjoon smiled. "You want to?" "What?" Namjoon took a step closer as Jimin's guard went up. "Be with anyone before Yoongi?" He put a finger on his chin making Jimin look up at him. 

The teenager gulped. "Hyu-hyung..." "Hm?" Jimin shook his head. "Pl-please don't. I only wanna be with Yoongi." Namjoon let out another breathy laugh before letting go of Jimin. 

"That was just a test baby, don't worry." "A test?" Namjoon nodded. "Gonna have to make those every once in a while to make sure you're not just another brat who's only out for his money whilst they sleep with a bunch of other people on the side." "...Ha-has that happened to Yoongi a lot?" he asked in a small voice. It sure sounded like that. Namjoon nodded again. 

"But..." "But what?" "If Yoongi hadn't claimed you first, I definitely would've." Jimin pouted. "Go chase Seokjin!" "Good boy, that's the right answer." The taller ruffled his hair. "Didn't you need to go to the bathroom?" Jimin shook his head. 

"Alright then, let's go back." When they came back, Yoongi eyed the two specticklly. "What took you so long?" Namjoon only shook his head at him which Yoongi slightly smiled at. He knew what that meant. When Jimin sat down again, he took Hoseok's hand and pushed it away. Hoseok only looked at him. 

"Don't touch him." 

He leaned back into Yoongi's touch with a pout on his face as he stared at Hoseok, but Yoongi was smiling. "Baby jealous? I like that," Yoongi spoke. Hoseok only rolled his eyes. 

"I feel so unwanted here," he mumbled. "Come on Hobi, not now." "What do you mean by not now?!" Namjoon sighed. "Nothing," he replied, not wanting him to get even more upset. Jungkook wrapped an arm around Hoseok's waist. 

"It's okay baby, I want you here." 

Taehyung frowned, he didn't understand. Hoseok's eyes watered though. "Why are you all acting like I'm some ticking time bomb? If you're so concerned, why did you let me be on a roof again, hm?!" Hoseok raised his voice. When no one answered, Hoseok huffed, stood up and went downstairs. 

Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's hand when the older stood up to follow him. "Not now Tae." "But Kooki-" "I said not now." And then he went after Hoseok. Then Taehyung's eyes watered. "We're supposed to be celebrating my birthday, why is everyone creating drama?" Jimin mumbled. "Hoseok is...not in a good place..." Namjoon mumbled.

The teenager's eyes suddenly filled with concern.

 "Don't worry, Jungkook will take care of him for now." But those words only made Taehyung worry. "Dun' cry Tae. Here, we'll eat the cake now." Taehyung nodded at Jimin before forcing a small smile on his lips. Yoongi took out the cake and before Jimin could blow the candles, Jungkook and Hoseok came back. Jimin grinned up at them. 

"Good timing, we're about to eat cake." He smiled to himself before blowing out the candles.

I wish that Hoseok will happy again very soon. 

Jimin and Hoseok weren't very close, but he liked the guy and he probably meant a lot to Yoongi and the rest. "Happy birthday baby," Yoongi kissed Jimin's cheek. "Thank you hyung." Seokjin got the knife, but Namjoon took it from him, not trusting the drunk male with a knife. But then Jungkook took it from Namjoon, because he couldn't be trusted with a knife either. Drunk or not. 

"First piece for the birthday boy!" Jungkook shouted. "AND!" "And?" Jimin questioned. "Alcohol." "But I don't-" "It's strawberry flavored," Yoongi cut him off. Jimin only gulped. "Don't force him to drink," Taehyung mumbled. "Alcohol? Jimin? Oh hell no-" Namjoon put a hand over Seokjin's mouth. 

"Come on, it's your birthday," Yoongi whispered. "Why isn't there any weed here?" Hoseok groaned. Jimin pouted. "You think I would allow that? It's a miracle there's even alcohol here," Seokjin spoke. 

"Says the guy who's drunk." 

"I've been through a lot today!" Namjoon gently rubbed his back to make him calm down. "Jimin, where did you find these people." "These people?" It was Yoongi's turn to get annoyed. "Can everyone just stop ruining the mood! It's my birthday." 

Yoongi sighed as he let his body relax again. "I'm sorry baby, but that friend of yours-" "His name is Seokjin. And he's like my big brother. Don't fight with him," Jimin turned around to whisper in his ear. 

"Alright. Eat your cake." 

Jimin smiled again as the wonderful taste of vanilla cream filled his mouth. Yoongi cut pieces to everyone else. "Don't smoke above my cake!" Jimin exclaimed when Yoongi lit up a cigarette. "Okay, okay," he chuckled at Jimin's glare. The boy only looked cute in Yoongi's eyes. "Look, look!" Everyone looked to the sky. 

"Pretty sunset." "Mhm, you're pretty," Yoongi mumbled on Jimin's cheek before kissing him. Taehyung looked to the couple and then to Jungkook. 

Why wasn't he kissing him too? Jungkook noticed the teenager staring at the other couple though. So he moved away from Hoseok and sat besides Taehyung. "Don't be jealous." "At them or Hoseok?" 

"All of them," the dark brunette sighed as he ran his fingers through Taehyung's hair. "You're gonna have to start liking Hoseok." "Why?" "Because, I like you both. You both like me. You two get together and we can be a couple." Taehyung huffed. "A couple consists of two people, hyung." 

The older sighed again. "Try? For me?" Taehyung looked at him before nodding slowly. "Okay." Jungkook smiled. "Hobi!" "Hm?" "Come here," Jungkook waved him over. The male took his lit cigarette with him before sitting down in front of the two. "Yeah?" Jungkook only nodded his head towards Taehyung. And that was enough for the ginger to get the message. He sighed. 

"Come," Hoseok patted his own lap. Taehyung hesitantly moved. "We're gonna have to start liking each other if we want this work out, hm?" Hoseok mumbled. Taehyung looked down. "Tae, if you don't wanna be in a threeway relationship then don't," Jimin spoke. "Oh, you think I'm letting him go?" 

Jungkook asked with a cocky smirk on his face. Jimin scrunched up his face before hiding his head in Yoongi's neck, his previous position. Hoseok gently grabbed Taehyung's chin before closing the gap between them. Namjoon whistled and Jimin frowned. 

"I didn't hate it?" Taehyung spoke. Hoseok only hummed before kissing him again. "Wanna try and make this work out?" Jungkook interrupted the two. Taehyung sighed before nodding his head yes. 

They continued eating, drinking and some smoking, until it was dark outside. "Y'all wanna sleep at my place? Most of you don't look in a good state to walk or drive home alone," Yoongi chuckled before lighting up another cigarette.

"You've already smoked three this evening, hyung." Yoongi only grew annoyed by Jimin's comment. The boy noticed that so he shut up and looked down to his feet. "Sure," they all said before going downstairs. Yoongi threw the keys to Namjoon again. "I'm gonna stay up here for a few minutes." 

"I'll stay with you."

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