Chapter 44 (part one)

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Chapter 44 (part one)

They were gonna take off soon so Jimin decided that he should probably call Jae already, but it was hard having a few minutes to himself when he was with Yoongi all the time. "Baby?" Jimin looked up from his book. 

"I'm gonna go buy some things for breakfast tomorrow, you wanna come with?" Jimin shook his head. "I wanna finish this book." Yoongi went into the bedroom and gave Jimin a kiss before going. 

As soon as Jimin heard the front door shut, he got out his phone and found Jae's number. 

"Jae?!" "Jiminie? How are you?" "Fine. Listen...Yoongi knows what happened between us." Jae widened his eyes, running his hand through his hair, not knowing what else to do. "I'm so sorry, but I had to tell him. Look. He told me wouldn't hurt you, but you and I both know that that's exactly what he's gonna do. I love Yoongi, but I care about you too. I-I really think you should leave town hyung." 

"O-oka-okay, I'll think of something Jimin. I'll text you." "Okay, please hurry. Bye." 

Jimin sighed as he hung up, happy he got to warn the older male about Yoongi. 



Shizzle heuehueheu


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