Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"Here." Yoongi handed him a bag full of food that his mom had made for them on their way back. "Why do you automatically assume that the first thing I want to do, as soon as we get into the car, is to eat." Yoongi raised his eyebrows at the younger. 

"Is it not?" Jimin gave a guilty smile before taking the bag from him and placing it on his thighs. After about three hours, they were in front of Jimin's house. "When are your parents coming back?" "Tonight." 

He nodded before kissing Jimin goodbye. Jimin spent the rest of his sunday doing homework, since he didn't really have time for that in this weekend that was spent with Yoongi away in Daegu. "It's not like you to do your homework this late Jimin-ah," he sighed to himself before getting his math work out. 

When Jimin heard someone unlock the door, he ran down the stairs, and that was the first time in several hours he had actually moved away from his desk. "Mommy!" He shouted before hugging her. She giggled. "Hello honey." He quickly detached himself from his mom, when his dad came into view. "Hi," he waved. 

"You've eaten dinner yet?" He shook his head. "I was doing homework all day." She nodded at her son before patting his hair. "Good. Your dad was just saying he thought you were slacking lately. But I know my little boy would never." "Never," he innocently smiled. "We got take out, so let's eat dinner together." 

"Take out? But you never buy take out." Mrs. Min nodded. "And don't think we'll start doing it. But we've traveled a lot, and I'm too tired to cook. Go put it on the table." Jimin nodded and took it before looking at dad. 

"You eating with us too?" "Why do you sound so surprised?" Jimin shrugged. "It's been awhile since we ate together. You come home late recently." After that, Jimin mindlessly skipped into the dining room. He missed to see the guilty look in his father's eyes. And so did Mrs. Min, even though she wouldn't be surprised. 

"When are you gonna tell him?" She turned to look at her husband. "Why do I have to do it?" "Because you're the one who ch-" "Keep your voice down," he whispered shouted. She shook her head at the man before taking a deep breath so that she wouldn't spill tears in front of her son. Mr. Park hung up his coat before joining the two at the dinner table. 

"Did everything go well in your week alone?" Jimin nodded at his mother. "Good." Mr. Park first spoke when they were just about done eating the nice meal. "Jimin." He looked up. "Yes?" He spoke with big, innocent eyes, not knowing the terrible news that were about to hit him. 

"I did something unforgivable..." Jimin slowly put down his chopsticks. "Wha-what did you do?" "I was unfaithful..." His father didn't look at Jimin or his wife. "Unfaithful? Yo-you cheated on mom?" In that moment, it was honestly easier for Jimin to believe that he had slept until the first of april, because this must've been some sick joke.

But it wasn't. And the teenager had absolutely no idea how to handle the harsh truth of reality. 

Jimin wasn't familiar with divorction. He only knew the definition of it. He had never even thought about it, his friend's parents were all together. Mom and dad had a beautiful love story. Like the ones in the disney movies. What happened? Jimin's mom cleared her throat before throwing away the boxes that the now eaten food once was in, cleaning the plates too. She was ignoring the situation. 

"Mom?" Jimin called, keeping his eyes on his father. "Ar-are you gonna get di-divorced?" She gave a little sad smile to Jimin before shaking her head. "No...we're not. Your dad will never do anything like this again, and he will stop seeing that slu- that woman. It's gonna be okay, Jimi-" "But mom..." 

"Go to bed now, you have school tomorrow." 

Jimin looked at both of his parents before sighing, he went upstairs. Sure he was mad at his father, but it was almost like he was more angry at his mom. How can she be so forgivable? How can she not want a divorce? She's acting like nothing ever happened. At least she acted like that in front of Jimin. 

She had been crying herself to sleep ever since she found out. She was destroyed. But she couldn't ruin her family. She couldn't split them up. That wasn't how things were supposed to plan out for her, not the life she wanted. 

She had so much pride when it came to her family, she couldn't ruin it. What was she supposed to brag about to her girl friends if she was divorced? That's how she looked at it. 

Jimin threw himself on his bed as angry tears streamed down his face. "How could dad do this? He's te-telling me to be a real man, yet he cheats on his own wife...he couldn't even look me in the eyes when he said so," he rambled to himself in a low mumble before the first tears finally appeared. He decided to call up Taehyung. 

"You're not sleeping yet?" Taehyung's soft and deep voice only made Jimin cry even more. "Hey...what's wrong?" Jimin requested a facetime call with the other. Taehyung quickly accepted. 

The raven haired boy couldn't help but let out a small smile because of Taehyung's messy hair. He was lying down, loose shirt and dimmed lights. "What happened Jimin-ah?" "My dad ju-just told me he cheated on my mom," he said, not beating around the bush as he sniffed. Taehyung widened his eyes. 

"Really?!...I'm sorry, are you okay?" Jimin shook his head. "How could he?" The brunette sighed. "I don't understand. Your family's so perfect." "Apparently not," Jimin muttered. "So, when are they getting divorced?" "That's the thing Taehyung-ah. They're not." "What?" Jimin nodded. "My mom's totally ignoring it." 

"Maybe she's just in shock. She'll probably divorce him soon or later," he comforted. If you could call that comfort. "I guess," he shrugged. "Have you told Yoongi yet?" Jimin shook his head. "Do that. Old people are good at handling stuff like this." Jimin laughed. 

"He's not that old." "Yeah yeah. Go to bed now Jimin-ah. I'll give you a big hug when we see each other at school tomorrow." Jimin nodded with a hum. "Bye bye Tae. Thank you." "Bye bye." 

The next day Jimin went to school with a depressed look on his face, and it didn't go away. Not even when Taehyung gave him that hug that he had promised. Or when Seokjin comforted him with advice. So Taehyung called up Yoongi. 

He hated seeing the cute boy unhappy. 

"Hyung?" "Tae?" "Um...can you pick Jimin up from school and take him to your place? Something happened and I think you're the only one who can cheer him up." "Luckily, the shop isn't too busy right now. I'll come and get him." 

"Thanks hyung." Taehyung grabbed Jimin and made him wait outside the school gates with him. "What are we waiting for?" Jimin asked. "Your ride." "What?" "There he is!" Taehyung opened the passengers door for Jimin and practically pushed him inside. 

"Tae-" "Have fun!" Taehyung closed the car door shut and found Seokjin. "If you're feeling down, why didn't you call me?" Yoongi started. 

"I'm not just feeling down, my family is suddenly beginning to fall a part. You think it's easy to talk about all the time? Like I don't have other friends that-" "Watch your mouth, I'm only trying to help." Yoongi stopped at the red light. 

"It's good that you have Seokjin and Taehyung, but if something's wrong, you come to me first." 

The sound of Jimin crying suddenly filled up Yoongi's car. 

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