Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"Are you sober?" Yoongi asked the boy once everyone had left the roof. "I drank two of those things you gave me, so I don't know." Jimin shrugged. "There wasn't that much alcohol in them, don't worry." The raven haired just nodded. 

"Why do you smoke so much?" 

"Because I like it, obviously." Jimin frowned. "It kills." "I'm aware." "Then why do you-" "Shut the fuck up boy. Mind your own business." 

It wasn't like Yoongi enjoyed speaking to him like that at all. Jimin was his baby. But there were certain topics that the older just didn't want people to question him about. Things he didn't think was for anyone to worry about, only himself he wanted to. Jimin went quiet as he forced himself to just focus on the stars. He was being too curious, he was annoying Yoongi. 

"Can I try?"

 Yoongi raised an eyebrow. "You want to try?" "One puff heals and disappears from your body within a week or so...I've read that." Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Can I?" Yoongi put his hand on Jimin's chin, slightly opening his mouth. "You know how to?" He nodded. "I've seen you do it plenty of times by now." 

Yoongi put the cigarette in between the younger boy's plump lips, holding it there for a few seconds. Jimin coughed a bit when he exhaled. "It tastes like a mix of liquorice and trash. Trash being more evident." Yoongi chuckled. He dropped it to the ground and stepped on it. "We should go down now." 

The older nodded before grabbing his chin gently and leaning down to kiss the boy. "You haven't gotten your present yet." "Oh, you didn't have t-" "Of course I did. I'm your boyfriend." "You are?" Jimin questioned. "Yes." Yoongi got a box out of his leather jacket. 

"O-Okay then. Boyfriend," Jimin smiled to himself making Yoongi let out a breathy laugh. "Here." He opened it the grey box. "A necklace?" It was simple. Just the necklace itself and a silver ring hanging on it. Jimin loved it. "You can take out the ring and wear it like that, if you don't like necklaces." Jimin smiled as he looked up at Yoongi. 

"I love it." "Put it on for me?" Yoongi nodded and Jimin turned around. He took the necklace and gently locked it, letting it rest on Jimin's neck and down his chest. "Are you okay?" Yoongi asked before wrapping his arms around Jimin in a back hug. "Of course," he softly spoke. "Why wouldn't I be?" Yoongi shrugged a bit. 

"I'm sorry if I seem a bit cold sometimes..." "It's okay, that's just how you are. Please don't curse at me though..." "Sorry about that." Jimin turned around to face the other. "Jimin-ah?" "Hm?" "Can I give you another present?" Jimin smiled. "You got another one?" "This one's free though," he chuckled before putting his hands on Jimin's belt. "Hyung." "Come on, it's your birthday. Let me please you." Jimin shook his head. He looked down as his eyes watered. 

"Baby?" "I ca-can't do anything like this un-until..." "Until what?" "Until I'm comfortable, a-and know that you won't leave me for anyone else." Yoongi only stared at him for a few seconds. "Why would I do that?" "Namjoon told me about like...being around, if you get what I mean." 

"I don't like it, Jimin," the older huffed, making the boy look up at him again. 

"I enjoy sex, sue me. And then after that, they get attached to me, but I won't feel anything for them and tell them off. Or! We date for a short amount of time until they cheat on me. You're different baby." Jimin shook his head. 

"Don't make me feel special." "But you are. To me, you definitely are." "Why do you seem so eager to get in bed with me?" "Because I'm a twenty four year old man and I have needs, plus you're fucking cute." Jimin hid his face in Yoongi's chest. "You have needs? I'm a hormonal teenager." Yoongi laughed. 

"Most teenagers are, but you're not. You're too innocent. Do you even know what it means to be a hormonal teenager?"

 "I don't have an A in biology for nothing hyung." 

"Of course." 

"So?" Jimin shook his head when Yoongi put his hands on his belt again. "No." The word came out in a firm tone, and Yoongi got the message. "Alright, I won't pressure you." Jimin nodded. Yoongi leaned down and kissed his cheek, holding the kiss for a few moments as he tightened their hug. 

"I haven't been with anyone as long as we have." "We met only a while ago hyung." "Mhm." "Let's go down now." "Okay baby," Yoongi pecked his cheek again. "You like it when I call you that?" He had noticed Jimin's blush, even though it was dark. "Y-yes." Jimin took his hand and they went down and to Yoongi's apartment. 

"Finally!" Jungkook shouted. "Why were you waiting for us?" "Where are we sleeping?" Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Jungkook you can sleep in your room, obviously. Take Taehyung and Hoseok with you?" Jungkook nodded. 

"Namjoon and Seokjin, you share the guest room." 

Jimin took Yoongi's hand again and they went into the older's room. Suddenly, Jimin gasped as the realization of forgetting something hit him. "What?" "I haven't called my parents. My mom must be so worried." With widen eyes, he pulled his phone out of his back pocket. "Mom?" "Jimin-ah? Where are you?" 

"Um...I'm sleeping over at Taehyung's house," the younger lied. "But it's not a weekend honey, you have school tomorrow." "It's my birthday mom, make an exception please," he whined. "Fine, but don't be late for school." "I won't mom." "Alright..." she sighed, deciding to trust her son. "Goodnight." "Night night." 

Jimin sighed as well when he hung up. "Can you do me a favor?" "Hm?" "Drive me to school tomorrow." "Of course." Jimin smiled before hugging the taller. "Thank you." Yoongi ran his fingers through his hair a few times before detaching himself from Jimin. "Let's go to bed now then." Jimin nodded, but before he could lay down, Namjoon came crashing in. 

"Seokjin kicked me out of the guest bedroom." 

"Why?" He rolled his eyes. "Something about me being too touchy?" He furrowed his eyebrows as if he totally didn't understand what Seokjin had told him. "So? Sleep on the couch." "But the couch is uncomfortable and your bed is so big," he whined. 

"Fine," Yoongi groaned. Jimin looked to Yoongi. He wasn't sure how comfortable he felt, sleeping with Namjoon as well. "Thank you," he smiled. But Jimin noticed his dimples and decided that it couldn't be that bad when Namjoon was looking extra cute. He threw himself on the bed, Jimin in the middle. Yoongi on his right, Namjoon on his left. 

"You alright?" Yoongi mumbled to Jimin. The boy just nodded before moving until he laid close to Yoongi. He laid on his side. Yoongi smiled from the younger's actions and mindlessly turned to his side as well. Jimin buried his head in his chest and and Yoongi put an arm around his waist before they tangled their legs up together. 

Namjoon groaned. 

"Stop making me feel lonely." "You could've just not hit on my friend so much." Namjoon sighed. "You can cuddle with us." "I can?" "Sure, I'm cold anyways." Namjoon chuckled before spooning Jimin, the younger boy felt comfortable in between the two. 

"Look, we're a sandwich. You're the bread and I'm all the stuff in the middle," Jimin giggled.

 Namjoon smiled before finding Jimin's cheeks in the dark and pinching one of them. "So cute." 

"Don't make me throw you out for being too touchy as well, Namjoon." Namjoon rolled his eyes at Yoongi before closing his eyes. However, they widened when the three all heard a sudden moan. And then more happened...from three different people. 

"Is Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok having a threesome?" Jimin almost choked. "Not my sweet Taehyungie." "Poor Taehyung." Jimin looked up to Yoongi. "Why poor Taehyung?" "Because he probably has two dicks shoved up his a-" 

"Say no more!"


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