Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

"I'm gonna go home." "Jimin-" "What?!" The two stared at each other for a while. Neither of them saying anything. "Why?" Yoongi asked. "Why what?" "Why did you throw away the chance I gave you? To have a good life, happy." Jimin shook his head as he felt tears in his eyes. Seeing Yoongi right now was just way too much. 

"You don't understand. You never did. I didn't need to be free from you. I didn't need to get thrown into adult life all so suddenly. You broke me, and then put me in an apartment, where I was alone. I cou-couldn't take it. I realize I have my friends...but they've got their own lives, and there's only so much they can do. I needed for someone to take care of me, but because of your low self-esteem, because you thought that you weren't good enough, I had to suffer. Sure you made me feel small, but I didn't mind. Sure you controlled me a lot, but I needed that. I didn't have you by my side for a year, and look where I ended up. I'm sorry, but being with Hyunwoo is better than being single." 

Yoongi shook his head. "No- that's not how this was supposed to go Jimin." "Did you ever care to just take a second, and think that things might not go exactly the way you wanted them to go? I'm nineteen soon, and I still can't take care of myself hyung, don't you get it?" 

"THEN WHY COULDN'T YOU HAVE FOUND A GOOD PERSON TO TAKE CARE OF YOU?!" "BECAUSE I CAN'T!" Jimin stomped his foot and smacked Yoongi's chest. 

"I'm a self-destructive person, you knew that yet you still left me alone! I mean did you really think I was gonna go find prince charming, when all I want, is for someone to control me?! Because clearly, I CAN'T BE ALONE!" Jimin screamed. 

"How was I supposed to wait for the right person to come along when I knew that it was you along, but you- you wouldn't respond to my texts! I begged you for help, I told you that I needed you, but you ignored me." Jimin shook his head at himself as he took a small breath. 

"I'm sorry," Yoongi whispered. "Everyone told me that...I would only be making it harder for us to get over each other if I replied to you an-" "But we weren't supposed to get over each other hyung. You slapped me once, and you were afraid that you would do it again. That's why you left me alone. Because you couldn't trust yourself." 

"No- Jimin..." Yoongi messed up his hair as he ruffled it. "I left you, because you deserve someone who can love you without having massive anger issues-" "So? Yoongi- if your temper sucks then you just work on it. You get help, you don't leave me..." "About that..." "What?" 

Yoongi took a deep sigh. He hesitantly took Jimin's hand in his and sat him down on his couch. He noticed how Jimin was much thinner than before. Not just because he hadn't been feeding himself well, but also because he had grown up. 

It might just have been a year, but one year does a lot to a soon to be eighteen year old, who's now a soon to be nineteen year old. The little amount of baby fat he had left from before was gone. His eyes were bigger and his jawline was sharper, but his chubby cheeks were still just as evident. 

His hair was black and messy and he had eyeliner coming from his water lines down to his skin. He was paler too, but maybe that was just from the lack of food. He probably only ate cereal for breakfast and instant noodles for dinner, nothing more. At least that's what Yoongi thought, and he wasn't totally off. 

"I've been trying to work on it...I'm not sure if I've improved much, but maybe that's because you were the only reason why I should've learned to control myself in the first place. It's not like I mind smacking Jungkook when he's being an ass." Jimin let out a laugh but quickly removed the smile from his face. 

"I'm sorry I left you...I should've known things wouldn't go the way I wanted them to go for you." Jimin nodded. " matter what, you can't stay with Hyunwoo." He shook his head. "I'm not leaving him." Yoongi didn't get how the boy could be this damn stupid. 

"Why not?" "I told you. For me, it's better than being alone. At least he cares for me." "You call that caring?" Yoongi asked, pointing to Jimin's ribs. "You have bruises everywhere, look at your arms." "Oh...yeah. He pinches me when he gets annoyed with me. Like you used to do." "Don't compare me to him." 

Jimin shook his head. "I'm not. I liked it when you did it. You did it gently, just enough to let me know that I should stop whatever I was doing. And you always pinch-tickle me, which just made me laugh. He doesn't let go until I start crying..." Jimin mumbled. 

"My poor baby..." Jimin got up when Yoongi was about to wrap his arms around him. "N-no. You don't get to call me that- you can't just do that to me." The older bit his lip. "Do you really want to be with Hyunwoo?" And that question made Jimin break down, even though it was so simple. He shook his head as he made his way back to Yoongi on the couch. Only this time, he laid his head on his chest and cried there.

"But I can't-I can't be alone Yoongi. He's all I got. I mean..." he looked up at Yoongi. "He's nice when he really wants to be, you know? And he makes me feel very pretty and he walks me around proudly. B-but...if-if I don't give him the perfect answer to everything he says, he gets violent. And he's horny all the time, but I can't say no to him, because he'll beat me up. And he's always drunk and sometimes he makes me take drugs for his own pleasure, and I just-" 

"You're not gonna be with him anymore. I promise." Jimin kept crying though. "Hey, look at me..." Yoongi cupped Jimin's cheeks and lightly squished them up. "We're going to report him to the police. We'll take away his power." "His power?" Yoongi nodded. "Us. Wiheom street. He's nothing by himself." Jimin nodded. 

"But Yoon-" "I'm not saying we should get back together. We shouldn't, at least not yet since we...just met for the first time in a year. But...let me that person that you need again? Hm? I have to take care of you. I can't watch you die with him. So let me...please." Jimin went silent for a second before nodding. 

"B-but we're not getting back together. Okay? I just...need you." Yoongi hummed. "Whatever you want." "I want to sleep." Yoongi chuckled before nodding. He gestured for Jimin to take the guest bedroom, the room where Jungkook used to stay. But Jimin just stared back at Yoongi. 

"I wanna sleep in your bed again." The older nodded. "Alright, I'll take the guestroom the-no?" He asked as Jimin kept shaking his head. "Sleep with me." "But Jiminie-" "I don't care if it's a bad idea, the only person who has cuddled me for the past year has been Taehyung. And he's great at cuddling, but it's not fun with people who aren't single." 

Jimin took Yoongi's hand and went into the bedroom. He stopped in his tracks as he took a moment to look around Yoongi's room. It didn't look very different from before. 

Yoongi handed him an oversized shirt and Jimin didn't waste any time removing his uncomfortable tight clothes. "..." Jimin innocently looked up at Yoongi with big eyes. 


"Can you u-um..." 

"I can't hear you darling." 


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