Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Jimin looked at his small fingers that were rested on his lap. Yoongi stood in front of the boy that was sat on the couch. He had already made Taemin leave. It didn't take much, he just had to make his iconic deathglare. 

"What the hell do you think you were doing?" "Nothing," Jimin whined. "I told you, nothing happened and nothing was going to happen!" "Don't raise your voice at me boy!" When Yoongi was drunk, his temper was a lot shorter than it already was with him sober. Jimin sighed as he looked down again. 

He stood up, grabbing his jacket. "Go to bed Yoongi. I don't want to discuss anything with you when you're drunk." "You think you get to leave now?" The ginger nodded. "I'll come by tomorrow morning," he mumbled. 

Yeah, that's what he thought. 

He patted his pockets. He didn't have any cigarettes or a lighter on him. With the situation he was in now, even though it wasn't that big of a deal, Jimin needed a smoke. How else was he going to sleep tonight? If he can't be held by Yoongi, if he can't be around him, then the next best thing would be the smell of him. Cigarettes. 

Jimin spotted a pack on the coffee table. He bent down to take it but Yoongi grabbed his wrist. "You're not getting that." Jimin huffed. I'm underage...the only place around here that will let me buy any would be on Wiheom street. 


Yoongi sighed as he watched Jimin go out. But the sadness of the sigh got replaced with anger when he remembered his boyfriend in his previous position, with Taemin far too close for his liking. 

Jimin kicked a rock and messed up his hair with his right hand before he entered Wiheom street. He noticed the lit up convenience store. He looked around before entering the shop, hearing a small bell ring. 

"Aren't you Yoongi's?" Jimin waited for the worker to finish his sentence, but he didn't. Jimin only nodded. "Can I get a pack of cigarettes and a lighter?" He nodded. "Which one?" Jimin didn't know there were different kinds of cigarettes. Did the brand really matter? He just pointed at the one that he saw Yoongi smoke, the same ones he had given him before. 

"You shouldn't walk around here alone. Especially not at 3am." Jimin carelessly shrugged. "Yoongi's really letting you do that?" "Why are you so interested in us?" he snapped. He held his hands up in defence. "It's Yoongi. We're all interested. The guy's popular. Did You fight?" "Not a fight...just...a disagreement." 

Jimin paid with cash before leaving the shop. "Jimin?" "Jackson?" The blonde chuckled as he went over to Jimin with a beer in his hands. He was out drinking with some friends from Wiheom street, a small bar/restaurant right in front of the convenience store. He waved him over. He met a few other guys that night, all friends of Jackson, and acquaintances with Yoongi. 

They offered him drinks, and in the bad mood Jimin was in, of course he accepted them. And it wasn't long before they ignored the one angel on the right side of their shoulder, and gave the teenager a pill too. 

Jimin didn't know though. He would never allow himself to take it, even when under the influence of alcohol. Yoongi may have ruined his innocence, but the boy wasn't that much of a rebel to be taking drugs. 

He was disgusted by drugs. But Jimin didn't notice one of Jackson's friend as he let a pill fall into his drink. The guys got closer to Jimin, and the poor boy just smiled at them, thinking they were just friendly people. He was confused as to why he suddenly felt so weak and why is vision blurred, but he wasn't in a state to voice his thoughts. 

He felt some of the guys lean towards him, more directly: towards his neck. Jimin felt himself lean his head back as he stared at the shorts he still was wearing. He felt his body panic as lips touched his neck. 

They starting sucking and kissing, but he couldn't do anything. To someone who didn't know he was drugged, it would like Jimin was enjoying this. But he wasn't. He didn't even know what was going on. Where even am I? Is this what death looks like? Jackson didn't do anything. He never touched Jimin. He just watched. 

He sipped on his beer as he watched his friends leave marks over Jimin's neck and collarbones. He watched as they ran their hands against his inner thighs and through his orange locks. "Enough guys," he said after ten minutes. He was tired. "Jimin, I'll take you to my place. You can sleep there." As expected the younger didn't even hear him. 

Jimin felt like he was underwater. 

Jackson sighed before struggling to get Jimin on his feet. But the blonde was strong, and he was able to drag him home to his apartment on Wiheom street and throw him onto his bed. " sleep." Jimin made grabby hands at Jackson before he could leave. "Yoongi..." he mumbled. 

"Yoongi hyu-ng." Jimin began to cry when Jackson took a step further away. He sighed. Did he have much of a choice? He turned off the light and laid down besides the younger, letting Jimin cuddle up to him, thinking the man was Yoongi. 

The next day Jimin woke up late. Around 4pm. No one was there when he woke up. Nothing in the apartment would let him know that he was at Jackson's place. Never had he been more confused, and never had he had such a big headache. He found his phone besides him, and saw that he had 30 missed calls from Yoongi. 

He sighed as he called the older up. "Jimin! I know you're at Jackson's place, don't bother lying t-" "I'm at Jackson's place?" Yoongi went quiet for a while. "Yeah...according to my tracker you are." Jimin rolled his eyes. 

"First my brother, and now you?" "Jimin." "I don't where I am hyung, or how I even got here. I just remember buying cigarettes before smacking the door on your drunk ass." Yoongi rubbed his forehead as he tried to calm himself down. "And you went to get cigarettes on Wiheom street? Wiheom steet?!" 

"Where else would they let a seventeen year old buy them around here?" the ginger whined. Despite Jimin's pounding head, he got up. He needed to pee. "I'll come and get you, and we'll have a very detailed talk about how you do not go there on your own." Jimin huffed. 

"Do you even remember our argument yesterday?" "Do I remember you almost cheating on me? Sorry no, I forgot." Jimin only got pissed off by his boyfriend's attitude, but he couldn't exactly tell him that. But the anger got thrown into Jimin's hole of irrelevant things when he saw himself in the mirror. 

"Oh my..." "What?" Jimin's eyes watered. He was scared. "Hyung..." Yoongi was instantly filled with worry as he heard Jimin's voice crack. "What is it baby?" He spoke softly, deciding that now, wasn't the time to talk about their argument. "Wh-why are there bruises all over my neck?" "...What?" "Hyu-" Jimin gasped as he heard someone open the front door. 

But it was just Yoongi. 

He found Jimin in the bathroom, and the younger hung up as he saw his boyfriend staring at him. His eyes remained a glassy look as he looked up to his boyfriend. "I don't remember anything, I swear." Yoongi looked down before shaking his heads. "Hyung, I didn't chea-" "I know you didn't," he spoke through gritted. 

Jimin looked at Yoongi with a curious look. His eyes were watering. Was Yoongi going to cry? Jimin had never seen him cry before. But Yoongi didn't cry. His eyes just remained watery, like Jimin's. 

"You don't remember so you were drunk...or drugged. If I know these people correct, you were probably both." "But I don't know who did this." Yoongi nodded. "Me neither. But Jackson probably does." He took a few steps closer to Jimin and put his hands on his shoulders as he looked him dead in the eyes. 

"And he'll tell me, before I beat the crap out of him. And after that, I'll kill whoever touched you." "Yoon-" "Don't you worry...they'll get what they deserve."


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